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Had A Newspaper Interview Today On Feats Of Strength


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A week or so ago, I was in a hardware store buying goodies and the local newpaper (North Stoddard Countian) reporter Madaline Dejournet was in there and she asked me what the huge hammer was for. I replied that she'd never guess in a million years and the store owner proceded to show here some of my bent hardware items I'd given him.

She asked me for an interview so we did that today. Very nice lady too and really questioned me about how I'd got into this and how I could do these things when I really don't look much like it. Plus, nobody around does anything like this so I'm kinda different in that way.

I put together a little presentation for her so she could get some photos and obtain some souveniers. I rolled a really tough large frying pan to start off. Ripped a phone book and cards, bend a 3 foot by 9/16 steel bar over my head and into a fish, bent a 60d and I finished off with my combo feat.

First I drove a nail through a license plate on top of a 1 inch board. Made it all the way through. Then I used a pry bar to pull the nail out, and ripped the plate, then to finish off, I bent the pry-bar that I'd pulled the nail out with.

I also had some of my "greatest hits" for her to photo. My 1/2 inch by 9.5 inch bar, my 80d scroll and DC1 heart.

The gripboard should be mentioned in the article too because when she asked me where people could go for more pics and info this was the obvious choice. Plus we talked about how that most people who do legitimate feats of strength seemed to gravitate towards hand / grip strength.

Had a really great time and hope the article comes out well. All in all a great experience and every feat went off without a hitch.

I'll scan the article when it comes out in next Wednesday's paper.


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Wow great story Tim. I wonder what the people in your town will think? :D I can't wait to see the article!!

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Thanks for the great story Tim. I look forward to seeing the article.


You'll be a great representative for all of us and what we do! Don't forget to post the article when it comes out please.

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looking forward to the article, thats great, would love to obtain a copy of it!

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I too can hardly wait to see the article!!! Neat story Tim :rock :rock :rock

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Good job Tim and thanks for sharing with us :rock

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Yeah bending the same pry bar that you used to pull the nail must have been a sick demonstration for the common man to see. And aslo what where the dimensions of the pry bar?

Really looking forward to reading the article!

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Thanks all.

Kerbjr. It was a mintcraft 15 inch pry-bar. Pretty routine bend for me. Some 15s are harder but this is a safe bend for me but it's still plenty strong in case somebody else wants to try it.

David, yeah I thought the combo idea was a good one and I've not seen anybody else do that. Not saying I made it up but I can say I didn't copy it. I was showing somebody one time how I drive a nail and I needed to pull the old nails out of the board and all I had was one of my pry-bars so I kinda got the idea from there. Then including the license plate sorta came later. I think it's a good way to "proove" the pry-bar. This was the first time I've combined all 3 in front of anybody.

The diminsions on the bar are 15 inches long and I've not measured the width but it's probably 1.5 inches or so and close to a 1/4 inch thick I'm guessing. There's an old pic of a bent one in my gallery.

I enjoyed it and I hope it's the first of many ;) .


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I can't wait to see the article!!

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Congratulations Tim. Like everybody else, I can't wait to see the article. Sounds like you made quite the impression.

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I might mention too that I was holding the board so to drive it through the plate and the board with so little running room was something I was pretty pleased with.


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I love hearing about this kind of positive exposure for our nutiness. Great performance there, Tim! I, too, can't wait for the article!

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I love hearing about this kind of positive exposure for our nutiness. Great performance there, Tim! I, too, can't wait for the article!

Haha me too Eric. And Tim amke sure to let us know if you get any strange looks or conversations on the street due to this article. :D;)

Edited by vikingsrule92
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay you guys aren't going to believe this.

First, when we went to check the wednesday paper over a week ago that my article was suppose to be in, it wasn't there. I saw the lady and she told me that her digital camera messed up and lost all those good action shots she took. Well, she brought all the bent stuff into the post office and we set them up and she just took another pic with me behind them. Well, guess what? Again, no article yesterday. I saw her again Monday and she told me that she ended up having to reformat her memory card on her camera.

Well, we set up and took the pic again monday and with any degree of luck it will be in next week's paper.

I couldn't believe it all.


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