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Set Your Limit/goal! In Terms Of Closing Gripper!


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hi all!

i'd like to have an idea how strong are u guys in terms of reaching "impossible" goals ...

mind is a very powerfull tool ... if we use it properly maybe the sky is the limit ...

Just to give u an idea what i'm looking for: in july 06 coulndt close coc1! but after looking into coc2 i realize i'd close it in 6 months , thats what i did! 8 months later after watching some inspirational guys , namelly Pete and Temmu i found how important is to keep strong mentally ...

Whats the limit for me ? well i see myself closing coc#3 next year and make my goal come true: become mm0!

the next step : to close mashmoster 1 and achieve LEVEl 1! ... i'm not sure if i can get higher , it deppend of my motivations , but for now the limit for me is LEVEl 1 !


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you are saying the mind is a powerful tool in one sentence, then in the next you are saying what you dont think you can do, doesnt really work together. i see the point in setting short term targets, but not setting limits. i know where i wanna go, but im dont know where it will stop. i wanna mm0 next year, who knows where ill end up, if i train hard and keep working i could end up anywhere i want. just could take a while.

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well , u are right ... i didnt explain very well ... in fact i'm lookinf to know whats your "limit" .. after this maybe we could set another limit because our friends got it ! ... the most difficult is to get there in first place! Congratalations do Dave Morton(mm6!)

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Good thing to have goals. My goal is to rep a gr8 #4. I don't think I'll ever set myself any limits. If I can close a #4, then with even more training and busting my ass I'l then be able to close a #4.1............and so on.

I feel that if Ironmind made a #5 it'd be closed one day. The gr8#4 is seen as the holy grail by many but I think if it wasn't the toughest IM gripper then more people would close it. I think that in the mind of many, (mostly #3 closer wannabes, like myself) it's seen as "OK" to take you time on working up to the #3 because it's so hard and seen as benchmark in the gripping world. Though I feel that if the #4 was the only CERT gripper then more people would close it.

Take a look at Mr Kinney, in a time where most people were happy that they'd closed a #3 Mr Kinney had other ideas. He locked himself away day after day and slowly devloped the strength to do what most would have thought impossible at the time...he closed the #4. I wonder how many people train as hard now as Mr Joe Kinney did back then? But be sure on this, when the first man certs on a gr8 #4 the next man to cert will not be far behind.

Lets forget grippers for a minute, look at the 100 meters race. 100 years ago nobody could break the 10 second barier, but in time and with harder training the times are getting faster and faster. Nobody ever thought that 9.90 seconds would be broken and then with more training and a TOUGHER goal to work towards people have now got the time even lower.

I think if we sit back and say yeah, ten seconds is great, that's my limit then we'll always fall short of that 9.70 seconds. It's only when a My Kinney comes along then we all change our mentality on what our limits really are.

If every person that's currently trying to close a #3 now scraps that goal and looks at the #4 tho be his/her new target then I'm sure you'll be able to close a #3 quicker than if you'd been setting your target as the #3.

Raise you targets and your training to reach those targets and your strength will shortly follow.

What I'm saying here is purely my opinion on MIND power, targets and limits, not how strong everyone is.

#4 anyone??? ;)

Good thread.

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Good thing to have goals. My goal is to rep a gr8 #4. I don't think I'll ever set myself any limits. If I can close a #4, then with even more training and busting my ass I'l then be able to close a #4.1............and so on.

I feel that if Ironmind made a #5 it'd be closed one day. The gr8#4 is seen as the holy grail by many but I think if it wasn't the toughest IM gripper then more people would close it. I think that in the mind of many, (mostly #3 closer wannabes, like myself) it's seen as "OK" to take you time on working up to the #3 because it's so hard and seen as benchmark in the gripping world. Though I feel that if the #4 was the only CERT gripper then more people would close it.

Take a look at Mr Kinney, in a time where most people were happy that they'd closed a #3 Mr Kinney had other ideas. He locked himself away day after day and slowly devloped the strength to do what most would have thought impossible at the time...he closed the #4. I wonder how many people train as hard now as Mr Joe Kinney did back then? But be sure on this, when the first man certs on a gr8 #4 the next man to cert will not be far behind.

Lets forget grippers for a minute, look at the 100 meters race. 100 years ago nobody could break the 10 second barier, but in time and with harder training the times are getting faster and faster. Nobody ever thought that 9.90 seconds would be broken and then with more training and a TOUGHER goal to work towards people have now got the time even lower.

I think if we sit back and say yeah, ten seconds is great, that's my limit then we'll always fall short of that 9.70 seconds. It's only when a My Kinney comes along then we all change our mentality on what our limits really are.

If every person that's currently trying to close a #3 now scraps that goal and looks at the #4 tho be his/her new target then I'm sure you'll be able to close a #3 quicker than if you'd been setting your target as the #3.

Raise you targets and your training to reach those targets and your strength will shortly follow.

What I'm saying here is purely my opinion on MIND power, targets and limits, not how strong everyone is.

#4 anyone??? ;)

Good thread.

I fully agree!

For me, the limits are the same (or higher) then anyone else. I don't believe in genes, only in hard work and more importantly, believe in yourself & dedication!

Example: when I started bending the only things I've read regarding the red nail was that it wasn't possible to bend it within 6 months, and that you shouldn't set that goal or you would get injured.

Well, it took me 3 months and 2 days to be exact and I know for sure that it could've gone down sooner for 2 reasons:

- I didn't had them any earlier

- People constantly said it would be hard and you will start to believe that.

I'm not special, I wasn't extremely strong when I started, I just focussed on bending from the moment I started with it.

Now, another 4 months later, I've moved a pre-kinked edgin from 40 to 90 degrees with very sore hands. I'm pretty sure I can take an edgin completely when I'm fit again.

If I can achieve that within 7 months (7 months and 8 days now), then I see no reason why someone else couldn't do the same.

Take a look at Gazza for example. I've read somewhere that he focussed on bending and bending alone for about a year or so, and look where he is now!

He did some very amazing bends for the rest of us, but he's still ONLY human. Hard work, believing in yourself and dedication are the key here as well.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to demolish Gazza's achievements, I'm merely trying to explain with Gazza as an example that anything is possible if you set yourself to it!

Now go close that #4, cause I'm sure I will some day as well! :rock

my 2 cents ;)

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great post lloyds80 and white scorpion! its true , i believe i must look higher than i though ... "the sky is the limit


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I personally feel my limit (like my genetic limit, beyone which i will simply plateau and not gain any more strength) will be the #4 from around a parallel set, if i had bigger hands i might fancy myself to go to CCS the #4 in the distant future but i just dont think its possible for me. If one day i do parallel set or CCS a #4 and feel i've got more in me, then i'll raise the bar as ewokhugo has suggested, but you may have to dig this post up from the archives, if that time ever comes around.

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It's fortunate Ironmind matched so many people's genetic limits with a single gripper!

IMO focus on closing the gripper one level above what you can shut now. When that one is shut, worry about the others.

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I don't see me getting much further than CCS'ing a #3. Not that I couldn't go even further but I don't want to spent that kind of time or energy to go on a harder gripper.

I am always striving to get stronger but not at a cost where it consumes my life or wrecks my body. If I can go past the #3(or any other goal) without either of those happening then I will.

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I don't see me getting much further than CCS'ing a #3. Not that I couldn't go even further but I don't want to spent that kind of time or energy to go on a harder gripper.

I am always striving to get stronger but not at a cost where it consumes my life or wrecks my body. If I can go past the #3(or any other goal) without either of those happening then I will.

Agreed. (I could have written that post word for word about myself!)

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IMO focus on closing the gripper one level above what you can shut now. When that one is shut, worry about the others.
You damn shuggy! My ultimate goal is "Anything anyone else has done + 1"
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I like Twigs.

I'm also gonna be the guy who forces Beatty to add a 325 category to the 2" Vbar cert list.

..and then a 350.

I'll probably close the 4 if I ever get serious about grippers again...bleh.

Edited by Matt Brouse
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powerhouse: i understand your point , but its important to realize : closing coc3 can put your body in troubles if your not phisically in balance .. in other words: i hurted myself closing a coc1 in the past because i become addict to it! one think to remember: its always important to push your mind to a higher point (Scott styles) i believe thats the best think to do!

"I personally feel my limit (like my genetic limit, beyone which i will simply plateau and not gain any more strength) will be the #4 from around a parallel set "

waw! that means your limit its closing a mash moster 4 or 5!

are u preparing to compete again in the british grip tournament? are u one of the best young guys around with your bodyweight?

Edited by ewokhugo
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I don't think its possible to clearly state what your limit is, i can only speculate. Im planning to enter the IronGrip08 next year.

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I think the limit is the max one reached before death. no one knows for sure and if one think of failing it´ll happen. as bruce lee once said, there are no limits, only plateaus.

i know i´m not very strong in comparison to others here but i believe i´ll get alot better.

i also don´t think that age is a real problem, only perhaps serious injuries can set you limits.but until now i had luck.

but look at valentin dikul. he was a circus acrobat and fell from several meters on his back and broke it. it took him several years to walk some metres in a room. the docs said he would never move his feet again. now he´s deadlifting more than 460 kg and has several records to own. he´s in his sixties by the way.

he had the will and he got it!

here´s the full article for anyone who´s interested:


and a video :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrJ6tWyafDA

i also read the book iron minds,iron bodies.

it displays also that everything is possible.

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very good nighttowl! one more thing to remeber: "the limit is what u reach before death" .. very inspirational! i believe that every person near death will come back stronger and break plateaus!u see this hammer in my back? thats what i use to break plateaus!:-)

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thanks but thats just the way it is. until death i´ve time to improve.i´ll tell a story from me:

i´m 27years old now, i started with strength training with 19 in a gym. in this gym i learned nothing. i only did things, other people told me.i joined the gym about two years and then i bought a book from schwarzenegger cause i wanted to learn something. at this time, i didn´t knew the difference between strength training and bodybuilding. i always thought the bigger guys are the stronger ones.the things i learned in the book didn´t gave me the results i was searching for and then said to myself strength training doesn´t work for me so i´ll do something different.i started again with martial arts with which i started at the age of 6.i did wing chun,where you don´t need a lot of power.

but last year , i joined a sports forum(it´s for martial arts fitness) and stumbled over books from pavel tsatsouline,steve justa and so on and quitted wing chun.now i know that my possibility to improve has come and i won´t waste it. i wasted a lot of time(someone would say my best years but i think they are still coming ;) ) but now i look only at the people who tried to change something and fought hard(like valentin for example,there are so many examples).

people will say, you´re too old to get good results that late but i think it´s always like this: they say you´re too young, you´re too old, you don´t have good genetics, you´re too small, you´re too big, heavy weights are bad for your health and so on. i really despite these opinions and a lot of people telling so because the majority is afraid of it´s own succes and jealous about the succes of others who aren´t afraid to try something.

thats a real sportsman for me, someone who doesn´t count the advantage of others as an own disadvantage.

sorry for these many words,but i think i had to explain it in association to what happened to me,even if it´s not that worse .


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nightowl27: i know what u mean ... i started lifting weights at the age of 16 .. i was very small but have stamina wich impressed the other guys .. in that period i also brought "THE SAME BOOK about Arnold" its a 700 pgs book! Inspirational but the main value was to know wich specific areas work each exercice, i love Arnold ! after 15 years of lifting weights i have same feeling : why do i train ? in fact i like the pump , to feel relax in my body and mind but after so long what keep me doing the same? during the majoroty of time i i felt like a slave! right now i dont need the gym to be happy .... last year a ligth came into my mind and i started doing armwrestling wich motivatedme .. but a friend of mine hurted badly in the table and i stopped armwrestling for a while but i will came back ! since last year i become interest in grippers ... i love them and the most important it makes to set GOALS! i always loved things related to MIND and now its time to apply mind power!

best of luck and keep strong!

Edited by ewokhugo
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Yeah,best wishes also for you.

saudades de nightowl27

btw:nice close on youtube. the advice from gripper pete is also good. my spring is really rusty and so i have to oil it today. then i will try the number two again. how long did it take u from #2 to #2.5 ?

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nightowl: thanks! the previous night i did 4 shots of #2.5 the first one had about 20 sgs hold but the guy didnt taped it properly and the day after i asked another guy .

thanks for sending me"saudades" u already learned some portuguese!

i took 9 months to move n2 to 2.5 but i believe with proper training , and TECHNIQUE it can be done in half of the time!

best of luck!

Edited by ewokhugo
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