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Hammer Strength Grip Machine

Steve B.

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I may be getting a hammer strength grip machine for free.

I wanted to know if any gripboard members use or have tried one out?

Just curious to see if it's worth taking up space in my garage gym or not.

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I really like it but you have to be strict with it to get a good effect. It is very easy to deadlift the weight up without realizing it. keep your weight on the nearest handle and lift your legs off the ground when using it really helps.


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I really like the tips about making sure you don't cheat on it. Once you make sure of that, I think the best single thing about a grip machine is that it allows you to train both hands at the same time, "synergistically." It's probably important to go back and forth between one-handed TSG crushes and two-handed machine closes. I figure if it was good enough for Joe Kinney it's good enough for me.

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Thanks Wes!

That link was very informative.

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Well i finally picked up the Hammer grip machine.Boy was i blessed to get this.

Very nice piece of equipment.Iv'e only messed around with it and won't be able to give it a real evaulation untill i actuall use some weight and do some workouts with it.As it stands right now i still like my WarrenTetting beef builder giloutine style machine a bit better.

Hey Wes do you know if that guy Jerry form the 2003 post from the link you gave is still around?

I'd like to get an extension he makes for the plate pin on the hammer machine.

I'll repost when i give this thing a fair try and let everyone know what i think.

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No prob, I think the Jerry he is referring to owned Infinite Strength. Can't find the site anymore, might be out of business. They made some cool stuff like the excaliber bell and 300lb DB's

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I didn't know/you didn't say you already had a grip machine! I have a BB grip machine and there's a hammer strength seated machine at the gym I go to. I tend to by far use the seated hammer one much more often. But I think if you already have one and you use it anyway I'm not sure having one or the other makes much difference.

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Well i could'nt turn down the offer to have it for free.I just had to go pick it up.

I'm sure anyone in thier right mind would do the same.

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