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Edited by Burkhard Macht
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Very well done :mosher CONGRATULATIONS :rock :rock :rock

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Are those 60d's? If so that is quick but I don't think most of the good benders on here couldn't beat it. I actually might be able to do that with some rest. I bet some of the top guys here could wrap them 2 together and do it in half the time. If gaza can do 2 g8's I can't imagine that he couldn't do 2 60d's pretty quick.

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You deserve a page on www.strongmanfeats.com to showcase that power. If you are interested drop me a line and we can figure it all out!

Man that was quick! I am really off my game since I haven't bent since the early part of the year but I would imagin the hardest part is getting the wrapped up fast. :blink

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You deserve a page on www.strongmanfeats.com to showcase that power. If you are interested drop me a line and we can figure it all out!

Man that was quick! I am really off my game since I haven't bent since the early part of the year but I would imagin the hardest part is getting the wrapped up fast. :blink

I'm pretty sure they were prewraped Gator. Otherwise it'd be damn near impossible to do it in that time.

Still, really amazing Thorsten!! I saw this a little while ago on Baraban's site. Great job man!!!

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Very well done indeed!

so... who here is going to have a bash at that record? :D

the nails looked pre wrapped? but still averages out to bending one nail every 2.7 seconds!!! :rock

Edited by dimmers
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Very well done indeed!

so... who here is going to have a bash at that record? :D

the nails looked pre wrapped? but still averages out to bending one nail every 2.7 seconds!!! :rock

Yeah, and what's that? Like 3 hits MAX per nail? AMAZING!!

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i'd imagine it would be a massive kink/sweep in one go, then one big crush, then onto the next nail???

I'd guess that too. That's the only way you could possibly bend 10 in 27 secs.

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Very well done. I know how bad I was sweating it out at a pace of 11-12 seconds a nail during one marathon session, but 10 nails in 30 seconds??? That is some great work.

To answer a previous question, if you look at one of the photos, you can see that the nails are all prewrapped. That being said, bending 10 nails of the 60-penny sort in less than 30 seconds, while doable, would be very very tough for most of us here. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but I am guessing that the clock starts as soon as the bender puts in that first effort, and stops when he takes his hands off the last nail. Then, the time is recorded and the wraps are removed to check to see that the nails are fully bent.

I definitely see myself trying this sometime, once I purchase more wraps, though I do foresee this becoming the eventual 100 meter dash of steel bending. So many guys who try may very well come close enough to the WR time that it will then become a question of who was timing and when the timer started and stopped. Just my opinion based on observations of sports in general.

Edited by Brad Manion
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Ya I didn't intend to say that it wasn't totally badass. I really can't talk trash until I actually try it myself. I really am not a speedy bender so I would have to focus on it for a while but all I really meant was in terms of a WORLD RECORD I think there may be some competetion if there is serious interest in people going after it. And I love bending and all I actually did think that first picture of the jeg toss was a bit crazier looking. Is that an empty keg? It must be right.

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Very cool awesome Job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Congratulations, Speedy! Nice work, Thorsten!

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Super nice job! I've never done any speed stuff as I'm too afraid of getting in a rush and stabbing myself.

Neat stuff.


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