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Hand Pain


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I'm sure tht many of you have experienced this many times, but today is my first...

I had a pretty intense grip workout yesterday and today my hands and fingers are flat-out sore, almost swollen.

Is this a sign of too much work or is this to be expected as you move up in intensity..

Here's the present W/O done 2 times per week:

Trainer- 1 set, 20 reps each hand

CoC#1- 5 sets of 5 reps each hand

CoC#2- doubles, then assisted singles if needed, 5 sets each hand

Ivanko SG- Springs at 2 and 10, 5 sets of negative holds each hand

CoC#1- strap holds with 5lbs to failure each hand- 2 sets

Wrist rollers- 25 lbs, 3 sets to failure

No kidding, making a fist hurts and I went to do some pull-ups and my hands gave out before I could 8...

Any advice?

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This is quite an intense workout, but I've read all your posts and you don't seem like a complete beginner to grippers. I'm 49 now, I was 46 when I started. I could as little more than a beginner barely handle a workout of that intensity twice a week, but would really prefer to do the wrist rollers on a different day. However, I'd be really sore like you and need to do contrast baths and icing as well to aid recovery and minimize pain and swelling.

Sounds like your on the verge of overworking. Contrast baths and ice if needed and I suggest droping a set or two of #1 and #2 work for a couple of weeks and then ramping back up to where you are now. Take an extra day off if needed before your next workout and make certain that you didn't truly injure anything. Once again, I'd do the wrist rolling on a different day.

Stay strong and healthy ... neilkaz ...

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Oh yeah, I've had that hand pain before. I used high volume to start out as a beginner, I don't regret it but it sure made for some sore hands. Having to go to work, I'm a machinist, every day and carry around and move oily cold steel just fel great(sarcasm).

I'd do what Morgan has suggested, ice baths up to and past the elbows, contrast baths, active recovery of some kind, and maybe doing the wrist roller on another day; 1 heavy set is a workout in itself let alone 3 sets to failure.

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All of the above and extensor work if none done already.

Why the 20 with the trainer? 5 nice slow reps per hand would be enough for a workout. All I have is a #2, #3 and hg300 so for a warm up I just do a set of 5 partials with my #2 each hand and then into it, works for me but I do train grip after a bodyworkout so warmed up alot anyway.


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Thanks for the replies...

I've backed off the warm-up set to 5 slow ones, I've gone to ladders with the #1 (1-5) and doing 2 sets of doubles and 3 sets of singles with the #2.

Then doing 3 sets of static holds/negatives with the Ivanko with the springs at 8 and 10 (about 235#'s)

Then 3 sets of strap holds with the #1 and 5lbs on a wrist wrap. Then using a Home Depot 2" clamp in lieu of an IMTUG for pinky/ring finger work.

Then 3 sets of wrist rollers with 25lbs- all to failure.

I'm on my 3rd day of contrast baths- thanks, that Ice Water feels reaaaal good after 90 seconds

Picked-up some Chinese exercise balls and a squishy ball for active recovery...

All told, the hands feel better and the swelling goes away pretty quickly.

I'm gonna have to adjust my schedule though cause Fridays are a killer with 45 minutes of KB's in the AM, grip work at lunch and the Fighter Pull-up program in the PM...

On another note....is 285# on the Ivanko in any way similar to the CoC #3?


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