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Some New Bends


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I had a fun workout with Braden today, Airdevil on here. He did a spike for the first time and lifted my atlas stone. I also did my first horseshoe that I stole from him. I need to buy some more now to replace it, I had been eyeing it for weeks now.

shoe pic 1

shoe pic 2

1/4" screwdriver

5/16" x 2' scroll

5.5" x 1/4" square

Kinked a g5 reverse to like 20 or 30 dergrees and failed a g8 in ironmind wraps. Man those wraps hurt. And of course failed to kink a bastard or red still. But it will happen soon I promise you that.

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Nice looking bends. And as for IM wraps hurting. It gets less bad the more you use them. And you'll get that bastard, you want that certified bastard shirt from FBBC right :D so bend one!

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Nice looking bends. And as for IM wraps hurting. It gets less bad the more you use them. And you'll get that bastard, you want that certified bastard shirt from FBBC right :D so bend one!

Yes I do and yes I will.

And I hope so about the pain, I don't have any right now I was using Braden's, I just need to get some and practice with them more and toughen up.

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Ok this is the last one I am going to add, I just finished the crush on a peice of 7/16" x 14" that I had stuck at like 40 degrees for quite a while and been doing isos with.

7/16" x 14"

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You certanly have the power to bend a red or a bastard if you did a 5.5 FBBC sq. That's THOUGH :rock

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Yeah I got my 5.5" Square well after my first bastard and Red. You just need to work on your kink a bit and you'll destroy it.

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Ya I know I have the strength, I can get it from like 10 degrees pretty easy. Nobody was impressed by the broken g8 or the 7/16", that is the one I am the most psyched about, that thing makes a 3/8" spike look like a toy. It has NO flex in it and I cannot chest crush it 1 micron, I could even finish the fbbc spike that way. I gotta find some more now and cut it down some. :blink

Alright I'm off to go shoe shopping at the tractor supply company.

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Well Tim, I AM impressed by the G8 and the 7/16! That G8 is tough to begin with, nevermind breaking it! :rock Those short braced bends are tough too! Were you able to bend the 5.5 square DO without cheat kinking it? If so, we have something in common. It's much easier for me to kink the shorter stuff. With the 7'' stuff, my shoulders aren't that flexible, and I really have to work to get it up high under my chin. I can kink stuff like that, but it's harder. Thats why I like to kink alot of stuff DU, than switch to DO. Just more comfortable for me. But, I have been working on my DO, and it's getting better every workout. On my recent Grand Bastard attempt, I kinked it to like 10 degrees DU, then went DO from there. Like you, I'm still discovering where I feel comfortable and powerful in my DO form. I have been experimenting with it down lower with good results. Nice work on the bends, and GOOD JOB!! :D

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Thanks allot man, I didn't cheat kink the 5.5" I did it all the way. Ya I know it has to be flexibilty. I would like to be able to do what you are doing but my DU is terrible. My reverse is way better and I am only nearing a g5 on that. I need to work on that as well. I have just been focusing more on spike stuff recently. I think since working with this crs like 7/16" I should be able to get a pretty short 1/2" of a36 when I get some, hopefully pretty soon.

My top and rear shoulders and biceps are sore as hell from breaking that g8 already. That is no joke, you guys that are breaking reds are freakin nuts. I still wanna see someone else try and break a long bar though. I need to scroll a present for my grandfathers birthday soon so I can't tear myself up too bad right now but I will try it soon.

Foxman have you tried any shoes yet? I tried it for the first time and they are damn fun. I went out and got a bunch more today. There is allot more grip and odd angle wrist strength challenged with a shoe vs a straight bend. I bet with your big DU you probably have very strong overall wrist strenght and would be well suited for it.

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Tim, I have actually bent some shoes. So far, I've bent a Diamond classic 000,00,0, and 1. Diamond Hind 00,0,1. Got about a 1/2'' bend in a Diamond PL1 Bronco shoe!(VERY TOUGH) Also did a St. Croix Ultralight 1(ALOT easier than the Diamond shoes). My goal shoes are the DC2 that came with my FBBC bag(will try to cert on this soon), St. Croix Lite 3, Diamond PL1, and St. Croix Reg. 2 rim shoe. They are fun, but, they take alot out of me!! Later! :D

Thanks allot man, I didn't cheat kink the 5.5" I did it all the way. Ya I know it has to be flexibilty. I would like to be able to do what you are doing but my DU is terrible. My reverse is way better and I am only nearing a g5 on that. I need to work on that as well. I have just been focusing more on spike stuff recently. I think since working with this crs like 7/16" I should be able to get a pretty short 1/2" of a36 when I get some, hopefully pretty soon.

My top and rear shoulders and biceps are sore as hell from breaking that g8 already. That is no joke, you guys that are breaking reds are freakin nuts. I still wanna see someone else try and break a long bar though. I need to scroll a present for my grandfathers birthday soon so I can't tear myself up too bad right now but I will try it soon.

Foxman have you tried any shoes yet? I tried it for the first time and they are damn fun. I went out and got a bunch more today. There is allot more grip and odd angle wrist strength challenged with a shoe vs a straight bend. I bet with your big DU you probably have very strong overall wrist strenght and would be well suited for it.

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Great job! Those are all very nice, quality bends. Super impressive.

Foxman, your shoe bending is great. I'm almost betting that the #1 bronco will be tougher than the #3 lite but I could be wrong. Just moving that bronco is great stuff. The lite rim is still my PR. I'll have to do more with the shoes soon.

Tim, you're cranking out some great stuff.


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I just went and picked up a selection of Diamond shoes today. I am going to write up descriptions and post pictures for the shoe progression thread. This PL1's are a beast. You gotta get a vid of that.

I can't even get any of the smaller diamonds yet but I am really beat up from yesterday and I felt the tendonitis setting in when I was pushing so I will have to wait and give them a fair shot. Plus I watched some videos and actually know how the hell I am suppose to do it now, I was all over the place brute forcing that ultralite, hopefully some technique will help a bit.

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I just went and picked up a selection of Diamond shoes today. I am going to write up descriptions and post pictures for the shoe progression thread. This PL1's are a beast. You gotta get a vid of that.

I can't even get any of the smaller diamonds yet but I am really beat up from yesterday and I felt the tendonitis setting in when I was pushing so I will have to wait and give them a fair shot. Plus I watched some videos and actually know how the hell I am suppose to do it now, I was all over the place brute forcing that ultralite, hopefully some technique will help a bit.

Just make sure you stretch good and warmup before you try the Diamonds. There is a very large difference in strength between the Diamonds and the Ultralights. I have found it very beneficial to do a paticular stretch in addition to any other stretching you might do. I used to get injured (Very severe tendonitis under my arms, like at the top of my lats, and along the insides of my arms)each time I would bend shoes until I started doing this. I would get on my knees, stretch my arms straight out in front of me, and with my palms facing the floor, push as hard as I could on the floor with my palms(arms still straight out). You can feel it stretching the hard to get underarm area. Good luck with the shoes!!! Later! :D

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