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Pda Equipment


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How can someone become a PPCs customer with PDA? So you can order the products that only PPCs customers are allowed to.

Buy many things from them I would imagine. I think if you are well known in the strength world, that might help also, I wouldn't know. They do have an easy-to-find FAQ page.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Are you a Preferred PDA Customer (PPC)?

The PDA online ordering process is simple and efficient. Preferred PDA Customers (PPCs) have it even easier. What's a PPC? A PPC is an active customer on file. If you are a PPC just email us, identify yourself by name, mention your desired item(s) and the instruction to use your billing and shipping data on file, and we will take it from there. We will follow up to complete the order and verify any necessary details. This bi-passes our normal online order process of using the cart and can expedite your order!!

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