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Biceps Pain After Bending


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Hello everybody,

Is normal that my bicepses hurt after I do hard bendings?

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It can be initially. Bending is pretty stressful on damn near every muscle, tendon and joint in your upper body if your doing it hard. When your new to it there is definately an adjustment process where you can spot weak points by extra soreness or pain there. You basically have to harden a lot of stuff. I had been bending for awhile when I first tried reverse style. I went for a max without giving my body a chance to adapt to the different movement and strained a bicep, pulled a pec and strained a pec tendon. Those injuries slowed me down for months. So be careful.

I would say give the bending some time with a reduced effort or take time off from it if your getting bad pain anywhere though.

- Aaron

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Happened to me usually on long bars especially when using the IM Pads on DO.

Whats helps is to carefully warmup the biceps doing some sets of curling.

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Tha pain is just on the beginning of my biceps, near the elbow and lasts a minute at least, it's like a cramp.

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