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Training Problem?

Jorge Gonzalez

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I have a problem of training.

On July 31, 2007 I have operated a lumbar disc herniation. From that time until mid-September only coached with grippers. From mid-September I have done strength training generates, with fat bars, pinch, hub, grippers and later I started bending.

Since I took up the train generally got my marks in summer grippers not I have overcome, and even with the right hand he lowered standards; left it with similar but slightly less.

I tried to leave one week of rest or lower train any week.

What I was well into summer peak one day and another negative now I will be alright.

Perhaps training is very intense but seeing the train even 3 days a week and much more volume and intensity in some other cases; I am not sure that this is the reason.

I suppose that not everyone endures at the same level of training, in terms of volume and intensity.

I thought let refusals to one side and start working with isometric one day. But another and maximum starting with grippers weakest doing more repetitions without reaching the maximum.

I have a pain in the wrist and right hand especially when I negative, but in bending training don´t hurts me anything.

Quzás the train the whole body and more grip in general, makes no progress in the same way grippers.

The remainder of training is not my problem.

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To be strong in all at the same moment is impossible.

Grippers are very specific, so, if you train thick bars, bending and other stuff will have negative effects in the crush training. But, in my experience, is better to train all-round; just think what are your priorities and train smart.

If i want to close harder gripper ( yes all the people want to close some big grippers :D ) i'll train two o 3 times a week with the grippers, mainly with overcrushes, negatives, holds and max reps. Other stuff is secondary but the 2 lifts that i do in any routine are the pinch and wrist curls for the great carryover.

If i'm training for a contest i'll add the lifts of the contest.

If i have other objectives more important that close a big gripper, like bending the red or lift the inch, i'll train the feat that i'd like to do and the grippers only one time a week with reps. 12-14 weeks and then change to another routine with other objectives, it works for me.

Anyway, good progress with the english :D

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