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First Time Bending Today


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Well, after lurking on this board for a month or two, I finally took the plunge and bought the beginner's bending bag from FBBC. So I did some bending today. I bent:

All the bends were double overhand (I think, I don't know enough to tell)

(3) round 7 inches x 3/16 diameter (these were the easiest for me, so I did the most)

(2) square 7 x 3/16 diameter

(1) round 6 x 3/16 diameter

Kinked a round 7 x 1/4 to 6 degrees (haha)

Kinked a Bolt 6 x 3/16 to 24 degrees (I don't know much about the bolt, but on the top, which is hexagonal, it says "O F"

I was pretty happy that I was able to do anything, really. I am not very strong :blush

Anyway by the time I was done, I was left with a forearm pump that I haven't experienced in a long time. It was a good feeling.

There hardest parts of the bends was starting them. I think that is partly due to form, and maybe flexibility issues (I am pretty flexible though), and of course, weakness.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my thoughts. My goal is to be bending bastards by the time I am 18, which gives me exactly three years to do it. :rock

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Very good Sultan of Spin. Two things to remember, do not be in a big hurry in the beginning, give your body a chance to adjust and also work the opposing muscle groups. Enjoy!!!!

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Very good Sultan of Spin. Two things to remember, do not be in a big hurry in the beginning, give your body a chance to adjust and also work the opposing muscle groups. Enjoy!!!!

Thanks for the advice. I know from experience how important it is to rest and also work opposing muscle groups to prevent muscular imbalances.

I am currently doing Bill Starr's 5x5, with some Olympic lifts added in. So I think I have been effectively targeting each muscle. I think I'll wait a week to bend again. I am not sore, but as you say, I need to give my body time to adjust.

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Great job and welcome! Sounds like you're off to a great start and you'll make great progress especially at your age. I sooooooooo wished I had started at that age.

Like Mike said, give your body a chance to catch up, especially at first and you'll make great strides.


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Great job glad to have you with us enjoying the bending keep training!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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Great job S.o.S. keep a steady pace and you will progress quickly.welcome to the addiction. :)

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If you're only 15 now, then you'll have plenty of time to adjust and bend the bastards before your 18th BD.

Just keep bending, eventually you will find the form that will be best for you, just play with your grip location on the bar, hand heights, angle of the hands / arms (most effecient should be towards the floor, a little in front of your feet).

Posting videos of your style might help us give you more advise on your technique ;)

Nice work anyway!

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Welcome to the club, Sultan. It's a very addicting activity as you've noticed, and as such, there is that tendency to want to overdo things at first. I was the same after I bent my first 60d, done DU. I bent so many nails that weekend until my hands could barely function, feeling as if I punched through concrete walls. Not too bright on my part, but it was a learning experience. The advised rest will do you good as others have stated.

Being able to bend the Bastard by your 18'th birthday is an outstanding goal. By keeping up a fairly intense and consistent overall strength-training and flexibility regimen, you should be able to achieve your objective. I'm a pretty big guy myself, but I've learned that with steel bending, it doesn't take the biggest sort of guy to do this stuff but rather somebody who is incredibly focused. Once you have learned to channel all your body's physical and mental strength into a very small area such as the head of a 60d nail, the steel will not stand a chance.

Edited by Brad Manion
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