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St. Croix Polo 1


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Hopefully this will put me first on the list :rock

Hands really hurt today and it didn't help that I had gotten off work 5 minutes before this bend. Nevertheless I still think I could've turned it into a heart but the camera I was using was going to run out of space at about 3 1/2 minutes so I was racing the clock.

BTW, kudos to whomever can name the band ;)

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Great job with that Polo. Very Strong :bow

I can't name that song, but I definitely know where I've heard the quote in your sig line. Lamb of God :devil:rock

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven" Such is the rule of honor.

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Thanks guys!

Great bend Zach!!! I thought Polo's said Polo1 on the shoe? That's what mine say.

I don't know, these cam straight out of the box from FBBC. These have the same markings as the UL Size 1's except they are NOTICEABLEY more stout. Perhaps it matters where they were made? There's a high res pic of the shoe in my gallery so look away.

I can't name that song, but I definitely know where I've heard the quote in your sig line. Lamb of God

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven" Such is the rule of honor.

:mosher :mosher LAMB OF GOD :mosher :mosher

The song is by a russian "gypsy punk" band, that should narrow it down considerably ;)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Oh okay, I don't know why they're different, maybe John can chime in and tell where he gets his polo's from. I got mine from a local St. Croix dealership and they say "1 POLO". I believe you, I just don't know why the markings are different.

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Great job on that bend Zach,looked good. :rock I don't know that tune,but cool t-shirt,Zeppelin kicks a@s. :cool

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Awesome bend Zach, especially doing a majority of the crushdown (from 90 to 180 degrees) over your thigh without a pad :rock . Man, that's gotta hurt like hell. Earlier this afternoon, I tried the technique Foxman demonstrated on his DC#1 video, and was able to smoke the SCF-Polo#2 to 90 degrees or so with no problem. I found this to be much easier for me and my beer-enhanced physique than the traditional sideways pulling style everybody uses (and which I use for the SCF-UL#2). I did find that I still have to use the sideways pull to get the shoe just past 90 degrees before I can do the crush to 180 though.

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Nice bend Zach!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Super nice bend!

I just looked at my polo #2 heart that I made for my wife a while back and it does say "2 polo" on it. Maybe a different batch.

The way you can tell a polo from an ultra lite is that on a polo shoe, the inner ridge or rim is higher than the outer, where on the ultra lite they are the same height or thickness.

Where's Chris Rider when you need him?

Great job again and congrats on possibly being the first cert.


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Very nice. I'm sure you can do a heart shape in time for Valentine's Day.

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Thanks everyone :blush

Awesome bend Zach...

I'm not gonna lie, it hurt alittle :D I've tried the Fox technique as well(it's a pretty fun way of doing it Jeremiah!) it is ALOT easier getting the shoe to 90. Since my chest isn't up to snuff it's not the way for me to go with tougher shoes :( The Fox technique is actually easier to learn too now that I think about it.

The way you can tell a polo from an ultra lite is that on a polo shoe, the inner ridge or rim is higher than the outer, where on the ultra lite they are the same height or thickness.


I've got my fingers crossed!

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Polo markings or not she's a polo. Like was said, probably just a different batch or something. Seems like everything we bend varies, batch to batch.

Awesome job. That's a good shoe.


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Nice shoe bending Zach!! :rock :rock :rock I predict a nice 2'' bruise on your upper thigh in about 12 hours.....LOL! :D My thigh just healed up. Now it's time to put a bigger bruise on it with the Diamond PL bronco shoes! :fear

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Polo markings or not she's a polo. Like was said, probably just a different batch or something. Seems like everything we bend varies, batch to batch.

Awesome job. That's a good shoe.


Huh, well Ok then :rolleyes I'll have to ask John where he got them.

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Congratulations, Zach!

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Nice work on the Polo :rock

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