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Smallest Hands On The Board?


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Just wondering,

who's got the smallest hands on the board, and what can you do with them in terms of pinching, blob, grippers, inch db, etc?

My hands are a little less then 7" and I know I won't ever be able to lift a blob by it's face simply because my hands don't fit.

Of course this could be a huge disadvantage in contests, so I'm glad the small and large hand size groups are used more often.

So, anyone got hands smaller then 7"?

And more importantly, were you ever able to lift the inch for example? I feel that larger hands would be such an advantage on that thing, but I'm still sure I will lift it some day ;)

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I trust you guys on your hand measurements, just from "knowing" you on the board and reading a lot of posts. But I've noticed that questions about hand size invariably lead to the "incredible shrinking hand syndrome" that Josh and John and I have talked about. A guy who once posted about an 8" hand will suddenly have a 7.5" hand, seemingly because any feats done with a smaller hand are more impressive than when they claimed an 8" hand.

This happens often. We've got to put a stop to this dreaded disease. Maybe a telethon to raise money and awareness would help?

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I trust you guys on your hand measurements, just from "knowing" you on the board and reading a lot of posts. But I've noticed that questions about hand size invariably lead to the "incredible shrinking hand syndrome" that Josh and John and I have talked about. A guy who once posted about an 8" hand will suddenly have a 7.5" hand, seemingly because any feats done with a smaller hand are more impressive than when they claimed an 8" hand.

This happens often. We've got to put a stop to this dreaded disease. Maybe a telethon to raise money and awareness would help?

Lol ;)

Well, I can take a picture while measuring it if you want.

But personally I don't really care about the size of my hands (I have the extra length elsewhere :laugh), but I do have to be stronger to achieve the same thing as someone with larger hands in some events. But on the other hands, I'm doing this for myself, and not for someone else. And besides that, I can no set close the #2 without to much problems, so the #3 will probably fall some time as well.

I also think that the actual close of a gripper is easier with smaller hands because you don't have to fold your fingers to be able to close it, but I might be wrong.

Nevertheless, I'm still curious since there is so much to do about hand size, even contests are split up, so it must be an important aspect in the gripworld ;)

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I trust you guys on your hand measurements, just from "knowing" you on the board and reading a lot of posts. But I've noticed that questions about hand size invariably lead to the "incredible shrinking hand syndrome" that Josh and John and I have talked about. A guy who once posted about an 8" hand will suddenly have a 7.5" hand, seemingly because any feats done with a smaller hand are more impressive than when they claimed an 8" hand.

This happens often. We've got to put a stop to this dreaded disease. Maybe a telethon to raise money and awareness would help?

It is also more impressive when someone is bending using smaller pads ,not Necessarily sensible but more impressive

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i have small hands compared to others...how am i supposed to measure them?

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I should have said up front that I agree that smaller hands make a lot of the grip stuff harder. That's a no brainer. What I'm talking down on is the guys who are lying to others about their handsize just to impress them. Surely they're not fooling even themselves.

Cunny, not sure exactly how the small pads remark factors into a handsize discussion, but maybe you know more about bending than I do. Or not.

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No you know more .

But to me a bend with smaller pads is more impressive than a bend with big pads maybe wrong discussion,but you are making comments along the line of people using the small hands excuse for not performing.

Strip the pads and most people cannot bend what they would with larger pads.

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Mine are around 7" ive not done anything great but hope to lift my 2.5" 82k globe bell someday.I can lift a 56k 2.5" globe bell easily and have done over 150k DO deadlift on a 2" bar and 162k one hand deadlift on a 2" farmers bar , ive also done 88kg on a shot loadable inch bell but theres little rotation on shot loadable stuff so its much easier.If you develop the strength then you can lift what you set your mind to theres plenty of small handed people with great grips


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Mine are around 7" ive not done anything great but hope to lift my 2.5" 82k globe bell someday.I can lift a 56k 2.5" globe bell easily and have done over 150k DO deadlift on a 2" bar and 162k one hand deadlift on a 2" farmers bar , ive also done 88kg on a shot loadable inch bell but theres little rotation on shot loadable stuff so its much easier.If you develop the strength then you can lift what you set your mind to theres plenty of small handed people with great grips


Absolutely, I'm not saying I won't be able to do anything (exept lifting the blob by its face) less then a large handed guy, but for some exercises it will take more effort while for some others it might take less effort.

So far Graeme has got the smallest hands with 6.5", anyone want to go for less? :D

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Small bending pads only hinder the folders, not the benders. Benders keep the steel in such a leverage-less position that their wrists give out long before they're in any danger of damaging their hands. That's why they only need minimal padding. I'm sure if some of the top benders would give in to the sin of fat pads, KOABs would start falling like rain.

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Mine are around 7" ive not done anything great but hope to lift my 2.5" 82k globe bell someday.I can lift a 56k 2.5" globe bell easily and have done over 150k DO deadlift on a 2" bar and 162k one hand deadlift on a 2" farmers bar , ive also done 88kg on a shot loadable inch bell but theres little rotation on shot loadable stuff so its much easier.If you develop the strength then you can lift what you set your mind to theres plenty of small handed people with great grips


Absolutely, I'm not saying I won't be able to do anything (exept lifting the blob by its face) less then a large handed guy, but for some exercises it will take more effort while for some others it might take less effort.

So far Graeme has got the smallest hands with 6.5", anyone want to go for less? :D

Yes I agree some lifts are beyond smaller handed people not because of strength but simply because of size alone.Im like you I can barely get a grip on a blob by the face, it is impossible for me to lift unless maybe i get some nail extentions :laugh

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mine are less then 6.5, i am only 5 feet 4 inches tall, i am a small bit@@@ :blink

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Work with what ya got. I will personally squeeze the head of the next person that whines about having small hands (with my big ones). This is a monthly raised topic - mostly by newbies - and what are you gonna do about the size of your hand anyway? Moan apparently.

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Work with what ya got. I will personally squeeze the head of the next person that whines about having small hands (with my big ones). This is a monthly raised topic - mostly by newbies - and what are you gonna do about the size of your hand anyway? Moan apparently.


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when you came around to mine i was really suprised at how small your hands were easilly an inch shorter than mine and mine are

7 3/4 mind you without proof mine could be 9s and yours 8s maybe we should all fly over to the self appionted LEGIT hand measurers house so there are no doubts but i think you have to be a part of the feat cheaters,rag bending,folders association to count so were out of luck on that one i think mate.

Wish i only had sub 7inch hands mate as then i could maybe du or reverse a sub 3inch grade 5 all the way to under 2inches between the legs a real mans bend :D none of this half arsed bend crap :D

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Listen guys,

I started this thread as a request for info, just because I'm curious. I didn't start the discussion on padding nor am I unhappy with my hands.

Until last week I didn't see any disadvantage of my hand size at all, until I tried to hold the blob by its face, my hands just won't fit.

Does it matter to me? no it doesn't.

I'm sure someone with 9" hands will have an advantage with lifting the inch over someone with 7" hands, but maybe those 7" hands can grow to be much stronger then those 9" hands. Who knows...

But if it makes you feel better, then I would like to know who's got the biggest hands as well. Not to moan about his achievements, but merely because I'm curious.

and while we're at it, who's got the biggest backyard? :D

Edited by White Scorpion
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This thread was hijacked by someone accusing people of lying.Albeit without naming names, if you are a man name names.

It was a sensible discussion started by Mark.

Before Other guys started bending big bars Red and upwards there were very few and the the flood gates opened i.e when someone sees what can be achieved we open our minds to it.I think this is what Mark was getting round to asking what have people done with smaller hands.

Like it or not hand size matters after all this is a hand strength board.

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