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Rest Does Help...........


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House and I have trained to the max three times per weeks for 12 weeks straight.House, being the one never, ever to "give" in, I came forward the other day and said as much as I love grip training my hands , jaws and teeth were feeling like they were getting ready to actually break. I suggested a short active rest layoff untill the first of the year despite in pain being now close to a #3.5 with a credit card set. House rolled in today and I agreed I would do the credit card work for him..."sucked in" as usual I decided to do a few easy trys.... with no fire, or nothing resulted 5 strong, slow close, back to back closes with the #3 card set ( on 2 trys I nearly made a second rep) then, the easiest set @#2.5 for 6 with a card set as well. Sometimes, it's all about training smart.RS

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Great report! Overtraining is a tricky thing. You don't want to be lazy but it's easy to overtrain if you're not careful. Sounds like you have it down as far as overtraining vs. hard training.

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