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Ironmind New Catalog-is Strossen Purposely Trying


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This is the second time I see Strossen include some condescending remark in his catalog regarding grippers. I know many top notch gripsters use a deep set or even clicks or what not in their regular training by using limited ROM to slowly move up in grippers and then expand that ROM. What is strossen's problem? this time he titled his column 'gripper voodoo'....seems pretty weird considering he's insulting many of his customers for no apparent reason. There's more than 1 method to use various equipment. I thought he was in the business of running his company and selling equipment....

thoughts? opinions?

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This subject of Dr. Strossen's lack of love for the Gripboard has been visited several times previously and seldom leads to any fruitful discussion, hence the closure of the topic. If another moderator or Wannagrip wishes to open it, then that's fine.

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