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Training Grip Alone


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I started grip training July of 2007 with a training partner. He quit on me after 4 weeks. I have since trained by myself with the exception of grippers. I took my grippers to work about a month ago and train 3 days a week with two guys during our afternoon break. I train 3 days a week by myself doing pinch work, blockweights and such. I feel I have progressed fairly well. But one thing I have noticed is the very few times I have had someone to train pinch with, it seems to motivate me much more. I was just curious if most of you gripsters train alone.

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I do but on the odd occasion I train with the lads here my natural competiveness means I do better.

Edited by mobsterone
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Thanks for your replies. I need to recruit some people in my neck of the woods to start grip training. I think I am one of a handfull of guys in Iowa that train grip. I think I could progress quicker with a little competition, even if it was a weekly or monthly get together.

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I almost always train alone. I trained with some other ppl for the first time this weekend. I learned a ton from them and it was nice, but I wouldn't be discouraged training alone, I do it almost every time.

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Yes, i train grip alone always. Now with my regular body weight and weight room workouts, i am about 90% alone, and 10% with a training partner. I prefer it that way, as it allows me to focus more fully on the task at hand. Grip is hard to find someone to do with. very narrow field, and most people only want a good appearence, not functional strength, or just don't understand the importance of the hands in the whole power chain.

what i do do is sometimes perform a max pinch, or gripper attempt in front of him during a workout on occasion, just for the added pressure, and the adrenaline rush of not wanting to look stupid. It has worked on several occasions. "what the H$ll are you doing!" is the usual response to this.

if you want a training partner to stay round longer than a couple of weeks, get into a regular workout routine, then start to add grip exercises slowly to the routine, if he enjoy's them add more, and see where it goes. if not, workout, then go home and do the grip specific stuff by yourself.

regardless of whether you have a buddy or not, always use your training log as your competition. If you can't beat you at previous lifts and grips, then you're not improving.

off my soapbox now, take care and good lifting

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I prefer to train alone as I can stay more focued. But I have a friend who is into grip; we meet every couple of months. Having the support and a bit of competition from him helps alot. Grip fanatics are rare and it is nice to have a little support from the similarly minded.

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Speaking for myself: I train better with a partner, because it takes away the temptation to go light, or cut a session short. My training really suffered when my partner moved away.

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I train alone, but I think it is important to meet up with others at least a few times a year. When the weather is nice, I enjoy having people over to train every month or two. It leads to PRs for sure. Going to contests is another good way to get a reality check. I also find keeping a training blog and staying in touch with a few other guys doing similar workouts helps.

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I prefer to train alone on most days, but a partner once or twice a month on weekends would be a great change-of-pace. I have Anson and Scott both within an hour of me, so not getting together with them is more of a reflection on my introverted nature than anything. I like to rest longer between sets than most do anyway. Scott rests until you put the bar down, then he's ready to go again (at least the one time I trained with him).

I will try to see one or both of them it at least quarterly in the future. Not many people have friendly and elite gripsters living nearby.

Edited by odin
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everyone thinks im nuts for doing all this grip training so they really don't want any part of it. I do wish I could find someone from this board local to train with though.

Anyone near Southwest Pennsylvania? :unsure

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Other than the occasional meet-up, I've always trained alone. Although I think I can progress just as well alone, I think that knowing what others are accomplishing, attending meets, and watching videos, etc. are very instrumental in helping with my motivation and progress.

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Didn't read all the posts but I think I'll be echoing most of them. I train alone most of the time but I would MUCH prefer to train with others, the problem is that it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to find anyone serious about getting stronger or as into training as me and most of the gang on here. Even more difficult to find someone willing to train grip. I've had several over the last few years and they either quit training out of boredom(despite my best efforts at motivating and introducing new stuff), preferred to "curl for the gurls" or just were so inconsistent it wasn't worth it to wait for them. I find that when I'm with someone as focused on achieving a strength goal as myself it's MUCH easier to get focused and get the adrenaline flowing.

On a side note Mitch, as soon as it gets warm(early June or early July) I was thinking about holding a little get together at our new garage out here in MI if you want to come. Or anyone for that matter :)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Here's a more concrete example of how I am doing things -

March 2nd - I have a test day publically scheduled on my blog for my current workout with set weights and a goal body weight

April 18th-20th - I am planning to attend the perform better functional training seminar in Chicago. This will cost me about $600.

June 21st - I am planning to attend the Michigan Grip 6 contest. This will cost me about $500.

In other words, every 2 months I am accountable to others to have results to show from my training. Sure no one else really cares, but I'll feel like a chump investing the time and money to do these things without putting my best efforts in leading up to them. This is really the only way I make sustained progress.

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i've always trained alone. people literally think i'm some kind of mentally retarded person with retard strength for doing this, but if i cared what people thought of me i wouldn't have done a lot of things i've enjoyed in life.

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I train alone 99% of the time and prefer to be alone with my own thoughts the vast majority of the time. The other 1% of the time I vastly enjoy meeting up with the guys and letting loose and hitting PRs.

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I think people will be scared off when im training serioysly. That's a thing that won't intented to eyes :D.

Still i trained couple times with my friens. They don't train grip but they sometimes want to try things.

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Sometimes it's probably better that I train alone. That way when I freak out because I can't get the blob nobody is around to see me. I have a speed bag and big bag that I tend to go ballistic on when I can't get the blob. But other times it would be nice to get together with a group. Looks like I am gonna have to travel to Zachs or some other places this year. I really enjoy the way everyone encourages each other on this board. Thanks everyone for your perspective on this subject.

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Sometimes it's probably better that I train alone. That way when I freak out because I can't get the blob nobody is around to see me. I have a speed bag and big bag that I tend to go ballistic on when I can't get the blob. But other times it would be nice to get together with a group. Looks like I am gonna have to travel to Zachs or some other places this year. I really enjoy the way everyone encourages each other on this board. Thanks everyone for your perspective on this subject.

Haha, that doesn't stop Lipinski from getting uber pissed :D :D :D

Yeah I'd love to have you and some others over sometime this summer!!!

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I normally train alone. I have noticed that when I have an audience I perform much better. With that being said I also notice that the improved performance leads to overtraining (especially with grip training).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always train alone. Most people give me weird looks when Im training my grip at the gym, its usually the people who can bench 100 more pounds than me but cant even pinch a 35lb block weight. :angry:

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Over the summer I trained with a coworker. I found that since I am very competative and he was able to do things I couldn't, that it wasn't very much fun for me. Now, this same person, when I FIRST started was a great inspriation telling me that I was already starting above where many people start. I got a lot of my inspriation to get into grip training and strength training again thanks to this partner. However, I enjoy competing against myself now that I'm really going rather than competing against someone I'm probably never going to catch. I like watching the change in the deffinition and shape of my own forearm and the change I recognize in my own closes. Sure, I miss having someone to talk to, but if I didn't feel like working out, sure having a training partner helped me to still do something rather than nothing, but I didn't enjoy it. I'm doing this to get as strong as I feel like getting, not to get stronger than someone else. I think the benefits of training alone or with someone else all depend on how your mind is geared towards working out and what motivates you specifically.

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