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Grip Training Help

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Ok well i just ordered the HG 100 & HG 150 from http://www.heavygrips.com/ and im wondering whats in store for me and any advice people can give me on closing these grippers.Im only 15 and im pretty big for my age Height 5'10 Weigh 200pounds but i definitaly have smaller hand then most of my freinds is this gogin to be a big problem?Also what should i be excepting when i get them?Well if any one can help me out i would be very thankful.Also whats the fasted way i cna move up the ranks in grippers?



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Check the Grip Faq section, this has been answered here ALOT!


As far as what to expect though,

Your HG grippers will "season" fast. That means the distance between the handles will lessen and it will be easier to close. HG's vary alot also, some are WAY harder or WAY easier than advertised because they are not high quality but they are still pretty useful.

Small hands are not much a problem with grippers, the disadvantage only comes into play with No set closes.

I'd suggest high volume to start with, other's don't but high volume helps get your hands used to the grippers fast. Just don't train too far beyond whatever gripper you can close, you'll be asking for trouble.

Something else to expect, your hands are going to hurt for awhile when you first start out.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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step one by David Horne program:


1. Two Hands Pinch Lift for holds, also use work gloves to protect your skin.

2. Finger curls with an Olympic Bar, overhand grip. Hold it on the last set when you can't do anymore finger curls.

3. Two Hand Wrist Curl. Normal, with a comfortable range of motion. Do not let the bar go into your fingertips like some bodybuilders do, also do them with your thumb under the bar as you are training your wrists and don't want to fight against the thumb digit on top of the bar.

4. Two Hands Reverse Wrist Curl.

Do the Pinch holds for 10-15 secs, and the other exercises for 15-20 reps.

1. How often?

I would do them 3 times a week if you can, but twice a week if struggling with this.

2. How many sets of each?

I would say 3 sets per exercise, which you should easily do quickly. If this is a struggle then go down to 2 sets.

3. What about crushing?

The 'crushing' exercise is Finger curls with an Olympic Bar, overhand grip. This is an easy exercise to learn for the beginner and doesn't have the techniques of setting, etc. Grippers can be brought in later when they want to excel at this implement.

4. Why the gloves with pinching?

You can easily tear the skin in between the index finger and thumb, which would put you out of action, especially since you will be pinching 3 times a week. This initial program for the beginners is all about strengthening, and the gloves will make it a tougher exercise, but safer for the skin.

5. Should you do all these exercises on one day?

Yes. In the order I stated.

step second by Clay Edgin http://www.heavygrips.com/training/beginner.html

step three by Clay Edgin http://www.heavygrips.com/training/advanced.html

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Those are great links, and remember when you start training dont do a lot of negatives with a gripper that you cant close and try not to overtrain at first, if you feel your fngers hurting or cramping up stop training for a day then try again it is the best way to avoid injury

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Also what's the fastest way I can move up the ranks in grippers?

Listen, learn, impliment.

You have the best grippers in the world right here, and probably a collection of the most myriad strength athletes on the net. When I joined I was already an experienced lifter, I thought I knew it all. Now, years later, still barely a day goes by I don't learn something new here.

lurk for a while, use the search, and learn. And ask questions you can't find the answer to, you might be the first to ask it, and by doing so may revolutionise the sport. THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS.

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Thanks for all the replies guys!But oen thing im really confused about this workout if soem can post pictures of these excires that would be great espially the finger curls.Sorry for the spelling


1. Two Hands Pinch Lift for holds, also use work gloves to protect your skin.

2. Finger curls with an Olympic Bar, overhand grip. Hold it on the last set when you can't do anymore finger curls.

3. Two Hand Wrist Curl. Normal, with a comfortable range of motion. Do not let the bar go into your fingertips like some bodybuilders do, also do them with your thumb under the bar as you are training your wrists and don't want to fight against the thumb digit on top of the bar.

4. Two Hands Reverse Wrist Curl.

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