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Grip Machine Vs. Secret Weapon


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Ok guys I need a little advice. I have a WW fitness grip machine that I do heavy negs on right now and it works pretty well but it's a GIANT pain to load all the weight on this thing and take it off every workout, plus to have to sort of deadlift the weight to position it in my hand. In addition I hear that a secret weapon works better for Negs. So what works better in your opinion, grip machine or SW? Is it worth the extra $$ to invest in a SW? Keep in mind I'm a kid and work so money isn't that much of a limiting factor, I just want to make sure I'm not wasting it. Thanks.


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I'm not sure there is a "better" or "best" one to train with. A lot of guys have gotten very good at grippers with nothing more than grippers themselves. The guillotine type machines are very good for overall hand strength but don't work the gripper specific position like a SW or Gripinator. If the loading and unloading is a problem - I'd say buy more plates so you can leave it loaded up - there's no such thing as too many weight plates. Negatives don't work as well for some people as others - have you made progress on other exercises with negatives or made progress on your grippers with negatives. You might do a little experiment just to see if that method of training is good for you before you spend your money of any type machine.

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Chris, yes you have told me this before, however, I have found that negs work VERY well for me. Grippers and otherwise. They have helped me to reach where I am in blobs, grippers and even hubs. So negs definitely seem to work very well for me. I may consider buying more plates, I just don't want to have to buy more because I already have a 1500 lbish load on a mobile home floor and it's held up for a year. I don't want to push it to it's absolute limit and have the floor strain or crack.

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Chris, yes you have told me this before, however, I have found that negs work VERY well for me. Grippers and otherwise. They have helped me to reach where I am in blobs, grippers and even hubs. So negs definitely seem to work very well for me. I may consider buying more plates, I just don't want to have to buy more because I already have a 1500 lbish load on a mobile home floor and it's held up for a year. I don't want to push it to it's absolute limit and have the floor strain or crack.

Sorry - a senior moment there - I often don't remember what I have told people before. Sounds like you might want to brace up the floor with some of your money - they tell me swinging a hammer is a good grip workout :rolleyes

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Haha it's ok Chris, you know CRS isn't ONLY a term for a type of steel :D. Yeah I have a 3/4" thick stall mat and several pieces of plywood that I do lifts on, just like I said, don't want to strain it that much. How rich do you think I am? I don't think I can afford to brace my floor seeing how I'm a teenager.

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Do the negs one handed, so you don't need to use as much weight and also can use both hands to get it into place...

I am doing them one handed, but it's still like 250+ lbs and very hard to get into position with both hands. I'm partially using my hands and partially deadlifting it.

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If you really can't decide I suggest that you get yourself an extended handle gripper made by Tetting, IF you are after the best possible training effect for the grippers. Those extended handle grippers are great. I really enjoyed working on the extended handle RB 365 and just recently got myself a BB Pro with extended handle for a tougher challenge. I'm really satisfied that I got that. Extended handle allows you to efficiently force the gripper closed without wasting energy on that and you can really concentrate on the eccentric phase. It also toughens up your palm because obviously the pressure is hard and gets you accustomed for the feel of bigger gripper. As far as I know you can't achieve that with any type of grip machine. Of course it can also be a drawback as you tend to tear your palm more often but I consider that only as a necessary evil. :)

I would say an extended handle BB Elite would be suitable for you at the moment, as latest Elites are around 3.5. Remember to ask for a smooth extended handle, you don't want knurling on that.

Edited by Teemu I
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If you really can't decide I suggest that you get yourself an extended handle gripper made by Tetting, IF you are after the best possible training effect for the grippers. Those extended handle grippers are great. I really enjoyed working on the extended handle RB 365 and just recently got myself a BB Pro with extended handle for a tougher challenge. I'm really satisfied that I got that. Extended handle allows you to efficiently force the gripper closed without wasting energy on that and you can really concentrate on the eccentric phase. It also toughens up your palm because obviously the pressure is hard and gets you accustomed for the feel of bigger gripper. As far as I know you can't achieve that with any type of grip machine. Of course it can also be a drawback as you tend to tear your palm more often but I consider that only as a necessary evil. :)

I would say an extended handle BB Elite would be suitable for you at the moment, as latest Elites are around 3.5. Remember to ask for a smooth extended handle, you don't want knurling on that.

Would you mind making a video of you using an extended handle gripper for negatives? I'm interested in getting one and I'm not exactly sure how to use it most effectively.

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It's pretty simple if you have a power rack or have access to one. Just slide the extended handle through the hole on the rack, hold the gripper steady with your other hand by holding the spring, use as much bodyweight as you need to cheat the gripper closed. If you don't have a power rack (I don't), you can just press the extended handle against your thigh. That also works, power rack would be more convinient though.

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Ok guys I need a little advice. I have a WW fitness grip machine that I do heavy negs on right now and it works pretty well but it's a GIANT pain to load all the weight on this thing and take it off every workout, plus to have to sort of deadlift the weight to position it in my hand. In addition I hear that a secret weapon works better for Negs. So what works better in your opinion, grip machine or SW? Is it worth the extra $$ to invest in a SW? Keep in mind I'm a kid and work so money isn't that much of a limiting factor, I just want to make sure I'm not wasting it. Thanks.


whats up guys.just getting into grip traing and have been hearing lots about this "secret weapon". can someone tell where to find this thing as i have looked just about everywhere. thanks for the help

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whats up guys.just getting into grip traing and have been hearing lots about this "secret weapon". can someone tell where to find this thing as i have looked just about everywhere. thanks for the help

You're a grip beginner... forget about the Secret Weapon (it's NOT for beginners), just get a good grip machine (like the BB) and start work on that.

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whats up guys.just getting into grip traing and have been hearing lots about this "secret weapon". can someone tell where to find this thing as i have looked just about everywhere. thanks for the help

You're a grip beginner... forget about the Secret Weapon (it's NOT for beginners), just get a good grip machine (like the BB) and start work on that.

Yup I agree with Syber.

John, do you have any advice for my issue? You know this stuff pretty well, you're the one who originally got me started with the grip sport after all.

Edited by vikingsrule92
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John, do you have any advice for my issue? You know this stuff pretty well, you're the one who originally got me started with the grip sport after all.

If you're asking me as to the effectiveness of the SW for negs, I say yes... the Secret Weapon is king when it comes to working "negatives" - you haffta load it up heavy and just feel out the pain (Kinney has said it is really a negatives-only grip machine; that's how he used it - so did I).

BTW - can you believe it was 10 years ago today that I got into grip??? That's right - Dec. 25, 1997, I got my original set of grippers! Along with a book called, Mastery Of Hand Strength. That's when it started for me! :happy

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John, do you have any advice for my issue? You know this stuff pretty well, you're the one who originally got me started with the grip sport after all.

If you're asking me as to the effectiveness of the SW for negs, I say yes... the Secret Weapon is king when it comes to working "negatives" - you haffta load it up heavy and just feel out the pain (Kinney has said it is really a negatives-only grip machine; that's how he used it - so did I).

BTW - can you believe it was 10 years ago today that I got into grip??? That's right - Dec. 25, 1997, I got my original set of grippers! Along with a book called, Mastery Of Hand Strength. That's when it started for me! :happy

Ok so do you think it is worth buying in addition to the BB grip machine? I'm starting to think I should.

Hahaha I love how you remember the exact day you got into grip training and the exact day you certed on the #3. You entertain me John. :D

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Ok so do you think it is worth buying in addition to the BB grip machine? I'm starting to think I should.

Yes, if Kinney stills sells them - get it! ;)

Hahaha I love how you remember the exact day you got into grip training and the exact day you certed on the #3. You entertain me John. :D

Some things in life you NEVER forget! :laugh:D

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Ok so do you think it is worth buying in addition to the BB grip machine? I'm starting to think I should.

Yes, if Kinney stills sells them - get it! ;)

Hahaha I love how you remember the exact day you got into grip training and the exact day you certed on the #3. You entertain me John. :D

Some things in life you NEVER forget! :laugh:D

Haha I don't think I need Kinney, I can always get one from Chris Rice ;)

Yeah I guess that's true

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It's pretty simple if you have a power rack or have access to one. Just slide the extended handle through the hole on the rack, hold the gripper steady with your other hand by holding the spring, use as much bodyweight as you need to cheat the gripper closed. If you don't have a power rack (I don't), you can just press the extended handle against your thigh. That also works, power rack would be more convinient though.

As Kinney and anyone who does this regularly reccomends; do not put your thumb inside the coil of the spring. If the gripper spins out of your hand your thumb will snap.

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thanks for the advice guys but i mostly wanted to see what it was since i was hearing alot about it. i think i found it though in the gallery section. as far as th bb grip machine goes. what do you think about the ironmind grip machine? i was going to order it at the end of the week

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thanks for the advice guys but i mostly wanted to see what it was since i was hearing alot about it. i think i found it though in the gallery section. as far as th bb grip machine goes. what do you think about the ironmind grip machine? i was going to order it at the end of the week

Sorinex sells the G-Rex.


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