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I Did Get It!


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Of all my goals for 2007 end, the Bastard was the biggest: (one of Dimmer's Hard Bastards)1st Bastard bend!

My reverse has gone reverse!!! G8 maybe by Xmas 2008! :angry:

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Big congrats! That's a major-league bend to be proud of.


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NICE!!!! :rock Congrats on this milestone bend!!

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Well done :rock I knew you could do this long ago!

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Really nice man!!! Congrats, the RED & the Bastard have fallen!!!

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Great Job Mike I am happy for you that you made your mark Great Job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Now you are truly a bastard in your own right -- mom would so be proud-LOL :laugh

No seriously this is a milestone bend for anyone. I think we all tend to get numbed to this fact after seeing the strongest benders on the planet go another step further in their personal human potential. I do know that every one of these guys including me had the will to overcome that bastard and with that victory came momentum for the next PR and after all aren't we just PR chasers? :cool

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Great work Mike,Your a bending animal. :rock

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Great bend! And way off center! I could tell just after you kinked it that it would turn out to be off center. A question, when they turn out off center is the bend always closer to your left hand? If so the next time you bend and start notecing that it's going to be off center. flip sides, you should then equlize it a bit. works great for me

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Great bend! And way off center! I could tell just after you kinked it that it would turn out to be off center. A question, when they turn out off center is the bend always closer to your left hand? If so the next time you bend and start notecing that it's going to be off center. flip sides, you should then equlize it a bit. works great for me

Yeah I agree with this. You might be applying more pressure to one side than the other accidentally and it's causing it to be way off center. Try out some stuff and make sure you're not doing this because it'll create a lot of problems for you down the road.

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Thank you everyone.

David and Derek, my bends are usually pretty uniform and balanced, I think this particular offset was just down to the occasional aberrations you get in life. ;) Thanks for the heads up though, if a bend starts going a little asymmetrical, I'll flip it round and see if it helps! :D

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  • 1 year later...

This is an "old" thread but who cares?

Mike proved he was capable to become a top bender if the injury doesnt killed his goals.

I knew Mike but i was not doing any bending 1 year ago , this is my "tribute" to this great warrior!

This is an "old" thread but who cares?

Mike proved he was capable to become a top bender if the injury doesnt killed his goals.

I knew Mike but i was not doing any bending 1 year ago , this is my "tribute" to this great warrior!

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