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Spring Snapping


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I was just reading the packaging of one of my grippers, Ironmind state that a spring can fail/snap on a gripper at any given time. Since I've used COCs the springs have always seemed fine. Has anyone here had a spring snap on a newer COC or was it more of a problem with older grippers? If so did the spring snap with normal use or high rep work?

I'm only asking because I do lots of reps with my #1.5 and don't want the spring to snap.

Cheers guys :)

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I had a spring shatter back in 91' that wounded me pretty bad. It was an off brand copy of a #3. John Brookfield brought to me to try.. hesitating a bit I shielded the gripper with my left hand. When I clamped down it exploded and a large chunk of it ripped into a vein on my left hand. Getting the bleeding stopped was tough. IF that piece hit my eye I have no doubt I would be blind today.That broken gripper now sits in my mini grip museum as a silent reminder of that day. Tempered steel is dangerous when played with so, be aware if you decide on ever modifying a gripper( it voids any warranty and probably liability). Also, you get what you pay for! As my dad always told me buy the best..and if you can't wait untill you can afford it. Wise words Pop! RS

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I had a spring shatter back in 91' that wounded me pretty bad. It was an off brand copy of a #3. John Brookfield brought to me to try.. hesitating a bit I shielded the gripper with my left hand. When I clamped down it exploded and a large chunk of it ripped into a vein on my left hand. Getting the bleeding stopped was tough. IF that piece hit my eye I have no doubt I would be blind today.That broken gripper now sits in my mini grip museum as a silent reminder of that day. Tempered steel is dangerous when played with so, be aware if you decide on ever modifying a gripper( it voids any warranty and probably liability). Also, you get what you pay for! As my dad always told me buy the best..and if you can't wait untill you can afford it. Wise words Pop! RS

Thanks Richard, I guess you were lucky that day it didn't end up in your eye! I'll be more carefull with these little beast springs! Would you say higher rep work would be more likely to snap a spring?

Oh, and I fully agree with your dad.....buy cheap, buy twice!!!

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I had a #1 break on me.

The gripper was not used in any other way other than training. No seasoning, no heating ect.

A couple of points:

I did LOTS and LOTS of reps on it. 100 per day at least.

I never oiled the spring believing that this made the gripper easier (which it does)

For me the gripper just broke, no weakening prior to the break and no shards flew anywhere, 100% safe.

Personally I believe that not oiling it caused the break. I think a gripper should withstand reps, though maybe the combination contributed to the demise of the gripper. I now oil all my grippers, as soon as they start chirping.

Ironmind would have honored their warranty; however they wanted the gripper back and a broken gripper is too cool to give back.

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Doing lots of reps would make a gripper more likely to break, microcracks will start to develop through fatigue. A 'proper' gripper should never shatter though as they are made with ductile steel.

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I found out long ago reps don't equal strength so move up as SOON as you can to a higher strength gripper ( I never do more than 4 reps). Riding around with a light gripper "in the car" and squeezing it endlessly will insure your name NOT to be on the CoC list. Several people I know did use a #1 to spring failure. Yes, keeping it lubed helps on wear AND heat buildup that can lead to breaking. RS

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Other than Mr. Sorin's story with the tough Jubenville? gripper breaking, I have never heard of any gripper breaking for any other reason than fatigue from a lot of cycles. In fact the only other spring failure stories on a gripper tougher than the #1 is from Steve Weiner who had a #2 break, also I think Wannagrip's chrome spring silver crush #2 broke. All other snapping stories seem to end in a pop with the gripper breaking in one place.

Also, Chrome springs will more likely break with fatigue due to hydrogen embrittlement. My thoughts on the ironmind GR8 spring is that it has been highly polished to further avoid spring failure, not to be tougher in any way (my theory, nothing I've discussed with Dr. Strossen). I've heard of no stories of the GR8 spring failing yet, but they've only been around for two years. Again, reps don't equal strength, and if you must do endless reps, use a Heavy grip or other lifetime guaranteed gripper for that purpose. I personally have never had a spring fail and I have done a lot of reps on my easier grippers, so I still consider spring failure pretty rare.

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They sure do! See my gallery for a couple of pics. Gripper was a #1, filed for BTR training. It was fairly old but hadn't had "tons" of reps done on it, never did really high reps, but I guess they add up and the extra ROM doesn't help. It just broke in two so no flying bits! Fair nipped my hand though as the legs immediately shut parallel.

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Any spring CAN snap at any time when under load, it is inherent in the nature of what they are. The more reps on it the more likely it is to snap, also if you extend the range of motion etc (as has been mentioned). Having said that, it does seem to be a rare occurence.

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