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Picked Up My Homemade Inch Today


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Turned out awesome! 2 7/16" handle welded to 2 x 8" pieces of 7" CRS - came out at 180lbs on the nose. The welder polished the handle for me :angry: so its a little slick right now but its a challenge to lift which is what I was after. $97.00 all said and done. Couldnt think of a good name so its the "MG Bell" for now :D

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Turned out awesome! 2 7/16" handle welded to 2 x 8" pieces of 7" CRS - came out at 180lbs on the nose. The welder polished the handle for me :angry: so its a little slick right now but its a challenge to lift which is what I was after. $97.00 all said and done. Couldnt think of a good name so its the "MG Bell" for now :D

Strong lift and a nice dumbbell :rock

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Nice. Wasn't it Iron Maiden that had some big creature thing on stage? "Eddie" or something? Name it after that.

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Dang, I'm bummed! I still don't have mine finished :angry: At least yours is just as pretty as mine for now. I actually named mine the BFDB, B=Big and DB=dumbbell. Yours is smaller and weighs 180 on the dot, crap that means mine is close to 200.

Just saw your post in my thread, I'll post them in both and I'm pretty sure I'll get a new avatar out of it :D

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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BTW, my handles aren't polished and are about 2.535" + or - .01. They just have the HRS scale surface, I figured it would make it easier to lift.

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Dang, I'm bummed! I still don't have mine finished :angry: At least yours is just as pretty as mine for now. I actually named mine the BFDB, B=Big and DB=dumbbell. Yours is smaller and weighs 180 on the dot, crap that means mine is close to 200.

Just saw your post in my thread, I'll post them in both and I'm pretty sure I'll get a new avatar out of it :D

A 200lb DB with a 2.5" handle will be a hell of a lift.

PS - I just worked up the numbers on your original thread using a 4" piece of 2.5" for the handle and 2 x 8" pieces of 8" roundstock for the bells and it came up to 233lbs! You're gonna have to do some serious rounding of the edges bro!

Edited by maidenfan
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A 200lb DB with a 2.5" handle will be a hell of a lift.

I was thinking the same! Eh, worse come to worse I could just drill big holes in the centers of each end. I'll be interested to see if Jedd or Chad can move it at the BBB3 though!

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...but its a challenge to lift which is what I was after.

from that vid it looks like you already need a new challenge! Very nice DB.

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Wow - what a nice piece of grip feat equipment!! I was thinking of the same kind of dumbbell as a stepping stone for the InchDB. Hope it is not necessary any more soon...

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Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the BFDB and it's little, not so intimidating cousin.


Finally recieved my bells and got some pics to post! The big one should be around 200 right now and the small one I'd have to guess is anywhere from 120-150ish. 2.535" handles, made from solid HRS rounds. I didn't include a pic of me lifting either bell because... well they're really heavy and akward! I have a much better idea of how hard the actual Inch is to lift so BIG kudos to you guys who've pulled it!

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big bell=235lbs

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think that will take a while to lift :blink wonder if anyone will lift at the bbb3(right contest?)

is that heavier than the mdb?

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Thats a heavy dumbbell .The MDB is 226lb i think, however it may be harder than the 235lb one as i would guess you get more rotation from a globe bell

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Why would the shape of the bell make any difference on how it rotates? As long as the dumbell is one piece, or the plates dont rotate, it shouldnt matter.

PS - I'm talking about uniform shapes here.

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Great Job lifting that DB and a nice one for sure!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher


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I guess anyone who hasn't been able to try the MDB will get as close as possible without the real thing at the Backyard Bastard Bash 3.

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Why would the shape of the bell make any difference on how it rotates? As long as the dumbell is one piece, or the plates dont rotate, it shouldnt matter.

PS - I'm talking about uniform shapes here.

I have 2 globe bell and varoius other types, the globes are way harder, ie have more rotation, if i was any good at physics i would give a great reason as to why but im, not maybe someone else can

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