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Peter Horne Memorial Grip Contest

David Horne

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Peter Horne Memorial Grip Contest (Under aegis of BHSA)

Saturday 5 April, 2008

Venue: Stafford

Promoter: David Horne (In association with BHSA)

No entrance fee, and no trophies. After the contest we go for a meal.


1. Two Hands Pinch Lift

2. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - credit card close

3. Reverse Bending

4. Dinnie Ring Lift for Reps

Chalk only permitted as grip aid.

Both hands will be tested on the Vulcan Hand Gripper, and Dinnie Ring Lift.

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I'll be here, but I'll have to be back in Manc for the PM, cos it's my birthday. I don't expect to register on any lift, but I predict I'll do ok (i.e. national level) on the dinnie, I've never trained it, but it seems to be pain related.

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Dinnie Ring Lift for Reps

The proper replica handles and loading pins manufactured by David Horne must be used for this event. These rings are copied from the original stones, as are the loading pins, so they are the same height as the stones at Potarch. The weight of the large stone is 187k (the equipment used must total 187kg inclusive of apparatus), and the smaller stone is 146kg (the corresponding sized rings must be used). A lift is completed when the weight is 5cm or more from the floor, and it must be lowered under control. No down signal will be given but the referee may discount any failed lifts at his discretion. The time limit is 90 seconds and just one lift with the large stone set-up will beat any number of lifts with the small stone set-up. No hook grip can be employed. The handle must not touch the leg at any point during the lift (a little brushing is acceptable, but no locking). No wrist wraps or straps of any kind are allowed.


It'll be good to see you. The train service is good and quick.

The Dinnies is all about strength believe me. The small ring/stone can be a bit more pain related because of the ring shape and size.


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Great news! Think you'll like the Dinnie's.

Be nice to set a good target for the scottish boys to aim for at their nationals.


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reading some of the old posts about the said comp there used to be the tool box event , you should bring that back :cool .....why was it dropped ?


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I love the Dinnie ring lift idea. Very cool!

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It turned out to be a bit light for us all, so either we went further, and since it's held in my garden it's not really feasable to be running around the streets. I think the Dinnie's for reps is an adequate and nasty replacement. :D Some good strongman can't lift the big stone with one hand, so we'll see how many reps get done. I'd also expect a good number of reps in the Scottish comp, as there are some good strongmen in that field, and a couple of them have lifted both stones together.

For those who don't know what the Dinnie Stones are, here's a superb site


Cheers Thorsten and Eric.

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Yeah looking forward to the Dinnie event!.... David had a lift with your relica handles loaded to 180kg and 140kg a couple of months back.... the are fairly close to the real thing...great fun!


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That lift is very close to the weight of them. I took all the measurements of them when I was up there lifting the Dinnie's the first time.

Glad you're having fun!


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Cheers David.... yeah i failed to lift those "bad boys" together last time i was up... left blood and chunks of skin behind .... but their day will come! :)


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When I trained to lift them, I got to lifting above the weight of the stones, and as it turned out this was a good idea. As on the day, it rained, snowed, chal;k was no good, and there is no warming up weights. So straight into the stones and no excuses.

Here's an article that may help


They will come for you - definitely!


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Thanks for that David some really big lifts in training!!.... yeah last time i waisted a lot of energy trying to get them in good position..... will make sure i'm prepared next time


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A few changes to the day.

Peter Horne Memorial Grip Contest (Under aegis of BHSA)

Saturday 5 April, 2008 (10.30am start)

Venue: Stafford

Promoter: David Horne (In association with BHSA)

No entrance fee, and no trophies. After the contest (hopefully 2.30-3pm) we go for a meal.


1. Two Hands Pinch Lift

2. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - credit card close

3. Reverse Bending

4. Dinnie Ring Lift for Reps

Chalk only permitted as grip aid.

Only one hand will be tested on the Vulcan Hand Gripper, and Dinnie Ring Lift.

Order of events on the day (subject to change).

1st. Dave Johnson’s IM Red bar certification attempt.

2nd. Two Hands Pinch Lift (comp)

3rd. Fun event TBC

4th. One Hand Vulcan Hand Gripper (comp)

5th. Record attempts or/and rest break

6th. Reverse Bending (comp)

7th. Fun event TBC

8th. Dinnie Ring Lift for reps (comp)

So if anyone wants to go for a BHSA record at the break please contact me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peter Horne Memorial Grip Contest (Under aegis of BHSA)

Full listing of other events on the day.

Saturday 5 April, 2008 (10.30am start)

Venue: Stafford

Promoter: David Horne (In association with BHSA)

No entrance fee, and no trophies. After the contest (hopefully 2.30-3pm) we go for a meal.


1. Two Hands Pinch Lift

2. One Hand Vulcan Gripper - credit card close

3. Reverse Bending

4. Dinnie Ring Lift for Reps

Chalk only permitted as grip aid.

Only one hand will be tested on the Vulcan Hand Gripper, and Dinnie Ring Lift.

Order of events on the day (subject to change).

1st. Dave Johnson’s IM Red bar certification attempt.

2nd. Two Hands Pinch Lift (comp)

3rd. Farmers Walk Challenge.

4th. One Hand Vulcan Hand Gripper (comp)

5th. Record attempts or/and rest break

6th. Reverse Bending (comp)

7th. Slippery Eel Challenge.

8th. Dinnie Ring Lift for reps (comp)

So if anyone wants to go for a BHSA record at the break please contact me.

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