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Gripper Stronger Then The Im #4


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I can easily rep the #4 5 times with chest crushes so I'm looking for something that will be strong enough to make sure I won't close it yet.

What would be the best choice? Probably another brand then IM but since I don't have the option to try them first I'm asking it here.

Any ideas?


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1) It's a gripper - not a chest crusher. So you can don't s**t with it yet.

2) Do searches on the site - half the questions (maybe more) you've asked recently have been answered many times

3) Yes there is.

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1) It's a gripper - not a chest crusher. So you can don't s**t with it yet.

2) Do searches on the site - half the questions (maybe more) you've asked recently have been answered many times

3) Yes there is.

I have the feeling you have a bad day today, this isn't really a nice response, nor is the one in the other thread, relax, it's almost weekend ;)

Let me explain it once more to make it more clear:

1. Until I have found something better then a gripper to work on the crush down for bending I don't see any reason why not to use it.

2. Numbers don't mean sh*t to me. I'm new to grippers with just a legit request for info. I can think of various grippers (with info from the search) which are harder then the 4. But like I said, I can't test them, so I don't know how much harder they are.

The #4 rates at 365lbs, so would a 400lbs be strong enough so I can barely close it, but not too strong so I can't even move it.

Or would I need a 500lbs or even a 700lbs gripper to do with it what I want?

I just don't know and I haven't found anything with either google or the search on this site to get an answer to it.

And I'm not rich enough to buy them all and give them a try :(

So, if you do have an idea which one I could buy best, then I would love to hear it ;)

Edited by White Scorpion
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Buy the BB world class. Aaron trains chest crush on them and he is a bending freak.

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Buy the BB world class. Aaron trains chest crush on them and he is a bending freak.

Thanks! That's helpful info, that thing is 535 lbs, so if Aaron can use it, it's definitely strong enough, but can I move it? :D

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just as a tip ....you generally want to read ALL of the FAQs on any forum you choose to participate.....that way you will not asking questions that have been asked a million times. This site is generally VERY g-rated.....if you went to most other sites and did this you probably would have been 'flamed' repeated with profanity, jokes, and various other things.....so mobsterone was only mildly irritated when put everything in perspective...

yes grippers are pretty good for crushdown...however I tend to laugh at these insane numbers thrown around....I highly doubt most people can trully 'exert' 365lb to close #4....I am sure it's probably half that.....if that.....

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1) It's a gripper - not a chest crusher. So you can don't s**t with it yet.

2) Do searches on the site - half the questions (maybe more) you've asked recently have been answered many times

3) Yes there is.

I have the feeling you have a bad day today, this isn't really a nice response, nor is the one in the other thread, relax, it's almost weekend ;)

Let me explain it once more to make it more clear:

1. Until I have found something better then a gripper to work on the crush down for bending I don't see any reason why not to use it.

2. Numbers don't mean sh*t to me. I'm new to grippers with just a legit request for info. I can think of various grippers (with info from the search) which are harder then the 4. But like I said, I can't test them, so I don't know how much harder they are.

The #4 rates at 365lbs, so would a 400lbs be strong enough so I can barely close it, but not too strong so I can't even move it.

Or would I need a 500lbs or even a 700lbs gripper to do with it what I want?

I just don't know and I haven't found anything with either google or the search on this site to get an answer to it.

And I'm not rich enough to buy them all and give them a try :(

So, if you do have an idea which one I could buy best, then I would love to hear it ;)

More reading still needed. I added another reply (ref the FAQ), David Horne's machine is better for bending than a gripper chest crushed, I work for myself so weekends, days - whatever - all mean the same. As per my comments I directed my 'feeling' to all those who post these questions to which a sticky'ed reply already exists.

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I thought Davids wrist developer only trained the the kink/reverse bending? If it will train chest crush too, I might have to look into one of those.

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I personally wouldn'tuse my machine for DO, because the machine and the spring would be so close to your neck. It's a very strong piece of kit, but you never know. I got it made for reverse bending, and that's what I say it's for.

I would also be careful with chest crushing a gripper near your neck. Springs do snap!

Hope this helps.


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Thanks David. I tried your machine at Ben's house and it's perfect for reverse bending. I also think it would be useful to train your wrist for toprolling. If I ever get bitten by the reverse bug, I'll probably buy or trade for one.

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just as a tip ....you generally want to read ALL of the FAQs on any forum you choose to participate.....that way you will not asking questions that have been asked a million times. This site is generally VERY g-rated.....if you went to most other sites and did this you probably would have been 'flamed' repeated with profanity, jokes, and various other things.....so mobsterone was only mildly irritated when put everything in perspective...

This is probably the most common post on every forum in the world, I once gave replies like this as well. But times have changed, people tend to find the search option easier then a few years back.

But after being a member of several dozens of forums and even an administrator / moderator on 3 others I think I can safely say I know how to search ;)

No offense meant, but just because I'm new to grippers doesn't mean I'm new to forums or computers :D


I can imagine your reply but I wouldn't post a topic if I could've find it myself, after all searching is a lot faster then waiting for a reply (and perhaps having to explain the actual meaning once more) ;)

David's Device is purely designed for Reverse Bending and stops at 45 degrees or so, so I don't see any advantage of using it for crush downs.

I've just re-read every possible related thread in the Grip FAQ but can't find anything that can help me :blush

Only numbers, but that doesn't help in predicting the strength of a gripper since I'm just not experienced enough with them.

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Like I said, that doesn't help.

If I would have to get a gripper between a #2 and a #3 it would be helpful, even if I only wanted a gripper stronger then the #4 it would be helpful, but since I'm looking for a gripper which is stronger then the #4 but not too strong, the numbers don't help me.

That's why I posted it here, I was hoping someone else uses grippers as well to work on the crush down who could help me decide what would be a workable gripper if 5 reps chest crushing the #4 is fairly easy.

Perhaps I should have placed this topic in the bending forums since I have the feeling that the top benders don't look at much else then the bending forums....

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I would say get a Pro or WC if you set on doing this I have both and for me the Pro is not too bad I can do about 20reps with it for Chest crush. The WC I have is another beast entirely. the spread is about 2 7/8 on mine and it is flush mount. my best is 3reps closed on it. However do take note that springs can break like David said. You can also do Isos as well. The definately work as well.

- Aaron

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WS point taken. On the net you never know who you're speaking with. This site at least has a separate FAQ forum. Most sites just have a couple threads stapled at the top. Good luck with your bending.

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I would say get a Pro or WC if you set on doing this I have both and for me the Pro is not too bad I can do about 20reps with it for Chest crush. The WC I have is another beast entirely. the spread is about 2 7/8 on mine and it is flush mount. my best is 3reps closed on it. However do take note that springs can break like David said. You can also do Isos as well. The definately work as well.

- Aaron

Thanks for your reply Aaron.

I'm aware of the spring, but since I'm not crushing near my head but on chest level this shouldn't be too much of an issue.

I'm already doing isos quite often but I feel better with something that actually moves ;)

Of course nothing beats bending itself, but I want to improve my crush without having to bend the rest of the nail first.

I'll see if I can order that WC, guess that should be sufficient, especially since you are using it as well and can only do 3 reps with it. :)

This makes me wonder, if a person can chest crush a #4 and can crush a bastard, would that mean that someone who is close to closing the #4 in the normal way will be able to crush down a bastard with only one hand?

That would be awsome! :rock

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yes grippers are pretty good for crushdown...however I tend to laugh at these insane numbers thrown around....I highly doubt most people can trully 'exert' 365lb to close #4....I am sure it's probably half that.....if that.....

No, the numbers are true. You should have read the board more often. Gamidon and Dave Morton have a device that calibrates grippers. The results are here http://gripperhell.blogspot.com/2006/12/gr...on-results.html

Basically they add weights to the handles. The average #4 came 209 pounds. So what if they added the wieghts in the middle? I am sure the weights will go from 209LB to 400LB at least.

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If you want to do chest crushes with a gripper then these work well http://www.samsonscroll.com/ .The JB can be chest crushed upside down keeping the spring away from the neck and chest crushes are listed as an exercise by John for use with the gripper.The top one goes to 400lb I think


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The HG500s harder and has bigger handles...but you'd be better off going bigger.

Get the world Class or Galaxy.

If you can't use them straight away, then isos prevail! :rock

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If you want to do chest crushes with a gripper then these work well http://www.samsonscroll.com/ .The JB can be chest crushed upside down keeping the spring away from the neck and chest crushes are listed as an exercise by John for use with the gripper.The top one goes to 400lb I think


Mark, to be honest I think these grippers are even less safe for spring breaks then a normal sized gripper because when you use the extensions at chest level the spring will be closer to your face.

Keeping m upside down is nice, but it doesn't reflect the actual movement of a crush down IMO, I tried that with the #4 as well because of the spring break risk but it just didn't feel right.

Thanks for thinking anyway, maybe someone else who reads this thread will be helped with your info ;)

The HG500s harder and has bigger handles...but you'd be better off going bigger.

Get the world Class or Galaxy.

If you can't use them straight away, then isos prevail! :rock

I'm pretty sure if I get that Galaxy I can't use it right away, so for now that's a bit useless, A bent bar for isos is cheaper :D

Maybe the HG500 is an option too, I don't know which one would be better, the HG500 or the BBWC.

Will sleep another night on it ;)

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Maybe the HG500 is an option too, I don't know which one would be better, the HG500 or the BBWC.

Will sleep another night on it ;)

The BBWC is better. From what I've heard the HG500 would be a 4.1 or 4.2 without those damn huge handles and that BBWC wont season as much either.

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I guess it will be the WC since the HG500 is quite expensive and cannot be bought from the stores anymore AFAIK.

Is http://www.wwfitness.com/ the only store that sells them?

Apparently they don't accept paypal or bank transfer, only CC's, so it would be nice if I could order it somewhere else since I don't have a CC :(

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I guess it will be the WC since the HG500 is quite expensive and cannot be bought from the stores anymore AFAIK.

Is http://www.wwfitness.com/ the only store that sells them?

Apparently they don't accept paypal or bank transfer, only CC's, so it would be nice if I could order it somewhere else since I don't have a CC :(

White scorpion, You could try http://www.ironwoodyfitness.com They sell The Bone Crusher 500 which is likely very similar to the HG500--and they take paypal. I would call them first to make sure that the BC500 is similar in strength to the HG500, but I can say that the BC400 is a bit tougher than the HG400s were. That would be my only suggestion, other than putting up a post in the "wanted to buy" area of this forum if you want a tetting gripper. Good luck.

Edited by RiotGrip
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