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Year So Far?

David Horne

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So how's your year been so far?

Mine has been a bit mixed really. Through the whole year my shoulder has been sore from the surgery/injury, and it can get you down. Added to this my finger injury which took the piss after all that training.

But on an upside, I have felt very strong in some areas this year, and in fact was pleased to win the Brits with basically very little training. It's also very useful to have been coaching Elizabeth as her strength and fitness have climbed massively all year, and she's had a very succesful competitive year, culminating in her 3rd place in the Britain's Strongest Woman comp.

Recently I have realised that at 45 I need to stay fit and healthy and have been doing the fitness training with Elizabeth. This has been great, and also got me involved in the climbing. I now have mixed and matched different bits of training into mine and others routines, and it creates even more interest and fun. There are some great sites out there for info.

So the year hasn't been a wash out, and although it's not fun being injured and in pain, I've managed to train around this and learn some new stuff. So I suppose the year has been a success.


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overall its been terrible, ive had bad luck all year with injuries, an thats effected my result in my 1st strongman contest too, a contest that i know i could have won if i didnt have those injuries, was able to train events etc

as far as grip goes, its been ok, not the best, but ok, ive hit sorta medium goals so far, 3.5, rb300's, two 15k pinch, three 10k pinch, 16lb sledge lever, blob clean, 53k inch clean, 15k plate wrist curl - the years not over though, i want to deadlift the inch an lever 21lbs before the years end, also maybe cert on #3 an ive not give up on closing #4 this year either

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My year has been good. Probably the best one yet if you wanna know the truth. Qualified for American Amateur Strongman nationals...then again...and again...and again. Got engaged. Graduated from college. Closed the #3 for the first time inside of this year...then a dozen or so more times. I recently started nailing down my grip training, similar to what I have done with my strongman stuff so we shall see where that takes me. I started planning a grip competition for next year, something which I have never done.

I'm actually planning to compete in a grip contest later this year but we will see how that works out.

Pretty good all around, I think. Sorry to hear about the injuries viper. And David, just look at Brad Gillingham for inspiration.

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for me...it has been pretty good as it goes....

finally seen that my futre doesn't lie in OL but in Pl, so my training has much more focus and consequently i am enjoying it much more, the results are more forthcoming.....i am doing my first PL comp in a month or so.....

as far as grip.....i am starting to make progress towards my goals...300 V-bar being my number one goal, as a result of the focussed training and i really enjoyed watching in and competing in my first grip comp and meeting/seeing some of the guys i have read about since i began lifting......looking forward to doing my seocnd grip meet this year...hopefully doing better than in my first, haha.....

still looking to hit a few more goals by year's end, 2 more months to go......:)



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I'm pretty happy with my year so far. I've gotten in some very good inspired training and participated in my first contest. I went from MM0 to MM2 and my grippers have increased more from there. I did my red nail cert and went from a Mag bastard to a KOAB in bending. Pinch has also responded well to training allowing me to pull my first blob, pinch 3 25s, 2 45s and my first hub lift. whereas I had done 5 10s last year and the other feats just mentioned seemed very very far away. With the recent thickbar and DL training my back is feeling more stable than it has in 10yrs and that is something I am truly ecstatic about. before this year I never thought I would be able to squat or DL again and now I'm actually able to do those with some weight on the bar. I also lost alot of weight going from a high of 265 at the end of last year down as low as 227. I'm back up to 240 as of this morning but with a bit more muscle. I also got married. A very exciting year for sure. I'm looking forward to getting stronger and more well rounded in the next year as well as putting on a contest here.

- Aaron

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Maybe it's time in the off season to do some stuff that doesn't hurt and give your body time to clear all injuries.

Good luck with the rest of the goals.


I'm really pleased to hear your year has been a massive success - well done!

Get yourself on the platform, meet some great guys and have fun.


I've done many strength sports in my time, and some suited me better than others, so it's good to see that you have found out PL is the way to go. Glad you enjoyed your first grip comp.


Good to hear that your back feels strong. It's good to have strength everywhere including the heart. A great year - well done!

Here's to the rest of 2007,


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Good to hear that your back feels strong. It's good to have strength everywhere including the heart. A great year - well done!

Here's to the rest of 2007,


Thank you very much David!

- Aaron

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I finished my 60-60 list of things to do so that was a very good thing, almost a whole year early! There are still quite a few things on it that I would like to accomplish though so the quest goes on. Family matters are going well, kids and grandkids are fine. I have a few health issues that we're working on, we'll see how those go. Darn doctors anyway!

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its been my first year focussing on grip training, after playing with grippers a couple of years ago. I've learnt about my body and what works for me, also have started focussing on all round grip, whereas at the start of the year it was just grippers. With grippers ive moved from scratch, this time round a couple of years ago i could easily rep my 1, to being literally a hairs breadth away from closing the 2.5, and i should easily get it soon unless i get injured. im not naturally a strong person so i have been working to build up overall body strength and am fairly happy with my progress, but am still trying to tie down a program that builds strength in all areas most effectively. also im having a lot of fun with my 2.5" db, not very strong with it yet only managed 49kg lockout, but i like it that the plates dont spin as it really tests the thumb and wrist. my pinch is improving and should get the 2 15kg pinch and the 5 5kg pinch but 3 10kg might not happen this year. and i have really enjoyed finding kettlebells, and i think ill manage a 32kg snatch in the next couple of weeks.

mainly this year has been about learning, reading a lot of posts and practicing different routines. hopefully next year will hold some good prs and maybe some hub work and other grip things.

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A good year for me, which really sparked after the IronGrip07 contest. Ive gone from struggling to close the no.3 to repping it, and CCS'ing it, soon i hope to certify. Getting the MM1 was a good step for me, but i want to go much further and hope to get it to MM3 or MM4 by the end of next year. Recently i've gone over 20kg on a hub lifting which was a goal ticked.

On the downside since IronGrip07 i have had my old sciatica pain flaring up, which i have been advised may have been contributed to by all the one hand lifting i have been doing in Vbar training and other lifting such as DL's in the gym. Since i have rested and recovered from the Sciatica (its taken 5 months) i don't wish to persue any form of one hand lifting(Vbar,one hand lift etc) , where heavy weights are concerned. I will still persue hub lifting as this is a specialised grip and doesnt require lifting heavy weights - This may put me out of any further all round comp.s such as Swindon, Irongrip08 etc.

I want to certify on the no.3, climb to the top of the MM ladder and set a British Record on hub lifing before i'm done with grip, so will still be around for a lot longer.

Edited by Pete1006
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david - thanks. I dont think ive had any luck but yeh i push too hard somtimes, but i have started doing workouts that shouldn't injure me to try get healthy. My job involves lifting ball bustingly heavy half the time, so i cant avoid it all the time, but im doing more bodybuilding style workouts now, using controlled form with weights that are pretty light for me since im only resting 45 seconds between sets / using controlled form. As far as grip goes im still going 100% as always, if i feel my tendons in my hands or wrists need a break i either wont train or train so it wont effect whatever is painful at the time.

I wanna say well done to everyone too, a lot of guys are going real well, a good year for the sport because of BHSA also

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Your success, pursuits and achievements are something to be proud of, and it's good to see that you have some more on the horizon.

Health problems are always annoying. This year I have suffered from IBS and migraines, and have learned things about my body in order to try and keep these complaints at bay. But I have to say that doctors know what they are doing, well sometimes it's a process of elimination.


It's good to read that you are listening and learning from your body. This is a valuable lesson, and one that many folks would benefit from.


As I said above, you have noticed that the big lifts give your back a problem and you have listened to your body and stopped. I think it would still be useful to do some light back work such as hypers, and of course stretches for your back. You'll be able to have a go at the British Hub Lifting Champs in 2008, and maybe get the British Record - good luck!


There is nothing wrong with using a bodybuilding style of training for your grip, especially every so often.


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Pretty good I guess, Got MMO recently, and gone from just closing the #3 at start of the year to getting 3 reps on it (and almost a 4th) on 15th August. (signature update overdue)

Was set back by some long periods of extensor tendon soreness in my RH middle finger though, and I REALLY have to hit extensors hard from now on to get up to at least the Red band. (can only do Yellow at present so yeah there is definitely an imbalance. #3 closers should be on Red it seems)

Put on nearly 20lb (mostly muscle I think!) due to hard squatting and back work, and of course this pays off on everything else.

Started bending recently but it is pretty feeble and not worth posting about yet. Going to take the slow and safe route on this.

I want to have a solid, injury-free 2008 and get at least the MM1, and with the thor Elite, if I don't shut it, I want to get very close to it.

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Had a very good year myself I'm really enjoying some of the traveling to some of the contest this year.

It started in April at the Show of Hands 2 with the help and encouragement from Eric , Mike ,Russel &

Jason I did 1/4"x7" Hex DO & 60d rated @ 315 reverse bend also did pulled a 163.89 on the Eruo pinch

Both me and Jason share currently the #36 on the World Ranking 2HP ( rolling 12 months)

I can't say enough about just going out there and meeting everyone. I also did the So. Cal Iron Grip Decathlon

witch is very grueling event . I've closed my IM#2 gripper for the first time this year just recently did a

1/4"x7" FBBC sq. DO. And now I'm headed to the BBB3 this weekend to have more fun and meet more of friends that I've

met on this board. It doesn't get any better than this

Edited by lone Wolf
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Mine hasn´t been a great year. I have one injury in my leg and this is my first year without squatting since i started weight training many years ago :(

Now, i'm squatting and i want to train heavy at the last of the year. Grip training has been good but not great, but now i can close the CoC3 and i'm very happy :)

British Grip Championships has been a great experience for me. It was great to know some of the strongest names in the grip world like Chris James, David Horne, Steve Gardener and Nick Mckinless. The contest was impressive and with terrific atmosphere. I want to go next year and with better preparation, knowing that the level will be very high.

My training is focused to train all-round strength and in the grip the same, for all-round grip strength: grippers, bending, pinch, thick bars, etc... I know that it's very difficult or impossible to be good at all in one moment, but with smart training i think that i can improve weak areas and maintain others.

The program that i'm following right now is going very well and i want to hit some PR's at the last of the year. So, we have 2 months and half yet.

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Despite losing my dad and having a few work related speed bumps I've managed to have a pretty good year. Like lone Wolf noted above, it was great meeting him for the first time and all the other regulars again at the Show of Hands. I've managed a couple of small PRs in bending, but next year I intend to do better. I did get a competition PR on the Euro pinch this year, and will try again at The Gripmas Carol in December. To pull my heaviest deadlift to date nearly a quarter century after my first contest was also a big thrill. I've also come to the conclusion that, try as I might, putting grip on the back burner to other interests is futile. Long live grip! :rock

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It was the year of injuries :D I WILL recover it though.

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Slow and safe route on bending sounds perfect, especially with the previous finger injury.

lone wolf,

Good to see you have the contest bug. It is great meeting up with everyone, always been a part I've really enjoyed. Especially the after comp meals.


It was also nice for me to meet you at the Brits, just a shame I had to go after the contest. See you at the Brits next year.


I know the pain you must have felt. For me training at the time did me so much good mentally. Yes grip is interesting, and adictive, but it has to be partnered with overall strength and fitness training. This comment is for all those who don't do that yet.


I know about injuries! :(


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So the year hasn't been a wash out, and although it's not fun being injured and in pain, I've managed to train around this and learn some new stuff. So I suppose the year has been a success.


This seems like a wild and crazy idea - "bonkers" you might say - but have you thought about making a trip to America to visit all of us grip manics? I was thinking about some time next year; you & Elizabeth and the baby! Also, maybe Steve Gardener, Chris James and perhaps Nathan Holle??

We could all meet up at Richard Sorin's place (if Richard would do it and I think he would!). Does that sound like a great idea ;) ... grip legends meeting up - I think the turnout for that would be - well, there are no words to describe it. Tell me what you think about this... :)

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Not too bad a year. Learned a lot about listening to my body and then heeding that advice or suffering the consequences ;) My hands feel stronger than they ever have and I think there's a few good things will go down before the end of the year. Graduated high school and started college and am doing pretty well on my way to a criminology degree. All in all not bad

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I have had a good year for training. I got a lot stronger in my finger deads and bending

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Good year for me.

had a little girl :) :) :) ,

went from 195 to 210kg deadlift (which has been my main focus) at the same bw of around 80kg,

grip training has been a little on the side as of late, but I will get back to it (after I finish my current DL cycle) for next SGC early next year.

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