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Best Woman Closing Big Grippers?


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any idea how's teh strongest girl closing grippers?

in my oppinion Ironmind should have certification for girls only:-)

i bet some girl(s) around the world can do a ccs with #2.5:-) any idea?

Maybe Elisabeth Horne?

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Female Bodybuilder/strongwoman Titania has closed a 2.5, but I don't think she did it CCS style. Remember, most women have hands 7.0 7.25" or shorter, so a CCS is a different ballgame for them. In fact the CCS rule was the reason Elizabeth Horne stopped training to close the #3. Not trying to start another handsize debate, just answering the question.

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Female Bodybuilder/strongwoman Titania has closed a 2.5, but I don't think she did it CCS style. Remember, most women have hands 7.0 7.25" or shorter, so a CCS is a different ballgame for them. In fact the CCS rule was the reason Elizabeth Horne stopped training to close the #3. Not trying to start another handsize debate, just answering the question.

Titania has gotten her #3 to ~1/4", that was before she stopped training for awhile. She's getting back into it now that things have slowed abit for her though so who knows, she could be the first if she really goes for it!!!

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I was wondering the same. I didn't know that E.Horne got so close on the #3 though.

As for Titania, it is a different story: she has bigger arms than most natural men. I don't see why she wouldn't be able to close a #3...

On a side note, my gf closed the Trainer NO SET on her first try, with no prior grip training (or weight training in general). I think she would stand a decent chance at closing the #2 if she trained hard for it.

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i agree Amaury, she have potencial:)

Girls dont have cert so the motivation its low ... its a shame! :-(

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I think titania has the ability to close a #3. If memory reclls she got close to the #3 first time trying it and shut it (with video evidence) withink a week. She has also TNS closed a #2. A 2007 #2 aswell, and these have a decent spread on them. The fact that she can TNS a #2 means she also has the ability (hand size wise) to one day TNS (and therefore CCS) a #3. She just needs to get stronger in order to do it. She has MMS closed the #2.5. If she'd competed at this years british grip championship i think she'd have closed the BBSM they had there (2.47) but narrowly miss the COC#3 (2.96).

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It would be pretty cool to see a girl get on the cert list

it's possible and i bet it will happen in the next 5 years. (unless IM change the rules again, and bring out a new batch of #3s with 3.5'' spreads, ha ha). If grip had the same exposure that strongman had and more girls who are into PL and strrngth training had any serious motivation (i.e money, that's what it all comes down to) to close a #3, i think it would happen sooner.

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Elizabeth got a #3 down to 1/4" when she trained for it, but this was from a parallel set. She has closed a Super Master in the past.


You are right her goals for next year are to win the British Strongest Woman, and Armwrestling Champs. But saying that she does like the new gripper, so she will be training on it. I would believe that sometime next year she could credit card a #2.5 - but a #3 is a whole different ball park.

I would say that it is a greater feat of strength for a woman to close a #3 than a man a #4, just by the amount who have done it so far. As for credit carding, no man has done this on a #4 yet!


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I didn't know there were women getting that close to closing a #3. It would be cool to see a woman's name on the #3 list but I think that day is still a few years out. If Ironmind started listing #2 closers there might be more interest and that seems like it would be fair. A woman closing a #2 is about the same as a man closing a #3 in my book.

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I didn't know there were women getting that close to closing a #3. It would be cool to see a woman's name on the #3 list but I think that day is still a few years out. If Ironmind started listing #2 closers there might be more interest and that seems like it would be fair. A woman closing a #2 is about the same as a man closing a #3 in my book.

IM could never list all the #2 closers, even for women the list would be huge!!! Titania definitely has it in her, no doubt and I'm sure Elizabeth is no different. Apparently then, as far as anyone on GB knows Titania and Elizabeth Horne are the best women Gripper closers?

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I don't think the list of women closing a #2 with a credit card set would be very large, a few dozen at most.

You'd be surprised Scott :) I know 2, off the net, who've come very close!

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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i think ironmind should creat a LIST for GIRLS only!

maybe a #2.5 and #3 list. The first girl to close #3 wih a credit card would be on TV!

is this a good idea? what do u think guys?

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I wonder if Mary Mcconaughy (spelling) and Julie Havelka are still into Grip?

I spoke to Julie recently via email - I dont think she's training much grip now. She and her boyfriend Tod (also a member here) are involved in the Portland wrestling scene and promoting strength contests. I've worked grip with Julie and she definately has the potential.

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I wonder if Mary Mcconaughy (spelling) and Julie Havelka are still into Grip?

I spoke to Julie recently via email - I dont think she's training much grip now. She and her boyfriend Tod (also a member here) are involved in the Portland wrestling scene and promoting strength contests. I've worked grip with Julie and she definately has the potential.

Thanks Morgan, I remember seeing your names together on some contest reports a few years ago.

I beleive Julie is into Bellydancing now!

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Elizabeth got a #3 down to 1/4" when she trained for it, but this was from a parallel set. She has closed a Super Master in the past.


You are right her goals for next year are to win the British Strongest Woman, and Armwrestling Champs. But saying that she does like the new gripper, so she will be training on it. I would believe that sometime next year she could credit card a #2.5 - but a #3 is a whole different ball park.

I would say that it is a greater feat of strength for a woman to close a #3 than a man a #4, just by the amount who have done it so far. As for credit carding, no man has done this on a #4 yet!


I have to agree with you about the #3 David!! There's a huge difference between the 2.5 and the 3.

Give my regards to Elizabeth and wish her luck in her comps too :)

My bicep tendon is recovering nicely, as are my forearm tears (from my v-bar underhand grip lift in Sept 2007 grip comp). I managed a PB on 18 inch deadlifts of 605 lbs last night too and my arms felt fine so I'm going to get back into some decent grip training now :)

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Didn't know you got injured Titania. Sorry to hear about this but glad you are healing up now!

Yeah. I should've known better. I went for a big underhand lift on v-bar without any real training on it! To make matters worse, I hadn't really trained at all for months leading up to that comp so I should've used more caution.

Considering that, I am very happy with my RT lift in that comp :)

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