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Ideal Block Weight Loading


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Im working with something a whole lot better than adding weight using a cable and two plates. Lashing straps. The fact that I can secure the plate to the bottom and the whole contraption is rock steady, even when it drops, is an incredible improvement for me over the knotted cable setup. Any one else given this a shot?

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is it sort of opposite to the deloading platform with cables running off of it? ill see if i can find a picture for what i mean


Edited by egg_uk
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is it sort of opposite to the deloading platform with cables running off of it? ill see if i can find a picture for what i mean


Ooo...i really like that setup. I always wondered how I could make one of those properly, now it makes sense.

I was talkin about simply securing a plate, or plates, to the bottom of the block using a lashing strap. The fact that the plate wont move at all makes it very secure in terms of balance and dropping it.


Edited by dunebuggy31
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Another way is so simply stretch a jumpstretch band across the safety pins of your power rack and set the blob on top of that. The higher the pins, the more assistance you'll get from the band.

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