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Elite Level Contest Proposal

Matt Brouse

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Here's my idea. Kind of for grins but I'd also like to see it happen!

We stage a contest, as per the set-up of other grip contests but have it be directed at the top tier guys out there. The guys known for moving the bigger numbers in that era (basically try and think of guys with strong grips...you got some? Yeah, those guys). We'd have it be many of the usual event but contested at a world class level. So instead of 'heaviest gripper closed" we would have it be '#3 for most reps.' Get me? Here's my suggested events thus far (no particular order):

Double Inch Farmers Walk – This is for maximum distance.

CoC #3 for reps – Sum of both hands (i.e. 4 with right, 2 with left, 6 total reps).

Successive IM Nails (or FBBC Equiv.) - This would be the nails from easiest to hardest for the fastest time. OR a set number of a heavier nail for a set time.

Two Handed Blob Load – fastest time to complete the run or heaviest pair completed.

What else?


Edited by Matt Brouse
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We have an elite level comp, that's run every 4 years called the Champion of Champions. You can only compete in this if you have placed in the top 3 in a previous recognised grip contest.

The next one is in 2009, and next year I will start the organising for that event. I have a lot of new ideas, and I think it will be run over 2 days because of the volume of competitors expected.


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I would like to see the InchDB FW in a contest! Good idea!

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We have an elite level comp, that's run every 4 years called the Champion of Champions. You can only compete in this if you have placed in the top 3 in a previous recognised grip contest.

The next one is in 2009, and next year I will start the organising for that event. I have a lot of new ideas, and I think it will be run over 2 days because of the volume of competitors expected.


Will it be a bhsa event or is it open to anyone?

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ALL BHSA events are open to everyone - if they were not we'd be restricting the sport. HOWEVER only those who are BHSA members will have any record they set recognized by the BHSA. We already have international members and encourage as many to join as possible.

As before we are hoping whatever we create becomes the model or template for others to follow and use.

Matt needs to do even more searching as I'm pretty sure one of the US events had exactly those lifts in one competition and most competitions use a 5-lift schedule not four as suggested (unless we were meant to suggest the 5th). Further the Inch and Blob are both tests of thumb strength and it'd be an either or rather than both pick.

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HOWEVER only those who are BHSA members will have any record they set recognized by the BHSA.

To be honest this sounds already restricting to me.

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Don't be stupid. Just think about it.

If you set up the German Hand Strength Association today and I come over from Britain and am not a member of the GHSA and I compete and set a record would it be a GHSA record?? No. You know it wouldn't be yet are prepared to state that we should, by inference, allow NON-BHSA members to set a BHSA record? Then what's the point of being a member??

Worse we've even had a situation like this already when Theo competed, won but was not German champion. Now we can argue he was not German so cannot be German champion but in a competition like the Champion of Champions it's international.

I explained (as has David elsewhere) PRECISELY why we'd like to see said associations set up, what could happen if they did and so on. Yet that seems to have zipped on by.

If someone - daft they'd be - only paid a £10.00 BHSA fee at the CoC event to get any records they MIGHT set recognized then they'd be silly. International lifters willing to spend money to travel etc aren't gonna be worried about £10.00 but would, I hope, benefit from more than just the record being listed by being a BHSA member. We are trying to encourage said associations to spring up elsewhere. It is entirely possible that being a member of one could mean being an affiliate member of another (if said parties agreed) and so ALL records could be recognized. Ergo said GHSA member competes in a BHSA comp and has his record listed. Being a member of ANY such association has to mean more than having a record listed

because that's what we have right now (kind of but that's another topic). There are MANY examples of this in 1000's of sports throughout the world. David and I modeled several aspects of the BHSA on a few other weightlifting organizations that already exist (IPF and BAWLA were looked at).

Now get down and give me 50 while you use the 'I must think before replying' mantra.

Edited by mobsterone
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Don't be stupid.

I'm not stupid. (sorry, that's a fact [and in fact off topic - like this sentence of You])

Just think about it.

I've thought a lot about grip organisation, believe me!

Then what's the point of being a member??

Good question from Your point of view! I think it's not good to reduce the number of people who can set records (the problem with Theo was a different because he isn't a German; here we talk about an organisation and not a nation - so it really has nothing to do with each other). On the one hand side there may be some international members but not all will enter the BSHA for sure.

The member must have an advantage over the non-member for sure! IMO it would be better if the paying members would have the right to vote for the leading members and via this method - the opportunity to make rules for comps and so on! The disadvantage of a non-member would be that they have to accept the rules of the organisation and that they won't be part of a yearly BSHA-meeting! (which I find a very good idea btw!)

Records are for everybody. I know that this would be a difference to other weightlifting organisations - but it would be a good one!

By the way this is not the topic of this thread. So the moderators are correct if they remove my post - I've no problem with this.

Not off topic and more important is the competion idea of Matt! I would like to see such events in competition. I'm really curious how many guys would do an InchDB FW (and how many would get zero points in this event).

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Most of the above assumes that the only advantage of being a member of ANY organization (most of those points were ignored in your reply) is the record. Elsewhere it has been explained that are several others. I also explained that records can and will still be set - subject to the ''record keeper'' bothering to accept any record sent to him and on his terms and conditions (you know what I mean).

Every sport has an association or ruling body of sorts. The BHSA is an attempt at creating one here in the UK. Look at who has signed up to see who thinks it was or is a good idea. Ask your German buddies if the setting up of one in your country is a good idea and get their input. We both know that the split fraction you once had is no longer and that was step forward right there. I'd love to see the next HSA be yours. I know you have the idea of some organization in your mind else you'd not have replied. I'm trying to get you to act on the thought and set one up.

Now cos I like you just do 49 press ups. ;)

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Nearly every sport has their own national governing bodies.

I've competed in many many sports (Arm Wrestling, Tug Of War, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Strandpulling, etc) which all had one, and I paid my subscriptions and thought no more.

This is the way it will run in the UK, and as I have said before people can join or not. It's their decision, and all events run by me and Steve will be under this organisation.

We are getting the British side of this sorted quite nicely, and this is all I'm getting involved with for the time being.

Other countries can do what they wish.


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It makes sense to have to be a member to set a record under the org. BUT perhaps the record keeper could keep an open class or non-member records for those who were not members but competed in a BHSA event. I don't think it would diminish the point of being a member and it's of course up to the record keeper. I just think it would be weird if a non-member came in and won a BHSA event and wasn't recognized in some way for his lifts(or am I thinking of totally different circumstances?).

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Here's my idea. Kind of for grins but I'd also like to see it happen!

We stage a contest, as per the set-up of other grip contests but have it be directed at the top tier guys out there. The guys known for moving the bigger numbers in that era (basically try and think of guys with strong grips...you got some? Yeah, those guys). We'd have it be many of the usual event but contested at a world class level. So instead of 'heaviest gripper closed" we would have it be '#3 for most reps.' Get me? Here's my suggested events thus far (no particular order):

Double Inch Farmers Walk – This is for maximum distance.

CoC #3 for reps – Sum of both hands (i.e. 4 with right, 2 with left, 6 total reps).

Successive IM Nails (or FBBC Equiv.) - This would be the nails from easiest to hardest for the fastest time. OR a set number of a heavier nail for a set time.

Two Handed Blob Load – fastest time to complete the run or heaviest pair completed.

What else?


I like it Matt. Where are we going to get two inch DB's, and where are we going to do it?

I'd be in if you took out the bending. Bending = pain in shoulders and elbows = no benching = not gonna do it.

Can we start our own organization? MHLF = meat heads lifting for fun. Never mind, it sounds too much like milf. It might get us a lot of attention on the net though...

Anyways, keep me posted.

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If you compete in a BHSA sanctioned comp you have to be a member. So there will be no non BHSA member winning a comp in a BHSA sanctioned event.


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Here's my idea. Kind of for grins but I'd also like to see it happen!

We stage a contest, as per the set-up of other grip contests but have it be directed at the top tier guys out there. The guys known for moving the bigger numbers in that era (basically try and think of guys with strong grips...you got some? Yeah, those guys). We'd have it be many of the usual event but contested at a world class level. So instead of 'heaviest gripper closed" we would have it be '#3 for most reps.' Get me? Here's my suggested events thus far (no particular order):

Double Inch Farmers Walk – This is for maximum distance.

CoC #3 for reps – Sum of both hands (i.e. 4 with right, 2 with left, 6 total reps).

Successive IM Nails (or FBBC Equiv.) - This would be the nails from easiest to hardest for the fastest time. OR a set number of a heavier nail for a set time.

Two Handed Blob Load – fastest time to complete the run or heaviest pair completed.

What else?


I like it Matt. Where are we going to get two inch DB's, and where are we going to do it?

I'd be in if you took out the bending. Bending = pain in shoulders and elbows = no benching = not gonna do it.

Can we start our own organization? MHLF = meat heads lifting for fun. Never mind, it sounds too much like milf. It might get us a lot of attention on the net though...

Anyways, keep me posted.

If I ever find my way to jackals again I am giving the Inch FW a run...hopefully :blink .

I guess I don't find it too unreasonable to hold "nonmember records" as in collegiate rank (in the U.S. mind you) you would see "field records" as in Joe Schmoe from Mucky University came here and ran himself a good time, and here is the best time by one of our guys also. This isn't, however, typical of sports more similar to ours (i.e. powerlifting, weightlifting, etc.) wherein membership in the governing body is your only way into competition. I can see advantages to both however.

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Nothing is ever going to stop the "unofficial" records from being kept at various levels - from the best lift in my garage to the local HS weight room, college etc. And it shouldn't, those kinds of records are what inspire us everyday when we hit the weights. On the other hand, in order to be able to compare ourselves on a much larger scale, we need a structure that can be used anywhere in the world and be assured that the method of lifting and the way it was done etc are comparable - that's why the different organizations and governing bodies exist. I'm hoping that the Brits serve as the leaders and that we all are able to follow along shortly and someday end up with a unified governing body at some point.

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By the way Juma, if I ever do start a grip organizations...it HAS TO HAVE the MHLF name. If nothing else but for the reason you said we shouldn't use it.

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Further the Inch and Blob are both tests of thumb strength and it'd be an either or rather than both pick.

Right. I was mostly interested in getting list of elite level events...that seperate the contest from lower level guys. Sort of like, if one were to look at the World's Strongest Man, one, theoretically, shouldn't be able to complete the events as a lowly amateur or a newbie.

I'll search for the past contest and maybe go from there...

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[...] "unofficial" records [...}]

I like them.

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[...] "unofficial" records [...}]

I like them.

Same here. To me a record is the absolute best the best person is capable of doing. The fact "it wasn't in competition" is irrelevant, the weight was still lifted. Anyway, this contest is an interesting idea.. However the pool of available competitors that are able to complete some of the events mentioned is going to be fairly small

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I didn't want to take this thread to another subject then the original topic, but since we're there now:

If that's the idea behind the bhsa then I would rename it to ghsa where g stands for global. However, if you want to keep a bhsa then I would only allow brits to compete and join the association, hence the name british.

In the case of the Champion of Champions I would run it under the ghsa since everybody can join and everybody can compete, regardless of their country of origin (keeping the original rules of that contest in mind of course (must be 1,2 or 3 in a previous contest).

The way it looks now, you are going to organize a global contest under the name of the British hsa. this will be confusing for a lot of people and besides that, if the bhsa will grow like expected (since you must be a member to compete) chances are that the majority of members won't be from the UK within a very short time.

Just my 2 cents ;)

On topic:

I think farmer walks would be great with the inches, but I don't see it as a replacement for a pinch event, I would replace a supporting grip event like a normal farmer walk with the inch, not a 2HP or blob event for example, if that's not feasible you could always change it to a thumbless inch farmer walk and so losing the thumb part of the event.

Edited by White Scorpion
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[...] "unofficial" records [...}]

I like them.

Same here. To me a record is the absolute best the best person is capable of doing. The fact "it wasn't in competition" is irrelevant, the weight was still lifted. Anyway, this contest is an interesting idea.. However the pool of available competitors that are able to complete some of the events mentioned is going to be fairly small

Try getting the 'record keeper' to list them then. His objections are pretty well known.

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