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New Pr! Horseshoe Bend


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Hey guys, this video started out as me wanting advice on how to take a shoe from 90 degrees to 180. But, I guess it had been a while since I had tried to twist a shoe(the shoe in my previous post was bent almost 2 months ago), and I guess all the bending has made me a little stronger! :D I would still like to make this sucker into a heart shape, so any tips would be appreciated! This bend is one of my long time goals, and I am really pumped! Sweet! Enjoy the video! Later!

God Bless,


Diamond #1 bend video

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Great job! You really have a knack for the shoes. Not all shoes will make a heart. Don't know about that one but some of them have a thickness to length ratio that's just not good for hearts.

Never bent that particular shoe so I can't say. Sounds like you need to be giving advice instead of asking for it.

Truly, a great job my friend!


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That is a sold shoe to bend. Not easy by any means. Looks like you did good to me!! Great job! I would say keep doing what you are doing.

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Great job Foxman :rock

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Great job on that,Just do what ever works for you.I am no expert,but I know what you mean by it doesn't feel like it will bend correctly on the side or behind you leg(at the first part of the bend).I felt the same way,but i just kept pushing and pulling and it went,did feel awkward though.

Nice vid by the way,and great work on that pr :rock

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:ohmy That's a great bend, I haven't had a chance to try a DC1 yet, just got my FBBC box of shoes yesterday and still have to wait for my RH forearm to stop failing under pressure. Seriously though that was an AWESOME attempt!!! :rock :rock :rock

A note on the popular horseshoe technique, I'm far from an expert but instead of thinking about torquing the shoe "around" the thigh I push at a very slight angle "into" my thigh and the shoe starts moving(granted I'm strong enough for it :rolleyes )

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Thanks for the comments and encouragement guys! I really appreciate it! It figures that the posting on the side technique would work when I'm doing a video about how it never worked for me!! :blush Oh well, I guess every squirrel stumbles onto a nut every now and then. :yikes In any case, my confidence in my shoe bending is through the roof right now! Thanks! :D

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Great bend, Foxman!

Don't you love it when you manage to do what only a moment previous seemed impossible!

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Awesome demonstration on how to bend a Horse Shoe :rock:)

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Great bend, Foxman!

Don't you love it when you manage to do what only a moment previous seemed impossible!

Yes, yes I do. :D

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just watched your vid. Great work on that shoe, i've only had a chance to bend a few shoes in the past and you did an awesome job on that one.

as the others have said, you'll find a 'slot' that just works for you soon enough and it will all come together just keep going after them.

thanks for sharing the vid


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Nice work Foxman that is a mean shoe and that was a fun bend to watch.The posting like you were demonstrating in the vid dowes feel awkward at first.John Eaton and Tom Kelly the Irish Anvil were showing me that at GGC this year and its much lower than you had it more down by the knee.That way your pulling arm is much straighter and leverage is better.Plus you will be able to bend it with your leg down on the ground,It looked like your foot was on something and it will be handy to not have to find something to put your foot on if the demand to perform comes up.Just some stuff to try the bend was great and that is a tough shoe great job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Thanks for the kind words! I'll have to try the posting lower down the next time I bend a shoe. In fact, I just tried it sitting here barehanded and the shoe flexed quite a bit. Sweet! Thanks man! Later

Nice work Foxman that is a mean shoe and that was a fun bend to watch.The posting like you were demonstrating in the vid dowes feel awkward at first.John Eaton and Tom Kelly the Irish Anvil were showing me that at GGC this year and its much lower than you had it more down by the knee.That way your pulling arm is much straighter and leverage is better.Plus you will be able to bend it with your leg down on the ground,It looked like your foot was on something and it will be handy to not have to find something to put your foot on if the demand to perform comes up.Just some stuff to try the bend was great and that is a tough shoe great job!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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  • 2 months later...
Hey guys, this video started out as me wanting advice on how to take a shoe from 90 degrees to 180. But, I guess it had been a while since I had tried to twist a shoe(the shoe in my previous post was bent almost 2 months ago), and I guess all the bending has made me a little stronger! :D I would still like to make this sucker into a heart shape, so any tips would be appreciated! This bend is one of my long time goals, and I am really pumped! Sweet! Enjoy the video! Later!

God Bless,


Diamond #1 bend video

if you can, give on YouTube this video

Edited by pawel r
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Hey guys, this video started out as me wanting advice on how to take a shoe from 90 degrees to 180. But, I guess it had been a while since I had tried to twist a shoe(the shoe in my previous post was bent almost 2 months ago), and I guess all the bending has made me a little stronger! :D I would still like to make this sucker into a heart shape, so any tips would be appreciated! This bend is one of my long time goals, and I am really pumped! Sweet! Enjoy the video! Later!

God Bless,


Diamond #1 bend video

Hey Brother, if you check my blog i did a series of DC1 Hinds in to hearts, as well as crush downs flat "Rider style" PM me, i got a few things for you to help get them twisted out. I got some KH #3 draft shoes in today, yeah buddy, gonna be good :cool

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Thanks Adam! I haven't really messed with any hinds in a while. This post is an old one from last year. When I get back into the hinds, I'll have to check it out!! Thanks again. Later!

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