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Not Improving, Need Suggestions


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Hey guys, so I'm having some problems progressing right now. At the moment, I close the #2 COC about 50% of the time, but am not improving from that point. I've been closing it at 50% for about a month now or more. I usually work with the grippers 3x a week, medium volume. I'll warm up usually, do a set of 10 or two with the lvl 1, then take shots at the lvl 2.

I'll vary it some days, and do some strap holds with the lvl 1, or some over-crushes and such. I don't own a 1.5, does anyone think this could be the missing link to some improving? Other suggestions?

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Hey guys, so I'm having some problems progressing right now. At the moment, I close the #2 COC about 50% of the time, but am not improving from that point. I've been closing it at 50% for about a month now or more. I usually work with the grippers 3x a week, medium volume. I'll warm up usually, do a set of 10 or two with the lvl 1, then take shots at the lvl 2.

I'll vary it some days, and do some strap holds with the lvl 1, or some over-crushes and such. I don't own a 1.5, does anyone think this could be the missing link to some improving? Other suggestions?

Not sure if this will help, but I always start off with the heaviest I can do and then from there I move my way down. I find this to be the best for me, maybe it will work for you too.

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I think your situation is not so unusual. It takes time to get that point that you van always close your max gripper.

Have you trained hard these days? Sometimes it is smart to take little longer rest (4-7days).

And for me, reps kills my max attemps. Try to warm up just doing singles, or just couple closes with #1 before max

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Somtimes thats the way it goes,and all of sudden you can close it every time.do you train extensors as well?if not this will help,you need a good balance in any strength training or you will get held back.

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Take a week off grip training. You may be very suprised when you come back. It's hard to put grippers down and not have a sneeky squeeze but having a rest does you the world of good ;)

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Take a week off grip training. You may be very suprised when you come back. It's hard to put grippers down and not have a sneeky squeeze but having a rest does you the world of good ;)

this is so true they are very addictive, I can't help but get a couple sqeezes everyday. Anytime I'm stressed I just hold onto my max gripper for as long as I can, great way to realive that stress.

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Rest and change your routine. Change the number of days maybe to two days, one of light/medium the other high intensity, change gripper lifts; time holds, strapholds, overcrushes, max holds, etc. Change focus, work on open hand and wrist strength. Do not neglect your thrumb strength whatever you do.

Warm up differently, do 2-3 sets of 5 with the #1 and then try for 2-3 singles with the 2, if/when you miss, close it down an do a negative with it for 5-10 secs. Finish up with the #1 on some different holds.

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Take a week off grip training. You may be very suprised when you come back. It's hard to put grippers down and not have a sneeky squeeze but having a rest does you the world of good ;)

this is so true they are very addictive, I can't help but get a couple sqeezes everyday. Anytime I'm stressed I just hold onto my max gripper for as long as I can, great way to realive that stress.

and also a great way to make sure you'll only close it half the time

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Rest and change your routine. Change the number of days maybe to two days, one of light/medium the other high intensity, change gripper lifts; time holds, strapholds, overcrushes, max holds, etc. Change focus, work on open hand and wrist strength. Do not neglect your thrumb strength whatever you do.

Warm up differently, do 2-3 sets of 5 with the #1 and then try for 2-3 singles with the 2, if/when you miss, close it down an do a negative with it for 5-10 secs. Finish up with the #1 on some different holds.

This is pretty much exactly what I do and it seems to be working well. After my 3 max single attempts I do one NEG with a harder gripper & a few over crushes with a filed gripper. Other day is a light day concentrating on the crush, squeezing the gripper shut as tight as possible.

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These guys are the Gurus so listen to them... The only advice I can give is as a fairly quickly progressing beginner who is at your exact level of training.

I too noticed that some days, my strength was great (like, I pick up the #2 and rep it a few times) while other days, it's much less (that same #2 I can barely get closed for one complete rep)

I've come to learn that what Lloyd said- about taking rests- is completely true (for me, anyway)

Counterintuitive as it seems, my own strength seems to be much 'fresher" after a couple days off. Furthermore, this time off (away from grippers) has allowed me to work other areas of hand strength that tend to get neglected by a gripper addict like myself.

A regimen that consists of a balanced hand/wrist/forearm workout has really improved my own progress. Yesterday, I took another shot at the #3 and closed it to about dead parallel. I can definitely see myself closing this in a years time... Pretty much certain that if were only working grippers, I wouldn't be progressing as well has I have been.

Take some time to work your thumbs, wrists and extensors. Also, maybe get an IMTUG or a heavy Gripmaster and work on your autonomous strength for each individual finger. Also, don't forget to work your non-dominant hand. That's been a big one with me- I've neglected my left.

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3 times a week seems too much for you. I do grippers once a week or once in ten days, not more. I only do negatives with a heavier gripper. Try a certain time to do just negatives with a 2.5 if you have and the #2 will feel easy after a few weeks. For me, lighter grippers dont work to get stronger. And I agree what's have said before; take a few days off from grippers.

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Thank you to everyone for the advice, I will take all advice into account... I've already started to take an extra day of rest between gripper days, so now I only gripper 2x per week. We will see with that, and some of the other ideas on actual training how much of a diff they make in the upcoming weeks, thank you guys again, i appreciate all the input!

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I am about where you are at right now as well. I have progessed pretty quickly though after reading kta. If you have not read this it is a good place to start as well. If you are considereing buying the 1.5 don't. I had the same idea from weight training. Start at a weight I can do and add progressive resistance. But if you only have a 1 and 2 and you are only going to get one more at a time, get a 3 first or maybe even a 3.5 if you can already do a 2 sometimes. Doing negatives with a crazy gripper really makes the lighter ones feel allot easier and conditions your hand to be allot tougher. It is easier to focus on crushing as hard as you can when your hands are tough enough that it doesn't hurt to do so.

Also the same stuff that has been said before. Stop all grip stuff for like a week and your problem may be solved. Also when you get back to it, focus on intensity even with the lighter grippers, don't rep them, this just works endurance strength, crush the hell out of them isometrically as hard as you can, grind the handles for 10 seconds or more if you can. After an intense iso a pr attempt feels much more natural, the local muscles and tendons are thoroughly disinhibited to go all out.

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Squat more, dead lift more - get overall stronger - gripper go up!

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