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New Pr! 6'' G5 "jh" Black Bolt (reverse) Pics&#


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WOOOO HOOOOO!!! Just recieved a steel swap from Tim T, Opened it, and like a kid on Christmas morning, could'nt decide what to bend first! Since my next goal was to bend a 6'' G5, I selected a JH branded black G5 bolt to attempt. I wrapped it up, and tried to reverse bend it into submission....and it did'nt move! So, I took a breath, cleared my head, tensed my body up, and went for a second attempt, this time full force.....and it moved! So in about 5 hits, I managed to get it to where it is in the pics. Although I don't have a protractor handy, it's obviously past 40 degrees, as you can see in the pics. later!

GOD BLESS, :rock :rock :rock


G5 bolt measurment

bent G5

head of bolt-----JH G5

Edited by Foxman
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Super nice job! Man you are off to one heck of a start and those aren't the easiest G5s either. They calibrated at 400 lbs.



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Nice bend, Foxman!

In the picture they look like the "green" ones I calibrated for Tim.

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Nice bend, Foxman!

In the picture they look like the "green" ones I calibrated for Tim.

Eric, after looking at them again, they are indeed green. I guess I am somewhat colorblind! :blink lol Anyways, thanks for the comment!!

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Ha Ha! I thought that too. It's medically proven though I have a red and green deficiency. Right you are Eric, they are the ones I sent to you that hit the 400 lbs mark.


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Congrats :rock

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Nice G5 Reverse is good work!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Thanks guys!! I actually attempted a 6'' G8 also, and got it to about 10 degrees; but I was spent from the G5. I am gonna rest up for a few, and then go for the G8!!! Later!! :D

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Great job on that reverse bend,Thats some good stuff.Congrats. :rock

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Thanks for the encouragement guys! Man, when that G8 moved, I could see the fear in it's eyes! lol! I know where it lives, and it owes me money........... :angry:



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If that had been an "average" G8 you'd have gotten it. That was one of those crazy ones that calibrated at 490 to 495 lbs as opposed to 460 to 465. They're made by the same company that makes the L9 (grade 9) fastening system and evidently their using the same lamalloy alloy for some of their G8 bolts now.

Nice job.


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