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Swindon Grip Champs...

The Mac

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Well well well, this is going ahead Saturday 8th December in Swindon.

Goal is to get a bunch of grip enthusiasts together for a great competition, emphasis as always is on having fun and hopefully getting some real momentum going for future comps in Swindon and the South as a whole, I'd really like people to go away thinking that they would go out of their way to come back to another Swindon event.

I've spoken to David and I am proud to say that this will be one of the first BHSA competitons, BHSA membership would be available in advance or on the day, running until the end of 2008.

There will be a small entrance fee to cover costs, not sure what people want regarding trophies etc but I am sure something can be rustled up to meet requirements. I'll try and come up with something interesting with regards to contest t-shirts, competitor packs etc.

If you're interested in this please let me know, I'd like to get a firm idea of the numbers who are interested as this will have a bearing on the exact make up of the competitons. I would like to run something like the following format:

1) Grippers - straphold for time

2) Pinch - selected weight for max reps in 75 secs

3) V-Bar - Last Man Standing, rising bar each round until only one competitor is left, either hand can be used.

4) One-Hand Lift - Max Weight, 3-4 attempts

5) Bending/Medley or whatever

All events would run to BHSA rules, except they would be for reps or time etc.

I am looking for the whole thing to last 3 - 4 hours tops then decamp to a local watering hole! There will be a pre-event rules briefing, will be looking to kick-off around mid day but if lots of people want to play this can be adjusted. Please feel free to ask any questions via PM or in this thread, will do my best to answer ASAP.

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It looks a lovely, and interesting contest. Please support Chris, especially the people near to Swindon. I watched the strongmen do the Log Lift at the Englands Strongest Man u105 in a 'Last Man Standing' format and it was quick and the most exciting pressing comp I've ever seen!


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Thanks David,

Yes, the Last Man Standing is a great format. One lifter looks like X kg amount of weight is the limit, then a few minutes later they smoke X + 10 kg and the crowd goes "Ooohh!!!". It gets very serious very quickly and is also a great format to compete in - you really get into the moment as it were.

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This looks good and will hopefully be a good place for me to dip my toe in the waters of a grip comp, I dont know what some of the events are but am sure I will find out before Dec 8th and possibly even train a bit.

I will no doubt get completely owned but iv'e got to start somewhere and will be looking forward to it.

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Further Info:

Because we could have a very disparate group of competitors, I've decided to go with a Strongman style "Step" system, as hopefully will become clear... This means eveyone will have a chance to do a decent number of reps or time, rather than the lower guys struggling to hit anything or the better guys repping away all day. It should also cut down on the length of the comp. I am debating on having a "One Shot" rule, to make competitors really think about their attempts and what they can do - for instance in the Straphold, I'll ask the competitor what Gripper they would like to use, and if they cannot shut that gripper then they do not get to drop down to a lower Gripper, they get no points.

GRIPPERS: 3 grippers, probably Ironmind #1, #2 and #3. Any amount of time on a #3 beats any amount of time on a #2 and so on.

PINCH: For reps, to the 16" marker. There will be a good rep signal for each rep. Weights will probably be 50-60kg and 70-80kg, 1 rep with 80kg beats any number of reps with 60kg etc.

V-BAR: As above. Comp will only be stopped to clean off any sweat/blood and to add weight - I want this to move this really fast, you are up and you go.

ONE-HAND LIFT: - The One Max Event, 3 or 4 events, usual BHSA rules

FINAL EVENT: Let me know what you want, bending or some kind of loading Medley.

Scoring will be on the Strongman system as the format does not allow for easy use of the percentage system. Having a straphold event first will really take it out of eveyone, which will be fun!

I'll start taking names next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds good consider mine your first name,last event, personally i would like either rolling thunder for reps or my personal favourite rolling thunder farmers walk were you run chain through some plates attach to handle and go and to make it even harder have a short course with more turns.

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8 weeks or so to go now. I will start putting up a list of competitors names and taking monies over the weekend, plus banging the drum a bit more. It looks like this should be quite a decent quality comp!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any descions made on what the last event will be?

I would love to come to this comp, but im just worried about irritating the problem with my back that leads to my sciatica flaring up, so im worried about doing events such as Vbar and one hand lift, but i would still compete but just not lift anything heavy on those events.

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I personally like the sound of a heavy farmers hold but that's probably the opposite of everyone else (I do have farmers which could be used),

I had a play with David's baby inch whilst with David the other week and the baby inch hold for time seems quite a good event although I am rubbish at it and single hand thick bar deadlift seems good also.

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I've got a few ideas for the final event, I am thinking of keeping it under my hat and having it as a "mystery" event. Is there any interest in that or would everyone like to know all the events in advance? I would have thought that there was plenty to keep everyone going in training preparing to cope with the slightly different formats in the first four events.


It would be great if you can make it, I have no problem with token lifts on any event that can potentially worsen existing injuries.

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I am new to this so there all a mystery to me anyway but I would like to come and have a go.

Usually at strongman comps people like to know the events so they can train specifically but as I am so new to this it makes no difference to me.

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I've got a few ideas for the final event, I am thinking of keeping it under my hat and having it as a "mystery" event. Is there any interest in that or would everyone like to know all the events in advance? I would have thought that there was plenty to keep everyone going in training preparing to cope with the slightly different formats in the first four events.


It would be great if you can make it, I have no problem with token lifts on any event that can potentially worsen existing injuries.

Thats cool, i'll take part as long as it doesn't coincide with this christmas play i am in, will need to double check my dates.

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As above the intention is to have two groups, as often used in Strongman comps, at around 60kg and 80kg. 1 rep with 80kg beats any number of reps with 60kg. Theres a possibilty that I might run a 40-45kg group, I am trying to talk a few beginners into the event as well.

After the first event, straphold for time, I would be quite suprised to see anybody getting big reps with the 80kg - it does depend on who turns up of course!! 1 rep with 80kg would be pretty close to getting you on the Top 50 list.

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Id like to think i can lift 80kg, i only just failed on 85kg back in April, but didn't try 80 as didn't get a chance, but i remember 77.5kg feeling quite comfortable thats why i moved up so far.

Will there be practice lifts before the comp. begins?

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After much thought and consideration I am sorry to report that I am going to have to cancel this competition. I can only apologize to those that have expressed interest, offered assistance and directly to David and Steve who have given of their time to help me with this, but there is no real way I put this on any longer. Several health issues related to family members have come to a head over the weekend (to give some indication since August I have spent at least three solid weeks in various hosptials with various family members) and early December is due to be a particularly stressful time - therefore I won't even be able to log onto the boards very often over the next few months.

I am pretty gutted about this decision, at times the thought of the comp has been one of the things that has kept me going. When things quiten down I will look to arrange something again, maybe over the summer depending on other contests in the BHSA schedule, I've certainly learnt a few things and made some good contacts.


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