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Variation Of Static Barbell Hold Exercise Question


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Hi everyone. I have done this exercise couple of times and I thought if performing this exercise with palms facing down would work more of the extensors than flexors. I figured that holding the barbell with palms facing up targets the flexors and with palms facing down possibly targets the extensors. I haven't seen anybody do this exercise with palms facing down so I thought I would ask if this was a good idea or if doing this can lead to injury. Do you think that doing this exercise with palms facing down is effective in working the extensors? Any feedback would be really appreciated. Thanks.

Here is a video of this exercise and a description from the website:


Static Barbell Hold

This movement increases crushing and holding strength. It is a very simple exercise that involves taking a barbell from a rack and holding it for up to 90-seconds.

To specifically develop various types of holding/crushing grips, use both the bar and a rolled-up towel to add different degrees of stimulus: the towel with make the grip wider and emphasize more of the pinching type strength. Three sets of 90-seconds for this movement. (Bodybuilding.com)

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I don't know about the version you are describing but I used to do regular static holds all of the time and they fried my hands/forearms!

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  • 2 months later...

I think that's really more of a forearm exercise than directly grip. However palms facing down might work your grip a lot more effectively than this because your grip doesn't really do anything with palms up. I say try it but don't overdo it or it might lead to injury. Let us know how it goes!

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The reverse grip you were describing will work wrist extensors but not the extensors for the fingers. I do not do static holds but I frequently do reverse grip curls.

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Thanks for the feedback. I tried them only once or twice but they weren't too bad. I don't do reverse static barbell hold anymore because now I'm only doing the basic forearm exercises - wrist curls and reverse wrist curls.

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I did this lift yesterday and it really does work the foreamrs, and I felt my grip being worked as well. However, I would not expect to have serious grip gains from this

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Whats more effective for you guys ? barbell or dumbbells static holds ?

From my experience the dumbbells are better , but i guess its pretty individual

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