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Diamond Brand Horseshoes


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I've never bent any horseshoes before. I did try to bend an aluminum one, but it snapped in two before I ever really got it started. Looking for something local to try before my shipment from FBBC arrives, I hit the feed store yesterday and picked up some Diamond plain number 1s and 2s. Completely impossible for me. They didn't even start to bend. But I'm curious as to whether these have been bent by anyone. They're quite thick, and I noticed that even the "000" size was nearly as thick. I assume the FBBC St. Croix shoes are lights or ultra lights. Is this right?

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St. Croix Ultra Lites are the starter shoes. I've only found these in one store (in Norman) and it was dedicated to farrier supply. Guy said they don't sell much Ultra Lites.

I have some St. Croix Ultra Lites sizes #0, #1, #2 and I have St. Croix Polo size #2. Actually I have 40 of the Polo #2. and I have quite a few Ultra Lite #2. A few of the #0 and #1.

I can send you an assortment if you want.

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What are the letters on the shoe? The ones that have "DC" as the first letters are the easiest but are still miles away from the ulta lites and polo St Croix ones. The diamond broncos and the ones with "PL" are extremely tough.



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all of the Diamond shoes I have tried at still shaped like horse shoes. :cry:D

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I've gotten a wiggle out of a DC0, but just a wiggle. Then it laughed at me & wen't right back to it's original shape. I have some hand forged shoes & Anvil brand that are in between, but more expensive, I just use those for exhibitions. Next time I go to the place I buy shoes, I'm going to have an hour free to shop & find some good ones in between the Ultra lites & Diamonds, hopefully better pricing than the hand forged ( my COST is around $16-17 per pair).

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Those Diamond shoes are insanely hard! I got the DC0 to around 110 degrees, but no further :(

I thought the DC2 would be easier. Looks pretty much as thick as the DC0, but nooo didn't do much to that.

I've never been good at bending horseshoes.

I guess Thorsten Moser is still the only one to cert on one of these?


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The diamond classics are doable but you gotta watch the thickness on them. Go thru the entire box and pick out the thinnest ones you can find, they vary up to 1/16 of an inch or maybe a bit more. I have bent several of the thinner ones and the thickest ones I consider a pr.........The thickest ones are close to the st croix regular shoes......If you cant start one put a pipe over one end using same tech to get it going then lose the pipe...I generally use a short 3-4in pipe and it offers enough leverage to get them going, and allows you to work same tech.............BK

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Thorsten would have company if my DVD would've played for John. I guess I'm going to have to try again. One shoe from John was actually a PL that is even harder than a classic.

Maybe I'm not as horrible at the shoes as I've thought. I've bent the DC00, DC0 and DC1 on many occasions although they don't like to make a heart. I will say that I agree with Mats that the DC2 must be wider or something because I thought I would smoke it but only got a partial bend out of it. It was after doing several other shoes including the Anvil #3 from John so maybe if I hit one fresh I could get it legal. If I'm doing a show or presentation I use the DC1. Now if you guys have seen the diamond broncos... whew! Those would be killers.

John, many say that the St croix polos are a little harder than the ultra lites. I've tried one and I agree. I would say though that they are closer to the ultra lites than they are the Diamond classics.

Oh yeah Eric, I think the DC000 would be much harder than the sizes up. Too hard to get your hands in there. You'll get it though, you've got the strength. They do feel impossible at first. Just make sure the DC## marking is on it. As a matter of fact Eric, I just remembered that there is a Diamond plain shoe that I think is for front and rear separates and it is much harder than a classic so maybe you've just got some tougher shoes.

Kerbjr, the St croix regular #2 I have is 3/8 of an inch thick and if you've found a classic that's even close to that then it is a freaky shoe. I've seen broncos that thick but they're number is different. I think they may say "plain" or something like that. The classics all have DC then the number after it. I do agree that it seems like they vary alot. Some take all I've got an others feel routine.



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I had the OPL and OOPL Diamond shoes in my FBBC beginner's bag! Wheww, all this time I thought I was an uber weak braced bender!

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I had the OPL and OOPL Diamond shoes in my FBBC beginner's bag! Wheww, all this time I thought I was an uber weak braced bender!

No way. That would be an incredible shoe bend for most anybody. Classics are tough enough but the PL ones are even worse.


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The ones I have are marked "DC" and measure about 11/32" thick.

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My hats off to you horse shoe benders!!!!!! I half tried one and almost fell to pieces :)

Edited by Booyah!!!
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I'll bring a bunch of shoes to the S.O.H. I bet everybody will be able to bend a shoe.

Sweet! I got my first couple of them (stcroix not diamond) a week ago. they are fun but a little tough getting the technique at first.

- Aaron

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The ones I have are marked "DC" and measure about 11/32" thick.

Can't say for sure because I'm not at home right now but that almost certainly sounds thicker than the DC1 shoes that I've bent. The ones I got all said classic on the box.

That seems pretty thick for a shoe.


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I'll bring a bunch of shoes to the S.O.H. I bet everybody will be able to bend a shoe.

Sweet! I got my first couple of them (stcroix not diamond) a week ago. they are fun but a little tough getting the technique at first.

- Aaron

I didn't realize you were going to be able to make it. That's great!! It'll be nice meeting you. I'm really gonna have to train like crazy to even hope for top3 placing, but I'm good with whatever.

I'll post over on the contests section what I'll bring with me.

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I'll bring a bunch of shoes to the S.O.H. I bet everybody will be able to bend a shoe.

Sweet! I got my first couple of them (stcroix not diamond) a week ago. they are fun but a little tough getting the technique at first.

- Aaron

I didn't realize you were going to be able to make it. That's great!! It'll be nice meeting you. I'm really gonna have to train like crazy to even hope for top3 placing, but I'm good with whatever.

I'll post over on the contests section what I'll bring with me.

Well I'm hoping to be able to make it. Gonna try and combine a visit to see family in Houston with the comp so I can make it.

- Aaron

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Tim, yeah they are classics, DC 1's and they are pretty darn close to 3/8 in thick. These are pretty new shoes as this shipment just came in to Tractor supply about 3 weeks ago, and they dumped them in with the old ones. They are a nasty bend, I tried the thickest one I could find last night and failed, could feel it flex but just wouldnt go...........................LAyed it next to a St Croix and there wasnt much difference, maybe 1/16 of an inch..................BK

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Tim, yeah they are classics, DC 1's and they are pretty darn close to 3/8 in thick. These are pretty new shoes as this shipment just came in to Tractor supply about 3 weeks ago, and they dumped them in with the old ones. They are a nasty bend, I tried the thickest one I could find last night and failed, could feel it flex but just wouldnt go...........................LAyed it next to a St Croix and there wasnt much difference, maybe 1/16 of an inch..................BK

Sounds like you and Eric have the same "new and improved" classics. I just calipered a #2 DC of mine and it hit 7.75mm which I guess is closer to 5/16 inch. You guys may have some rough ones. That measurement wasn't taken over the lettering which is kinda taller.


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I'll never forget the reply I got when I ordered Diamond draft #6 and #8 from Cowtownonline.com (CANADA): "Uhm just out of curiosity, why exactly would someone from Norway order horseshoes all the way from Canada??"

That's a darn good question, aye? :D


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I have tried the St croix ultalite size 2, and that one went quite easy, but the diamond are much much harder

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I just posted a pic of the Diamond classic #1 horseshoe that I bend regularly so we can see if we're all talking about the same shoe. It calipered at 7.43mm at the rounded part on a flat spot. Not measured on the lettering by the way. Or .291 inches was the imperial measurement. I did bend it right after the pic was taking and it's much tougher than the polos or the ultra lites but I still wonder if some aren't getting a tougher batch.

Here's a link:

DC1 shoe

Take a look and see. Maybe Eric can take a look and see if it's different than the ones he's got. Sounds thicker to me.

I'll post another pic of the other side too.


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I just posted a pic of the Diamond classic #1 horseshoe that I bend regularly so we can see if we're all talking about the same shoe. It calipered at 7.43mm at the rounded part on a flat spot. Not measured on the lettering by the way. Or .291 inches was the imperial measurement. I did bend it right after the pic was taking and it's much tougher than the polos or the ultra lites but I still wonder if some aren't getting a tougher batch.

Here's a link:

DC1 shoe

Take a look and see. Maybe Eric can take a look and see if it's different than the ones he's got. Sounds thicker to me.

I'll post another pic of the other side too.


That looks just like the shoes I can't bend. :blush

I'm sure what I'm using in lieu of any actual technique is pretty poor. I'm looking forward to my FBBC shipment so I can learn some decent form.

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I was really wondering about the measurements. To me yours sounded like it may be a thicker batch if it really is 11/32 thick. Mine is under 5/16 so that may be the problem. You may have a freak batch.

When I get some more of these I'll try to slide one your way so we can see for sure.


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I was really wondering about the measurements. To me yours sounded like it may be a thicker batch if it really is 11/32 thick. Mine is under 5/16 so that may be the problem. You may have a freak batch.

When I get some more of these I'll try to slide one your way so we can see for sure.


Something I need to purchase, but never have, is a thickness calibrator (caliper). But as best I can tell with the ol' tape measure it looks to be 11/32". You can check the one I send you.

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