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New Gripper In Manchester (uk)


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Today I had new member coombsfh round for a grip session, he's 19 and new to grip, having bought the HG's up to 300 and COC's up to #3 in September when he came to Manchester to go to Uni, he's a fit chap with a background in climbing and so far had closed all his grippers, with no knowledge of technique/setting up to, and including his COC2.5.

We had a nice chap and then we got down to it, I showed him the basic different techniques for each event and then let him rip:

First time ever pinching he got a 30lb blob, a 41.25lb legacy blob and a 44lb scale weight, he pinched a 6" wide 15lb concrete block, with a 5Kg plate added (total weight 26lbs)

Pinched 3 5Kg plates to full deadlift, broke 4 off the ground and fully deadlifted 4 plates with a 5lb bar through them.

He got the baby inch to full deadlift, with only a very slight tilt.

Inch trainer handle (made by Climber511) he worked up to, and got air under 68.5Kg (150.7lbs)

First time ever bending he got a yellow so fast I missed the bend, got a blue to under 2" (closer to an inch) in 8 SECONDS! And seriously worried a Red. All done "folding" style. I've given him a set of leather pads and some steel for him to practice on.

And finally, just for fun we went outside and did some kettlebell flips, he got a 21Kg bell flipped and caught on his 3rd attempt.

He has well and truely caught the grip bug, and I fear for the next installment of his student loan, cos the way he was talking when he left, it's going to be divided equally between Stan Pike and Randy Strossen!

And the best part of all is, now I have someone to train with I'm gonna get him stronger and he's going to get me fitter.

When I can figure out how to load a picture in the gallery, I'll post one of him holding the 2 nails he bent.

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That's great start :rock

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I had an absolutely sweet time today. Twig is a good ambassador for all you grippers out there. He has lots of kit and I felt like a metal magpie ina land of things to grab at.

Particularly enjoy bending. Want to try and get the bloody red done for christmas.

When i got home i did another blue; much slower but got it still.

Kind thanks to Twig,

sledgehammer practise now,


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Welcome to grip.

Ask your bending Guru what FOLDING is cause i was under the impression especially when educating a newbie that the right term should be DO style as in [DOUBLE OVERHAND STYLE] and sein as TWIG has put lots of bending vids etc out there i thought he might obviously be showing you that his bends are so easy that he actually looks like he is folding the steel hense the term used :D but i better be carefull here as the term folding might upset some of us DO Style benders a little as it is usually used in a derogatory sense when talking about the DO Style but what would i know i just Bend DO Style from time to time :D

Like i said welcome to the grip scene i hope you enjoy it especially the Folding :D

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Welcome to grip.

Ask your bending Guru what FOLDING is cause i was under the impression especially when educating a newbie that the right term should be DO style as in [DOUBLE OVERHAND STYLE] and sein as TWIG has put lots of bending vids etc out there i thought he might obviously be showing you that his bends are so easy that he actually looks like he is folding the steel hense the term used :D but i better be carefull here as the term folding might upset some of us DO Style benders a little as it is usually used in a derogatory sense when talking about the DO Style but what would i know i just Bend DO Style from time to time :D

Like i said welcome to the grip scene i hope you enjoy it especially the Folding :D


Welcome to our favorite addiction coombsfh!!!

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good start man! despite damn near passing out trying, ive never moved a red

everyone from the northwest should have a get together somewhen! im only 20 mins from manc

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everyone from the northwest should have a get together somewhen! im only 20 mins from manc
As I said to Fred, I'm giving serious SERIOUS thought to putting on a meet at my house, cos you, Sam(I think), Noob, me, Fred, Dunkster, Maximus and the Scouse Crew and possibly even David Horne could make it, and the only certainties are, British Grip would be enforced...and I'd come last! :D

Welcome to grip.

Ask your bending Guru what FOLDING is cause i was under the impression especially when educating a newbie that the right term should be DO style as in [DOUBLE OVERHAND STYLE] and sein as TWIG has put lots of bending vids etc out there i thought he might obviously be showing you that his bends are so easy that he actually looks like he is folding the steel hense the term used :D but i better be carefull here as the term folding might upset some of us DO Style benders a little as it is usually used in a derogatory sense when talking about the DO Style but what would i know i just Bend DO Style from time to time :D

Like i said welcome to the grip scene i hope you enjoy it especially the Folding :D

I knew I could rely on you, Gaz! If he'd bent the nails DO like I do, I'd have said he bent them DO, he FOLDED these bitches! As far as bending is concerned, he is so far out of my league he can learn the basics from me, but it'll take you, David, or even a Holle Brother to get him to his true potential. Needless to say any grip meet chez moi would invole a personal invite to you.
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Rock on Fred! :rock Some done and big PRs to follow I'll be bound!

(there some biguns for a whelp!) :rock

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Fred came round again yesterday, he furthered his repetoire with a 75Kg Rolling thunder lift (again, first time he'd ever seen one) worked up to 109Kgs on the vbar.

He smoked a few more nails, I've posted a vid in my gallery HERE, by my calculating, he slips twice and still manages the blue in 6 secs.

He also did a bottom up press witha 21Kg Kettlebell (which I'm going to weight with lead shot for the next time he comes) multiple pinch lifts, including a PDA blobette which has been loaded to 46lbs (N.B. the paint on this thing is slippier than a greased whippet, I'm 95% certain if he found a blob with a decent seasoning of chalk and dead skin, he'd get it).

The guy really is a grip prodigy, and his enthusiasm has reawakened mine.

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Today I had new member coombsfh round for a grip session, he's 19 and new to grip, having bought the HG's up to 300 and COC's up to #3 in September when he came to Manchester to go to Uni, he's a fit chap with a background in climbing and so far had closed all his grippers, with no knowledge of technique/setting up to, and including his COC2.5.

We had a nice chap and then we got down to it, I showed him the basic different techniques for each event and then let him rip:

First time ever pinching he got a 30lb blob, a 41.25lb legacy blob and a 44lb scale weight, he pinched a 6" wide 15lb concrete block, with a 5Kg plate added (total weight 26lbs)

Pinched 3 5Kg plates to full deadlift, broke 4 off the ground and fully deadlifted 4 plates with a 5lb bar through them.

He got the baby inch to full deadlift, with only a very slight tilt.

Inch trainer handle (made by Climber511) he worked up to, and got air under 68.5Kg (150.7lbs)

First time ever bending he got a yellow so fast I missed the bend, got a blue to under 2" (closer to an inch) in 8 SECONDS! And seriously worried a Red. All done "folding" style. I've given him a set of leather pads and some steel for him to practice on.

And finally, just for fun we went outside and did some kettlebell flips, he got a 21Kg bell flipped and caught on his 3rd attempt.

He has well and truely caught the grip bug, and I fear for the next installment of his student loan, cos the way he was talking when he left, it's going to be divided equally between Stan Pike and Randy Strossen!

And the best part of all is, now I have someone to train with I'm gonna get him stronger and he's going to get me fitter.

When I can figure out how to load a picture in the gallery, I'll post one of him holding the 2 nails he bent.

Had a thoroughly excellent time and will be travelling to manchester as often as possible to visit twig and train.

Will be investing in olympic plates, a JB loadable kettlebell, a blob if i can find one and many many many many nails.

Really enjoy grip and bending stuff.


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Had a thoroughly excellent time and will be travelling to manchester as often as possible to visit twig and train.
You'll be welcome anytime
Will be investing in many many many many nails.
As well as David's bending machine, I hope.
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Today I have (and without ywig sadly): -

TNS'd my #2.5 3 times in a row, done 40 chin ups (8 with a garden trug of weights hanging from some thin poly rope on my belt. About 25 kg). Done some two work, did a few shut and clicks on a filed HG250 and then...

I went to wang my new present about in the garden. It is a JB chubby handled fillable kettlebell. So as not to ruin myself I didn't fill it but did as many as i could (three times each exercise for as many as i could each set...)

Bottom up presses, locked out hammer curls, locked out two-handed frontal raises, one and two handed flips and catches with "barrelroll flips" as well as ordinary ones then for a laugh i got a towel and swang it for as long as i could in both directions. Funny as hell. My little mate had a go and fell over.

Lawn is now pitted with kettlebell craters.

In the new year i will be purchasing a 1" and 2" V-Bar along with about 125KG of plates. Then i can do pinches on plates without visiting manchester every time.

Still, a jolly time was had today and kettlebells are surprisingly knackering.

Merry christmas,


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Trying to convince mother, girlfriend and sister that an "expensive metal ball" is worthwhile I had to liken it to a versatile and useful thing that they could relate to.

I showed them the John Brookfield DVD's and they suddenly realsied. "Oh so did he get that strong using some of those?", "How much do they weigh?", "Why is he using 2 at once in one hand?"

There is some genuine interest but there is still the look of bewilderment from my mum when I wander into the frozen garden clad in a vest and tracksuit trousers and then come back in sweating like mad.

Great fun.

Sneaking ever closer on that bloody #3.

Looking for a steel fabricators in the new year for V-bars and such like.

Merry christfest,


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As i promised to twig, "I will have that #3 before the new year"...And I did it.

I shut a #3.

Set was between CCS and Parallel and i held it for 4 secs.

Did it again but sprang out after about 1 sec.

I now have to nail a red nail and they are my two 2007 goals done (only had tham since early december but hey.

Next year it is 5 10's, consistent 50lb blob lifts, 150kg vbar, consistent red bends and get going on a #3.5.

Also a goal is to keep things even between both hands.

Also doing the pressup challenge but with a twist...

365 pushups a day all year.

Feels good as when i gol a #3 it felt impossible and i am now on my way to nailing it consistently.

Thanks for all support and encouragement.


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already given you props on the #3, but 365 pushups a day for 2008? That's 133590 push ups! (and before anyone says anything, my maths isn't off; it's a leap year!) I'm wheezing just thinking about it!

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done the first 365 and christ, i have sore boobs!

Still trying to widen the set on shutting 3. Also playing kettlebell for fun in the garden.


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Well, how I see it is as follows: -

I can either do them as 26 sets of 15 and the extra 5 through the day on days I don't fancy hitting my nose on the floor through exhaustion On days I fancy some self improvement I will see how fast I can do them.

Think it is safe to say it is a shock to an unfit system!

May have to get a 3.5 now...

Also still need plates and a V-bar.

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