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Poll: Mvgg-whom U Admire The Most?


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Temmu I for beeing so humble ; he's an expert as well.

His mental power makes me believe everything its possible to be reached (goals). looking at him all people undertand the motto: " u dont need to be a huge to be BIG at this sport! he's like Rocky Balboa!

A close second to A.Concorran and Peter kerr for different reasons...

A.C its always available to answer quest and have mental power (talking about mental power ... this guy its from another planet , i think if he want he can eat iron!-) his mental strenght its very difficult to find in these days.

Peter its an actor:-) (jk)(i hope u will do in a great fashion!)

like A.C always he's always available to help and he's like TEmmu a small guy with a great attitude and power in his hands!

there are toons of good people here , this board its HUGE in terms of ... EVERYTHING!

I am very happy to be a part of this family!

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i know its difficult to point a finger to someone ... this is about merit.

its like giving an award .. the oscar goes to ...

i hope someone vote :)

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There's no poll Hugo.

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Probably Aaron for helping me to get to the point I am today. For all of the help with tweaking form and technique and all of the knowledge he's passed on to me. And also for being so insanely humble as to think a KOAB bend was a decent day, or the day he bent a 6 1/8" Edgin (pre-BBB) and said he was having an "off" day.

Also people like Booyah, Brendan, Gazza, and others for constant encouragement and inspiration.

And all of the AZ guys for being great guys who've always pushed me to my outer limits, especially Big John with his incessant screaming and yelling to push me :D

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I 've had made alot of friends since joining the gripboard and gotten a lot of advice from them

and now that I'm traveling to some of the contest starting meet most of them.

Bencrush, John Eaton, Handgripperman, Fatboy, Mike Hadland, Eric Milfeld,

Ryan klein, Steve B. , Climber 511 and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other guys here too

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There are alot of strong grippers on this board that I admire, but two guys that have been on fire are Brendan Dywer and Aaron Corcorran. Those two always seem to be setting some type of grip pr! :rock

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Less arse licking more serious training. I think this thread is pointless. :cool;)

Edited by CoC#3
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Less arse licking more serious training. I think this thread is pointless. :cool;)

Sam, that's an ignorant post and you know it. We're paying dues to those who inspire and motivate us not "arse licking".

This seems like a BB.com type post not one I'd expect on GB.

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Got to give props to Wes.

I've said a couple times before it was Wes' #3 close at 16yrs old video that got me started in grip in the first place.

We're roughly the same age, and handsize. Wes has out of this world grip strength in all areas of grip it's just awe inspiring.

I'm a lot stronger than I would have been if not for Wes and his #3 gripper. Keep shutting big grippers and inspiring the rest of us Wes :rock

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i admire Sam Salomi for his honesty concerning this post! cheers my friend!

Mike/Autolupos: my fault , this is not a Poll in fact i am looking for "paying dues paying dues to those who inspire and motivate us not" like Derek said.


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2 I can think of- Heath Sexton and Ben. Great guys that have always helped out and given back. Shit, there are many more.

Of course, I'm not listing my many friends that I see in "real life"- Dave Thorton, Jeff Flynn, Ryan Klein, Scott Styles, etc.

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I would have to say definitely Derek G. or Aaron C. Aaron is a great all around grip man, but Derek has given me a world of advice. They are both great members of the grip community and I hope that someday I will be able to pass on advice and tips as they have passed on to me.

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"I hope that someday I will be able to pass on advice and tips as they have passed on to me. "

excellent IDEA!

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"I hope that someday I will be able to pass on advice and tips as they have passed on to me. "

excellent IDEA!


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For me it's Bill Piche and Steve Wiener. They were working on a lot of new ideas and training schemes early on. Steve put up a video early on of setting and working a gripper and they both worked over 3 years to close the #3. On top of that Bill runs this baby and without him we wouldn't be talking grip and he developed KTA.

There are quite a few more that have done a lot for grip as far as advice and ideas but these two really stick out ot me.

Thanks for the mention Bob.

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After reading Chris Rice's thread about 2007 for him (Climber511), I decided that he is the man.

I don't think most can comprehend the risk of injury that increases with age, and what it takes to heal from injury in terms of time. Read how many PRs he had. He is months away from 60 years of age.

We joke about Geezerhood and all that stuff, but improvement while avoiding, tolerating, and healing is quite an accomplishment in itself. His performance reminds me of George Blanda's 1970 football season, or the late great Al Oerter's quest (failed, but noble) for his 5th Gold Medal in the discus. They were in their 40s, not late 50s. No, he is not MVP caliber, but he is Top 25 in the US, and the last time I checked there were a lot more than that many in the Sport.

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For me, Chris Rice, Hubgeezer, Ben Edwards, David Horne, Steve Gardener, Clay Edgin, Richard Sorin and sigh, I hate to admit this but...John Hicks... can't help it, he's a great ambassador, I'd never considered grip until I'd heard from him!

Also, for different reasons, Pete Kerr, Sam Solomi(sp?) and Elizabeth Horne.

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well :cool i joined 25-August 04 and if you were here then and are still gripping pinching hubbing and all round strongmaning and its now jan 3- 2008 then i admire all you guys the most even if you are just reading the posts :rock

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To name a few:

- Bill P: Gripboard founder

- David H: Allround gripmaster, started organizing grip comps and doing grip feats decades ago.

- Richard S: Kind of the american counterpart of David H.

- Tom Black: got the gripboard members into bending

- Pat: took bending to a new level when bending a blue nail was still considered a big deal

- Mikael Siversson: first to create accurate lists of records performed during grip contests. Worked on setting standards.

- Heath: took grippers to a new level on this board, was doing high reps with a #3 when closing a #3 was still considered world-class

- The Steves: Steve W (se, Steve G (thick bar daddy, creator of MDB) and Big Steve McG.

- The Holle Brothers: altough they never really proved themselves in competition i am sure they'll remain legends in this sport. The first grip board members to close a #4 and bend a red came from this family.

- Gripper42004 aka Tommy: first gripboard member to no set close two #3s on video. Master of the 'wow' factor.

- Oh and John Hicks for creating a legendary forearms pose :p

Many other GREAT guys.

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You know you guys have named a lot of great people who are legends of our sport but you've forgotten to mention one of the first guys in this sport, John Brookfield. He was the guy who first bent a Red and made grip a big deal. He was one of the original innovators of this sport and is a legend in my mind.

Edited by vikingsrule92
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