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Coc - Where To Buy And Pay With Paypal?


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i am complete new to the grip stuff. I need just No1 COC and want to pay with paypal. there is no other option (i am from germany - no creditcard).

ironmind.com dont accept paypal. Please help me out :(

p.s.: ebay is dead, only 1 guys selling the no2 :(

p.p.s.: I dont want to order in europe, this double priced!

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try trade/selling at gripboard maybe u found someone who wants to sell it cheaper.

i am from europe; at germany "choice of champions" use bank account to sell the gripers.

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not sure if this company accept paypal ... http://wwfitness.com/handgrippers.html

beefbuilder are a good brand of grippers.

search the word "heavygrips" at the internet , they sell a bunch of grippers for a low price.

my grippers are ALL ccrush, but my next orde3r will be probably a RB or beefbuilder.

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Where: This company www.wheyconsortium.co.uk sells HG grippers. But the costs are no different from anywhere else. Indeed they use one of the eBay sellers mentioned (they sell them on his behalf and he drop ships them to the customer in their name). Not including shipping to Germany you'd be looking at under £17.00 Better than £31.00 I'd hazard a guess that a gripper weighs about 400-500g at the most (the HG400 and 500 were a pound or 454g) including packaging so cost of shipping/packaging should be no more than £5.00 at the most. They take paypal.

Paypal: if you have a dollar balance in your paypal account paypal can convert this into pretty much any currancy (although they prefer the big three - yours, pounds and dollars) while you are logged in. So you can use your dollar account to pay any other countries currency.

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I would not buy Heavy Grips.

Stick with Beef Builder, Robert Baraban, and Captains of Crush

i agree ask a friend with a credit card to order for you then pay him cash.

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You can try what I did, email a website that doesn't accept paypal and ask them if they can in your case. Chances are they will say yes because they don't want to lose your business. I did it on FunctionalHandStrength.com for a No1COC last summer I think. Good luck.

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thanks autolupus, but thats over 26 € for the gripper... thats to much. I want to pay with Dollars :)

With a weak dollar it makes sense. It's like a big sale on everything American for you in the Old Country.

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