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My First Attempt At Bending Some Stainless Steel

Brad Manion

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I tried some bends at a party today, and I managed to DO bend a very tough 5-1/2" x 1/4" G8. This took me 2 minutes, whereas it's taken only 20-30 seconds the past few weeks. Got stopped dead with a GripRite 70d-USA right after that. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed and worried.

So, still pissed off, I then went home, went back to good fundamentals (chalking the wraps, pulling them super tight, and locking my wrists). I DO bent a Bastard easily, and then went to redeem myself with my first attempt at ANY stainless bending, a piece of 7" x 5/16" stainless round stock that I got from Fastenal and cut down myself.

This one was BRUTAL, the toughest bend ever for me, without a shadow of a doubt. Very tough, slow kink. The sweep was tough, but nowhere near as bad as the kink. Took me 4 or 5 big hits to get a 3" gap between the posts right before the crush. Then, everything I've read all you Shiny Bastard benders out there say about the stainless crush being nasty was right. I didn't think it'd move, but it did, a 1/16" of an inch at a time. So, while my PR tonight wasn't a certifiable bend --- for a few reasons --- I did finish it, about 12 minutes after I began :flame

Now, I'm going to try to sleep and dream about what it's like to bend the King-of-all-Huge-Shiny-Bastards that Gazza has bent :rock Then again... maybe I could do without the nightmares (of what must be some serious strain and pain) for a few days.

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Nice job! I'm glad somebody else finds those Griprite USA 70d nails as tough as I do. Man they are brutal. I only had 2 and I've not finished either one. Stuck at 90 degrees on the last one.

I have some of that stainless from fastenal too and that crush is mean. I haven't tried a piece in a few months but I think last time I got stopped at 2.5 inches or so. Bad news is that FBBC stainless seems to be much tougher than that, or at least the piece I tried.

Great job!


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I agree with you that those 70d-USA nails are tough. I even tried one about 5-10 minutes after finishing off the stainless steel piece last night, but I made NO damage to that nail. What's odd is that after bending a Huge Bastard a week ago, I did a cool down of wrapping up a 70d-USA and absolutely smoking it (20 seconds or so). I checked it out on the calibration chart and it checks out at slightly tougher than a Bastard, which felt about right. So, what I'm thinking now with the 70d-USA is that with that steel, more than any other of the same size, it is more critical to be well-warmed up, yet rested and to have suede wraps be chalked and extremely tight, especially on the head of the nail. When I become a little more experienced and stronger, I'll experiment by using my bolt cutters and removing the heads and points from some 70d-USA nails, getting essentially a bunch of pieces that are like 6-1/2" x 5/16" CRS.

So, FBBC stainless is even tougher than Fastenal??? Wow....

Thanks for the heads-up on that one.


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Brad is the Stainless you got 304SS Because Fastenal sells many types but usually stocks 304 and 316.The 316 is eiasier than 304.Tim had told me that the 304 had caled at 465lbs and the FBBC shinys cal at 545lbs so you can see in the numbers how much stiffer it is.


BTW good job on getting through the 304 it is a tough bend and it still work hardens so keep hitting it!!!

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Don't know if the SS is a 304 or 316, but it felt so much tougher than the Bastard I did beforehand, in spite of resting a good 5 minutes or more between attempts. If what I did was a 304 that calibrates out at 465# and the FBBC-SS calibrates out at 545#, I'd hate to try the FBBC-SS stuff any time soon. Ben Edwards told me that besides my possibly having bought 304 SS stock, there's also 303 SS, which is even tougher. I'll find out the details the next time I talk with the general manager at my local Fastenal store, some time this week.

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If I had to guess I'd say FBBC stainless is 303 but I don't know that. It should be pretty similiar anyway. I had the 304 from fastenal and to me the FBBC was alot harder feeling. Can't say how hard it was to finish because I can't finish the FBBC. 316 is crazy expensive in my experience so I passed on it.

Nice advice on the USA 70d nails. If I ever find any I'll try that. They are some nice looking nails to tackle.

Nice job again. Great that you've smoked a USA 70d.


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Just go to Home Depot or Lowe's up to the contractor's desk and specifically request a special order for GripRite Bright Common nails, 5/16" x 7", that are Made in the USA. Total, plus tax, will be about $50, and you should have your nails in about a week or so. The only problem, as I recall, is that 70d-USA nails might be gradually phased out and replaced by 70d-China nails (which seem to be much tougher nowadays).

Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the info but you obviously don't have the people working at your lowes as I do at mine. I have tried and you'd thought I'd asked where the end of the universe is.


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Congrats on the stainless steel bend!!! The Crush is quite difficult, and like Gazza has also commented, you get more bang for the buck. :)

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Ahhh that nasty stainless is a B-&^#)$@!!!! and it just gets harder. You got my respect on that shiny stuff for sure so keep up the great tenacity!!! :rock

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I finally remembered to look at the receipt, and it turns out that I bent some 304 SS. Now, even though it took me 12 minutes for the entire bend, I remember I was able to get the posts to 3" apart in about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. That final inch of crush was a monster, though.

Anyways, since this was 304 SS and it calibrates out at 465# and the FBBC-SS cailbrates at 545#, for those that have bent both, how much tougher does the FBBC stock feel? Is it closer to say, 303 SS, if that's available to me?

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I finally remembered to look at the receipt, and it turns out that I bent some 304 SS. Now, even though it took me 12 minutes for the entire bend, I remember I was able to get the posts to 3" apart in about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. That final inch of crush was a monster, though.

Anyways, since this was 304 SS and it calibrates out at 465# and the FBBC-SS cailbrates at 545#, for those that have bent both, how much tougher does the FBBC stock feel? Is it closer to say, 303 SS, if that's available to me?

There is a good bit of difference IMO. I've done both and the 304 although having the same characteristic tough crush down is not even close to the FBBC. I would say the 303 feels about the same to me as the FBBC in most cases.

- Aaron

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