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Close, Close - Damn!

David Horne

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In preperation for the Bending Steel in the Clouds! (Under aegis of BHSA) on Saturday I had a go at;

23" x 5/8" (16.75mm) hrs bar and got it to 80 degrees. I just needed a few more degrees on it to finish it off. But the time ran out and so did my strength. That has brought all the aches from saturday back again. :(

So I may still go for this on the 3,000ft plus mountains, as maybe with the adreneline I may get it. Or after that first climb I'll be wasted and have less of a chance. :blink

We shall see!


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Great stuff david! just wish i was more up on bending... i have no doubt though its an incredible bend... had a couple of hill walks this year aswell.... beautiful scenery up here too :)


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Wow! That's an incredible effort David. That length that's longer than "spike length" but not quite long bar is really awkward for me. I tried a 24 incher once and it felt like it was going to kill me. Didn't get it or even close by the way.

Great job. You'll get it soon if you got it that far.


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Next time, David!!

23" x 5/8" (16.75mm) hrs bar and got it to 80 degrees. I just needed a few more degrees on it to finish it off. But the time ran out and so did my strength. That has brought all the aches from saturday back again

Exactly what happened to me on the 32" x 3/4". I was sweating like a pig. Never felt so DONE before :D I had absolutely nothing left.

I agree with Tim. Those bars that's longer than "spike length" but not quite long bar is really awkward for me as well. (ok, the 32" was a bit longer than that tho.)

I tried a 5/8" piece of steel about the same diameter as the one you did, but can't remember exactly what length it was. Couldn't finish it off since it got about 3 1/2" - 4" offcenter.


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Yes, there are some great walks/climbs up there.


Yes it's in the middle are of bar lengths, but just in the 23"-8" section. It will be mine sometime, and I'd love to do it 3,000ft up a welsh mountain! The video will be awesome.


I did that bend this afternoon, but was ok to train tonight. The thick long bar bends really tire the body! 32" x 3/4" is insane to even try.


Yes it is a tough bend, but I would hope that if I carry it up this will give me incentive to do it. Course it depends on the weather conditions. It will be 4 degrees celcius colder at the top, and may be in cloud cover, with rain and a side wind! :D

Sounds a fun time.


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I wondered that about the altitude too. That would make an awesome video for a world-class feat. I haven't done longer bars in a while but I remember they do tire you out bad so I hope you're not huffing and puffing too much.

What I meant about the in between size was the different technique involved. You've seen my technique on video so you know if I tried that with a 23 inch bar I'd break like a wish-bone :D .

I think I'm going to have to practice it some more though. I noticed that the braced bending section has changed formats from the 3/8 and 1/2 inch section to the current one. A 23 inch bend of a 9/16 bar would knock me off now if I understand correctly and your 23 inch 5/8 bar would top even a 9/16 by 8 incher? That may be just the inspiration I need to work on an area that I'm sorely lacking in.

One more question, do you kneel to pull the bar around your knee like Big Steve or do you stand on one foot? I'm trying to figure out a good style for myself as I've not really settled on anything. I can't seem to push down on my thigh as good with this longer stuff.

As little time as you've put into this and are still doing phenominal just really makes me wonder how good you'll do. You may get a crazy short 5/8 bar or if you've got 18mm available maybe that at 23 inches.

Love to see a vid of your style to learn from.

Go get it David! No doubt in my mind you'll get it and pretty soon. The 80 degree bend impresses the heck out of me.


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I'm not sure about the altitude, but it's a tough workout of a bend normally. I'm hoping the view and experience will give me a bit extra strength/encouragement. I'm not sure wether to do it on the first peak as it's a steep climb to this. The walk betwen the 3 peaks is then not as bad. I'll decide on the day.

My techique is similar on most of the braced bends as I don't use the between leg method as I am not strong enough in that area.

I just changed the page so it looks better and yes a thicker bar will always beat a shorter bar. I may see if I can get 9/16" steel, but I doubt I'll find it. I am doing a lot of upper back training right now, which is helping my shoulder a LOT.

I kneel like Big Steve, this is how I did the 40" x 3/4" bar on saturday. But I did try the standing method on the 37.25" bar after I ran out of pull on the knee pull. Just keep trying all the styles, I'm still a novice at this.

I'm enjoying the bending, and the braced is not hurting my shoulder or hand, and allowing me to work my back, so it's all good. Hopefully I can bend something good.

I have the video from Saturday, and will get Elizabeth to load it on youtube in the next day or so.

Thanks for your kind thoughts. Hope this answers all your questions.


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I've been thinking about these bars alot and I'll make a prediction. The bend radius on 5/8 by 23 is going to be pretty big. I'm predicting that since it falls in the 8 to 23 inch catagory and will have to be 2.5 inches between the legs, that it's going to be a monster to crush. I think the negative angle as you get the legs below parallel will really be tough on the hands.

As for the 9/16, my sources are drying up on that and I don't have much left. Too bad too because it was a favorite "show steel" of mine.


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You are right, it may be impossible to get that thickness of steel to a 2.5" gap because of the radius of the bend. We shall see.


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I just had a go with a length of 5/8" bar (48" long), and to get that to the 2.5" width I actually had to cross it over horseshoe style because of the bounce in the bar when it was fully bent. So I feel that with a 23" bar of the thickness of 5/8" it may be impossible. Which is annoying!


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Haha! Mybe it's old age creeping up.

It would be an amazing bend, and especially since you would have to cross the ends over further than touching.

We shall see.


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