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Concerning Block Weights


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What is considered a good, a great, and an outstanding block weight pinch+DL with the Hex heads? I just bought an 85lbs DB last night and sawed off one of the heads. It weighed out at 42 1/4lbs. I can pinch and DL it fully with the right but not yet with the left. I did not remember how wide they are. After looking at the 100lbs DB, i have decided i will build the power to pull it off the floor by Xmas this year. For those of you who can pull the 110lbs hex DB heads, you need to quit your day job and join the circus, because that is freaky.


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Jedd actually pinched a 120 lb head, and yes he's a circus freak ;):D

I'd say anything above 40 is good, 45 is great, and 50 is amazing but with hex heads it depends on the width and paint finish

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I've never actually used blockweights but have lifted 5 10's.

I agree with Viking, if you are lifting 40lb hex you are doing pretty damn good.

I just ordered a BLOB50 from GordonV so we'll see how that goes! :)

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yes great job starting off with the 42.5, your left hand will get there just keep doing negatives with it, most people start with a 30 lb or around there, when it comes down to Yorks if your Pinching 40 + your in great shape

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