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Extensors Questions


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(1) Can anyone please provide a link to video of someone using rubber bands or IM Bands to show how far you're expected to open the fingers up? Thanks.

(2) Does anyone else use the IM Outer Limits Loops? I've been using them to do Wrist Extensions (Reverse Wrist Curls). I can stick my fingers pretty far in the loops so it's not a perfect finger extensor exercise, but it does work the finger extensors as well as the forearm extensors pretty well.

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I know that I have seen a video of it, but it was long ago. It should be somewhere in the gallery.

Where do you guys put the band? I always put the band right behind my finger nails.

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I put the bands on my fingertips also. The way I figure it, if my all my fingers are farther away from my thumb than my middle finger is long then it's open enough. My middle finger is 3.125 so my fingers should be at least 3.5" from my thumb.

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You obviously wanted a video proof of that world class extensor feat! :D

I wonder what Paul's been up to lately, he hasn't posted anything for ages. :unsure I hope he's still alive! :rock

Edited by Teemu I
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I think he posted not too long ago, saying he was busy but doing well, maybe on "the other board" though.

I didn't want proof, heh heh, I just wanted to see how he did it, since it sounded so out of this world to me, that I thought I was doing it the wrong way. I still suck with extensors. Is there any other way to train them besides bands??

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Pdoire posted a video a while back. He does a RED and YELLOW band together in the vid.

1 - That's a very short ROM.

2 - the bands placed in the middle of the fingers make the exercise much easier and do not work the fingertips.

I always put the bands between the first joint and the base of the nail. Occasionally, when i progress to harder bands, i place them slightly more toward the base of the fingers, but not as much as shown in the video.

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Thanks for your replies. Also thanks Cannon for the video link; I actually can't view it just now but the descriptions here are pretty good. The IM catalog says to use them on the fingernails, but I've found that's a little impractical. I usually have them around there, but maybe with the pinky having it higher around the knuckle. I like the description of opening them as far as my middle finger is long. I'm going to try that. Thanks again.

Does anyone use the Outer Limits Loops? They're kind of funky, but I do think they work pretty well for reverse wrist curls.

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I think he posted not too long ago, saying he was busy but doing well, maybe on "the other board" though.

I didn't want proof, heh heh, I just wanted to see how he did it, since it sounded so out of this world to me, that I thought I was doing it the wrong way. I still suck with extensors. Is there any other way to train them besides bands??

Bands are a good way to train them. I know how they feel somewhat awkward at first, but you just have to stick with them long enough and it starts to feel more natural. Get to work! :D

But you can always do as Brookfield suggests, provide manual resistance with your other hand. It's a good exercise but it's quite hard to judge progress.

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I still suck with extensors. Is there any other way to train them besides bands??

There's the Outer Limits Loops (no, I don't work for IronMind), or you could use a small coffee jar or a peanut jar or suchlike, with about a 6" wide mouth, put sand in the jar, and put your fingers inside & lift it up & maybe do wrist curls. I'm probably not good at extensors, but I don't see how I could avoid doing them. Everytime my hands or forearms ache I do a bunch of high-rep band spreads till the small pump comes & the pain sort of goes away. (There's also just stretching the hands out by pushing the fingers against a wall or whatever.)

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I still suck with extensors. Is there any other way to train them besides bands??

There's the Outer Limits Loops (no, I don't work for IronMind), or you could use a small coffee jar or a peanut jar or suchlike, with about a 6" wide mouth, put sand in the jar, and put your fingers inside & lift it up & maybe do wrist curls. I'm probably not good at extensors, but I don't see how I could avoid doing them. Everytime my hands or forearms ache I do a bunch of high-rep band spreads till the small pump comes & the pain sort of goes away. (There's also just stretching the hands out by pushing the fingers against a wall or whatever.)

Me too. Can only do up to yellow. However that is with a wide ROM and the about half of the band's width over each of the fingernails.

Anyway, reverse wrist curls or EZ bar reverse wrist curls using full ROM, especially full extension at the start of each rep IMO is another good extensor exercise. More wrist extensor, but sort of isometrically works the finger extensors too. Can of course be done on a slight incline to get even more stretch at the start of each rep.

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