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Grip Training Saved My Life


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Well maybe a little bit of an exaggeration but I could have been hurt so close enough ;) . Yesterday I had to go up into my loft, since I'm a bit of an ape I never use a ladder I just climb the wall a bit pop the hatch and do a muscle up into the loft, no problem. I must have been in and out of my loft like this a million times but yesterday on the way back out I slipped just over the opening before I'd got my hands into a good position. I was suddenly descending through the hole and probably down the stairs just below the loft hatch. It's at this point I shot my arms up in the air and just grabbed wildly, luckily I grabbed a rafter with both hands and managed to control the decent. I dropped down safely from there but it was a real heart attack moment. I didn't think my pinch was anywhere near that strong, maybe the fear of death aided my strength, who knows.

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Adrenaline can turn Urkel into superman:) Interesting story. I remember watching "Science of Superhuman Strength" where a non-weightlifter saw his nephew attacked by a 7ft, 200lb shark and managed to pull the shark out of the water and onto shore in seconds.

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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I knew I wasn't wasting my time with all this stuff. My wife needs to read this post!

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