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Fantastic Shiny Bastard


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I have just put the video of the Fantastic Shiny Bastard up on youtube again 4 a number of reasons First off a few people have asked me over the mths and also i feel that it was by best bend done to date in those wraps as well.

I also will use it to keep reminding myself of what i can accomplish when i qam on form and it will also help me mentally when i feel low and things are getting me down.

I also hope it helps Jeremiah,Derek Captain Crush and others to get the Insane Bastard and beyond.

Its only Metal fellas "NO LIMITS"

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Gazza, I am speechless right now!! That is the first time I have ever seen that video. That makes me want to kill the insane that much more!! VERY inspiring. Thanks for the video Gary. Very much appreciated! Now I'm off to bed to dream about bending!!(seriously). Later! :rock

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This video always amazes me, i dont see how anyone can bend something that short! , Gazza wasnt your 4 inch edgin more difficult than this bend?

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The best bending video :rock

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This video always amazes me, i dont see how anyone can bend something that short! , Gazza wasnt your 4 inch edgin more difficult than this bend?

No 4 to reasons the stainless is harder on the crush and even harder as it gets shorter and doing it in those pads was well i was in the ZONE that day and nothing was gonna stop me.

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Gazza, I am speechless right now!! That is the first time I have ever seen that video. That makes me want to kill the insane that much more!! VERY inspiring. Thanks for the video Gary. Very much appreciated! Now I'm off to bed to dream about bending!!(seriously). Later! :rock


When i am after a PR i sometimes actually have dreams so vivid its like im actually awake bending like a form of self hypnosis i used to get myself in a right state for days on end sometimes a week just chopping at the bit that much i think this helped me alot as it helped me get in the ZONE mentally.

Nothing else 4 you to do mate but to get up and go and attack that Insane Bastard you know you want to :tongue

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Absolutely Amazing in every way i did not realise how intense bending can be, i'm very quiet when i bend, i now no i need to get vocal and build my aggression up, brilliant inspiration mate thanks for letting me see it. :D

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I don't even know much of anything about bending, but after watching this video I'm seriously motivated to get into it. Probably order the starter packet from ironmind, that looked ridiculously hard-that thing was so short and thick, and you did it with no pads and chalk amazing- Have many other people have done this? That looked to be impossible almost seeing how short it was. Also your forearms look ridiculous hah, nice job.

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If your looking into getting into bending and dont have alot of cash most of the US guys start off on timber ties and easyish 60ds from Lowes and the like they then graduate onto the ironmind bag of nails or the fbbc biginners bar.

If you want to cert on a RED nail then get the ironmind bag of nails but its a huge jump between the blue nail and red nail so you will need some stuff to bridge the gap there are lots of people on here more familier with the US stock that can better advice you on that than i can.

The fbbc beginners bag is a more thought out benders bag theres more graduation between the stock and its used for alot of the lists on here so you can compare yourself with more people if your plush with cash and know that your gonna stick at the bending you could buy both and enjoy them both as well as lots of other stuff from lowes etc people even swop stuff.

If you do take it up beware its very addictive and make shure that you bend in various styles eg:-DU,Reverse and DO that hits the wrists and forearms from various angles and makes you a more complete bender.

Mike Hadland[booyah] on here trains in various styles look up booyahbender on youtube and watch him bend and oh no disrespect the mans 50years old and is right at the top of the ladder regardless of age or bending style.

Then theres Derek Graybill [vikingsrule92] hes only 15yers old but is knocking out bends most men would be proud of.

These 2 guys plus the likes of Brendan and a few others know there stuff material wise and can put you on the right path in the meantime watch as many youtube bending vids as you can and take notes and learn.

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Great to see this one again Gazza that is all bussiness there!!!!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher:mosher:mosher:mosher

Great work!!!


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I think it is great you reposted the video. This is a great demonstration of what a human is capable of. Congrats Again Gazza :rock:rock

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Haha balls to the wall man. Damn I never saw that one before. 4" holy crap, I had one hell of a time fighting a 4.5" peice the other day I can't imagine cutting it shorter, not even considering the size you did. I had seen that you did this from the fbbc cert list but I didn't know the circumstances, those pads are about square huh? Actually they look just like the ones that Dennis used for the 10" S wrench. Silly tiny little things, you cut through most of it anyways by the end there. The naming is off I think fantastic dose not describe it, that should be the psycho shiny bastard if it is one step up from insane.

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Thanks for reposting this one. I also remember the 6" KOASB was pretty intence and awsome. You'll be on top of you game again soon.

And Shizen, no only one man have done this GAZZA :rock:rock:rock

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I just cut a bastard down to 4 inches just to see what gazza had to deal with :D

With single leather my knuckles were already hitting. Maybe one day I'll try to kink that thing but as of now I'm not worthy.

That bend still boggles my mind gazza :rock

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Haha balls to the wall man. Damn I never saw that one before. 4" holy crap, I had one hell of a time fighting a 4.5" peice the other day I can't imagine cutting it shorter, not even considering the size you did. I had seen that you did this from the fbbc cert list but I didn't know the circumstances, those pads are about square huh? Actually they look just like the ones that Dennis used for the 10" S wrench. Silly tiny little things, you cut through most of it anyways by the end there. The naming is off I think fantastic dose not describe it, that should be the psycho shiny bastard if it is one step up from insane.


I was sent 4 x 4.5inch fbbc shiny bastards by Ben Edwards[bencrush]Thanks again Ben could not have done it without you anyway he put special seals on all the bars and video taped the package etc i received the package and opened it all on video etc the shortest bend on fbbc stock at that time was pats insane bastard and pats mag shiny bastard my intension was to equal the insane length but do it with shiny fbbc stock this is were Bens bars come in.Obviously i was training with my own stainless at the time as i always had and this was not far off the fbbc stock poundage wise i had taken down a couple of my pieces at 4.25" so i new on a good day that a 4.5"bar would go.

At this time i was going through a personal battle on here and also i was going through an unfair dismissal case against my old employer so i was full of hate and rage etc now you can either let it consume you and you crack or you can use it to your advantage which is what i did i let it build and even chanelled all that hate and on that day of the Insane shiny boom i let it all out but i was not happy with that i wanted to better this bend as an equal length bend to me dont cut it i wanted that 4inch Fantastic Shiny Bastard so bad i could taste it so i cut the remaining 3 bars down to 4inch i still have one here with the sticker on it sits beside the bent one.

During the 4inch shiny bend again i used all that hate and anger to my advantage i was like a walking timebomb during this period but i felt inhuman and indestructable like i had been given a higher power for that short period it was very surreal and i even had nightly vivid dreams were i was speaking and walking with my father maybe my subconscience was intouch with something i dont know but it was very real at the time.

After conquering the 4inch shiny bastard i personally was not happy with this i wanted the same bend done in those small wraps you see as i did not want to ever be told that i never equalled or surpassed a certain bend because i used a certain thickness wrap so i new in my own mind and heart that unless i did the same 4inch bend in small wraps with no chalk elastic bands etc then i would always see myself as not reaching that mark i had set myself it was a personal choice and a personal battle at that time both physically and mentally that video you see is the end result of all that personal termoil,anger,hate etc i won alot of things in that short time frame i conquered my inner demons and also won my tribunal case against my ex employer.

I have been able to atain that frame of mind/MINDSET a number of times since then thats why i go into an open field no distractions what so ever you can really let yourself go conplete and utterly no holding back what so ever just bring all the hate and rage and suffering you have ever had from inside do this days before the bend really feel it and sleep it then on the day bring it out like a wild animal the adrenal glands in the mind are switched on and you have your own natural terbo charger for a breif time so why not use that to good effect its not pretty infact my wife accompanied me on one of those bends with the dog she was on the other side of the field walking the dog an d said i was frightening even from there and the dog was looking at me strange when they returned.

People think im nuts,a crank whatever i dont have a problem with that i just know that i am capable of frightening power in the right circumstances ive been in a number of situations in my life that has bore witness to this i am here for a reason dreams and such are helping me see this....................

Anyway im starting to ramble on now those that think im cuckoo dont have to read my posts or view my videos just dont dismiss something you dont understand because you dont have the guts to look inside yourself and see what really makes you tick?

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Gazza, I know of bending mostly by reading and watching, but just wanted to say that was a spectacular display of intensity and power. It makes me question my approach to the Inch and pinching, usually I'm pretty laid back and just make my mind focus on the lift.

It looked like you bent it into a fish shape a few times only to have it spring back; excuse my ignorance, was that an illusion or what exactly was happening? Did your wrists get so strong from bending or do you do a lot of other wrist work as well? Damn, I'm really impressed! :rock :rock :rock

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Gazza, I'm really honored by the high standing you hold for me and I definitely think this bend will help inspire me to try the Grand today!!!! Your intensity and power is unmatched in the bending world today and I really can't watch this video enough times. Amazing bend man!!! Thank you my friend, NO LIMITS!!!!!

Bob, stainless and other stock like that (brass and some bolts) gets very springy at that short of a length and that big of stock when at 90 degrees and closer. So it springs back a LOT when you get to the crush.

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Gazza,I am really glad you put that vid back up.And after reading about everything that led up to it I understand what it was all about.That was much much more than just a bend,and from Knowing that I think Myself and others will find a way to get some of our feats done. Thanks again for showing that vid,you rock Bro. :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

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I was seriously bummed when you took that vid down Gazza so thanks for putting it back up!!! Thinking back i think that video is the straw that broke the camel's back for me and I started bending shortly thereafter.


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I don't even know much of anything about bending, but after watching this video I'm seriously motivated to get into it. Probably order the starter packet from ironmind, that looked ridiculously hard-that thing was so short and thick, and you did it with no pads and chalk amazing- Have many other people have done this? That looked to be impossible almost seeing how short it was. Also your forearms look ridiculous hah, nice job.

Oh and sorry Shizen i forgot to address this, gazza is definitely right. Don't get the IM nails because there's no range of strength, just really easy stuff and really hard stuff. Go to fatbastardbarbellco.com and get the beginners benders bag. It has a great range of stock to steadily increase your strength. You can also buy leather wraps from FBBC, just ask John in an email and he'll hook you up.

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I don't even know much of anything about bending, but after watching this video I'm seriously motivated to get into it. Probably order the starter packet from ironmind, that looked ridiculously hard-that thing was so short and thick, and you did it with no pads and chalk amazing- Have many other people have done this? That looked to be impossible almost seeing how short it was. Also your forearms look ridiculous hah, nice job.

Oh and sorry Shizen i forgot to address this, gazza is definitely right. Don't get the IM nails because there's no range of strength, just really easy stuff and really hard stuff. Go to fatbastardbarbellco.com and get the beginners benders bag. It has a great range of stock to steadily increase your strength. You can also buy leather wraps from FBBC, just ask John in an email and he'll hook you up.

Yep yep thanks for the advice I just looked into it the other night, I'm going to read up some more stuff on here and order this weekend then get to work :rock

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Gazza, I know of bending mostly by reading and watching, but just wanted to say that was a spectacular display of intensity and power. It makes me question my approach to the Inch and pinching, usually I'm pretty laid back and just make my mind focus on the lift.

It looked like you bent it into a fish shape a few times only to have it spring back; excuse my ignorance, was that an illusion or what exactly was happening? Did your wrists get so strong from bending or do you do a lot of other wrist work as well? Damn, I'm really impressed! :rock:rock:rock


Thankou very much the stuff you do with the blobs is equally impressive to me and your Inch work is produceing results as well .

Its always nice to have a none bender come into our forum and congratulate us on are accomplishments so again thanks 4 that it means i am getting somewhere when other guys outside the bending community take note also :D

Early on in my grip career i new i was better at bending than other grip stuff plus the art of starting with straight steel then destroying it fasinates me the fact the flesh and bone is stronger than steel.

After the 2002 British Nail Bending Champs which i went along to spectate and was talked into entering the novices section which i won despite never touching a nail before that i was hooked when i came back from that comp i analised my results against others in the intermediates and advanced and even beat a few of there times why when some of these people have had years of grip experience and me none i often went to sleep thinking about that i then found the gripboard and watched what others were upto i then started doing other grip stuff but i quickly became board and could never really give my all to it like bending altho i did do alot of barrel and stone lifting at the time as i like to feel strong all over bending makes me feel like that also.

I started chatting with pat via pms and emails and he was good enough to give me great advice and sent me a large box of stuff bent and some stuff to try i wasted no time in trying the unbent stuff and was quickly brought down to earth with a bang :D upon trying a g5 bolt.

Pat was giving me infirmation but was also letting me know that i had to find my own way and that you have to look inside yourself but i did not know this at the time,shortly after i got the g5 bolt the g8 was elite at the time and the red was world class i git above my station i had the m,indset but not the wrist strength i had a go at the g8 to early and injured my wrist the following day pissed at myself for being a wuss[ego and rage took over] i had another go at the g8 and further injured my wrist this took over 16mths to heal properly as i kept on bending and reinjureing it i then took notice and started to experiment with my bending doing other styles at that time i was just doing reverse i learned that half du and do finish did not agrivate my injury at this time Pat had just bent a couple of REDS but Gavin Holle had just beaten him to the Ironmind article this was when everyone then started adapting to the DO style but the real clever benders like pat carried on trying there bending in various styles i was then bending excluseivelly DO style.

David Horne was useing the comp bars and i was going to his to cert him and jim wylie i new that they were bending reverse style so i thought i better brush up on it like a fool[ego] i blasted straight into some bars reverse without a warmup and without gently easing back into it i injured my forearm but i carried on thinking its only the tendons getting used to it i also developed carpel tunnel in my opposite wrist and on the day at David Hornes i think i managed a 212k challenge bar reverse despite have killed a 240 one awhile before that that really pissed me off and right there and then i decided that i would train my wrists and bending DO,DU and reverse style.

About 4mths out from the 2005 british nail bending champs i was bending some cut down rebar and i slipped on the crush and injured my right wrist but again perseveered for a month before realiseing that the injury would not heal without rest.

I accompanied maxwell to the 2005 brits i was not entering as iwas learning and did not want to reinjure the injury but at the comp some friendly smack talk was cerculateing about the Stafford boys going to kick my ass in the bending so i entered and despite not bending for 3mths and comeing off of an injury i won so was pleased with that.

After the above comp i decided to just bend and nothing else i accompanied Big Steve to the champions contest and watched him and Franky kill big steel easilly i was very impressed with Frankies determination to kill steel that was hurting him i learned alot of valuable lessons there then i watched Pat destroy the insane bastard on video and new i had to work much much harder and to never give up.

Since then i have been hitting the wrists ans forearms daily if possible only stopping if injured or my hands/bodys that beat altho thats not maximum bending everyday.

I started researdhing the oldtime benders especially Alexander Zass and the Mighty Atom and i took Zass,s Isometric routine and worked in around myself and added some stuff of my own,i then worked on my mindset more reading the might atoms story over and over these things have stayed with me i then re read some of my old bruce lee collection and remembered he used alot of isos i also used his term disregard what is useless and use what is usefull i use this by experimenting on myself and finding what works for me sometimes its just makes me feel better cultivateing the mind i have/am exploring self hypnosis.I also use a TENS and EMS machine most days and that is just sometimes to refresh the mind when i am hyperstressed :D .I have also been experimenting with russian cold water theraphy 0on the feet.

A long post but it explains a little about how i go about things do i do alot of wrist work yes and no.

Not in the conventional way wrist curls etc i use the bending in different styles first and foremost and use other stuff around that i use a couple of light kettlebells one i have here is maxwells 16k one i use this when i walk the dog usually i just walk along with the kb in the bottoms up position swopping hands as i go then on his next walk i use the same kb but hold it so the forearms parrallel to the floor and walk along do prognation and surpination i walk the dog sometimes twice per day sometimes once so i get a good wrist/forearm workout in there free i also have calming music on when i walk the dog.

I use the sledges/hammers from time to time but have been useing them more often lately i have a 4,8,10,12,16 and 20lber sometimes i just take the 4lber and whilst watching tv for an hour or so i will just hold my wrist off the end of my knee and make figure of eights then swop hands when i need to this drives the missus crazy as she can see the hammer as she is trying to watch tv i do this sometimes to wind her up :D Other times i take one of the above hamers and do prognation surpination and if i feel like a couple of days off bending[mentally drained etc] i use the hammers for a change of pace and do all variations as well as useing a pick axe handle loaded like at the champions comp.

I do alot of isos and i mean alot with different bars from plastic to steel to different lengths all from straight to various kinked degrees i also use springs to crush i find the isos and springs make my wrists statically strong this comes in very handy fir the crush as you dont want the wrists deflecting when your putting all your power into them when crushiing steel ive had this happen a few times not nice :D

An yway thats a little on how i train if you want any specific advise feel free to pm me.

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Great write-up Gazza! I didn't know much about you, so this thread is a big help. Thanks for taking the time to tell your bending history and training methods! :rock :rock :rock

Edited by odin
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Amazing in the not just the intensity but it is the Number 2 most discussed sports videos in The Uk today and that's competeing against footballer's etc who are paid £100,000 a week or $200,000 a week

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