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Cross Grip Training For Bending


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Do all of you guys do lots of other grip training other than bending? I am at a point trying to get this 5/16" where I think my grip is my problem. I feel like I have the power but when I start to turn the bar just pries my hands open.

I have wanted to try grippers and other stuff, but I just never got the stuff for it. I do heavy deadlifts double overhand and work on my support strength but this is different.

I know from trying stuff at airdevil's place my pinch and crush strength on the grippers is my weakness.

Would focusing on grippers for a bit help with this bending problem you think? How about pinch?

Also the meat between my first knuckles of my pointer and middle finger feels like it is getting crushed on the big bends now. And that same spot is pretty achy after bending for a while and sore the next day. Does this happen to you guys or does it mean I am doing something wrong?

I did get an 8" steelworks 5/16" and a sub 5" 1/4" square off center.

Stuff under 5" is just silly, both trying to get a grip on it and how it looks after it is bent. I have no idea how Gazza and Pat P do those huge short 4 something inch bends. You have to start crushing it shortly after it is kinked, there is virtually no mid range.

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I don't do lots of grip work either. I've never seen a Vbar, never tried an inch, never pinched anything but firewood, and the toughest gripper I own is a #1. Maybe I'll hit it someday but I just don't have the time for everthing I'd like to do. I will say though I think I've always had a decent grip just from genetics so that may be the reason it doesn't hurt me much.

If I do lots of unbraced bending I get those sore spots too so usually I try to switch to braced for a while and then I'm okay.

I will say I do a little sledge levering lately just for the fun of it.



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I've never seen a Vbar, never tried an inch, never pinched anything but firewood

haha same here :D

I'm dying to try the inch and V-bar tho.

Would love an inch, but imagine the shippingcost... crikey !


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I started bending back in february and before that I just did normal strength workouts, nothing grip related.

From february till september I hardly did anything else then just bending.

I got to the point where I could finish a pre-kinked edgin without working on my grip. I believe that the grip (supporting grip) required for bending will be increased anyway when bending quite often.

At first I had a hard time holding on to a 1/4" CRS as well and felt like my hands were pushed open by the bar, but eventually it got away.

Bending isn't something which is only grip or wrist related and you can compare it with a heavy deadlift, normally when you go for a max you will notice it will take you much more strength to hold onto the bar with your grip. Here's a simple example:

When I deadlift around 180kg I have a hard time not letting the bar slip, but when I just do the lockout I can easily hold on to 255kg (max of weights I have atm). So when only using your grip your grip will be stronger then when the rest of your body needs to work hard as well.

The same will definitely apply for bending. Just make sure you will get stronger in bending and your grip will follow.

It can never hurt to do grip training, but I don't believe it is required for a decent bend ;)

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I do not focus too much on grip training but I do grip training. And I believe grip training help bending and especially on the crush down.

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When my grippers go up, my bending goes up.

When my wrist strength goes up my bending goes up.

When my chest, back, arm, or shoulder strength goes up my bending goes up.

When I bend alot it goes up too.

I hope you get the picture. Any strength gains in the chain that we use for bending (everything from your navel up) will most likely help. Working specifically on weak links will help even more.

- Aaron

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I guess what you guys are saying makes sense. Bending tests and works all the things you need for bending already so whatever is the weak link is being trained.

When my grippers go up, my bending goes up.

When my wrist strength goes up my bending goes up.

When my chest, back, arm, or shoulder strength goes up my bending goes up.

When I bend alot it goes up too.

I hope you get the picture. Any strength gains in the chain that we use for bending (everything from your navel up) will most likely help. Working specifically on weak links will help even more.

- Aaron

This makes allot of sense too. It is the same for normal lifting, doing one thing like deadlifting will make you better at deadlifting but doing things to gain all around strengthas well, squats, good mornings, ect. will also help with deadlifting.

I do think my crushing grip is my major limiting factor so I think it can't hurt to try and work that specifically in addition to everything else.

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