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Tarheel Hands Of Steel 2008


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Tarheel Hands Of steel 2008 in North Carolina in planning stages.

date: February 2, 2008

Place: to be announced but in or around Charlotte NC.


1. Grippers- preset at parallel by choker, laid out in order calibrated by the RNC. We are going with Chris Rice's idea on this one. As long as everything goes well at Gripmas it will be basically the same format. Thanks Chris for the Idea. 3 attempts

2. 2 hand pinch using adjustable pinch device -standard rules (rising Bar, 4 attempts)

3. 2" thick bar deadlift. normal grip contest rules on this, none of that "man lovin the bar" to get it up. (Rising Bar, 4 attempts)

4. Hammer levering from floor, 4 lifts max lift

5. Reverse bending to 40 degrees, standard rules 3 bends

6. The make it fair for the skinny little guy event- duel RT overhead hold for time. We thought about doing this over an Alligator pit, but a few minor legal items got in the way ;)

Or a RT Herc hold for time, If I can get some ideas on making the contraption

We plan on having hand sizes to break up the Large and small hands

$30 bucks to get into the action, should be enough to pay for all of the food and misc other items.

Edited by madss
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I'm in! Well, without the alligators :blush .

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Scott, is the levering to the front or to the rear?

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Scott, is the levering to the front or to the rear?

Eric, it's going to be to the front using a pad under the hand. The head of the hammer will rotate up to 90°

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Scott, is the levering to the front or to the rear?

Eric, it's going to be to the front using a pad under the hand. The head of the hammer will rotate up to 90°

Scott - I assume just one hand? I have a two hand adjustable sledge set up that you are welcome to use if you want. Also a single set up already made up. You are of course welcome to either.

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Scott, is the levering to the front or to the rear?

Eric, it's going to be to the front using a pad under the hand. The head of the hammer will rotate up to 90°

Scott - I assume just one hand? I have a two hand adjustable sledge set up that you are welcome to use if you want. Also a single set up already made up. You are of course welcome to either.

Thanks Chris We can mess around with it at Gripmas and see if it something we can use. I like the Idea of both hands at the same time. Thanks!

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Sounds like a good time!


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6. The make it fair for the skinny little guy event- duel RT overhead hold for time.

Scott, Every contest should have one or more of those type of events, sign me up!. ;)

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Barring a strongman contest or this being the closing day of duck season I'll be there. Sounds like fun.

If you guys want the logo just let me know. I've got the disk here at home.

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Thanks Smitty! I hope that everyone from beginners to defending champ Chad Woodall will attend, there'll be no shortage of fun and great competition here!

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You supply the pit and I'll bring the Alligators -lol

I have probably relapsed to normalness in all things requiring strength but I would love to meet some of the fellas I have grown to respect in the grip game. I hope to get up there this year.

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You supply the pit and I'll bring the Alligators -lol

I have probably relapsed to normalness in all things requiring strength but I would love to meet some of the fellas I have grown to respect in the grip game. I hope to get up there this year.

If anyone could pull off the gators, it would be you Walter :rock It would be an honor to have you up with or without those trap doors of pain.

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Sounds like a good time!


Hope you can make it Bobby, DC's not too far from here. And you can escape the cold for a spell!

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Is the Feb. 2nd a set date or still in the planning stages

Would like to start making plans for the trip

Yea I think we are pretty set on Feb. 2.

It would be great to have ya here!!

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Everyone mark your calenders: Saturday Feb. 16, 2008 is when the contest will be held. We'll post the address when we secure it.

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like I'll have to sit this one out, guys. Tom K. just announced that the South Atlantic contest will be that same day in Columbia.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok a few changes to the Tarheel. Sorry I have been a little distracted from this due to work.

1. we are doing the grippers in chokers and calibrated with the RGC . Chris's Gripmas more then confirmed this may be the way for all contest. easy to see and perfect for all hand sizes. I also loved the calibrated weights. smooth and progressive, no more of that hard 3 easy 3 non since.

2. 2-hand pinch, standard euro-style setup not much changing

3. not doing a v-bar 2" nor 1" sorry for all you vbar lovers

4. Axle pull will be on my custom 2" solid bar, its slightly knurled but I don't think it helps it roll out. also this will be from a knee highish rack. trying to save some backs, we will see how this works.

5. Reverse bending, standard rules. trying to figure out increments now

6. Chris's medley has inspired us to come up with something similar but different if you know what I mean. ;)

Let us know if you are coming so we can figure on a head count. this may decide event location.

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Ok a few changes to the Tarheel. Sorry I have been a little distracted from this due to work.

1. we are doing the grippers in chokers and calibrated with the RGC . Chris's Gripmas more then confirmed this may be the way for all contest. easy to see and perfect for all hand sizes. I also loved the calibrated weights. smooth and progressive, no more of that hard 3 easy 3 non since.

2. 2-hand pinch, standard euro-style setup not much changing

3. not doing a v-bar 2" nor 1" sorry for all you vbar lovers

4. Axle pull will be on my custom 2" solid bar, its slightly knurled but I don't think it helps it roll out. also this will be from a knee highish rack. trying to save some backs, we will see how this works.

5. Reverse bending, standard rules. trying to figure out increments now

6. Chris's medley has inspired us to come up with something similar but different if you know what I mean. ;)

Let us know if you are coming so we can figure on a head count. this may decide event location.

On the Axle pull - consider boxes that the plates sit on over a rack to raise it up - easier to transport to the competition site than a rack and while I really doubt anything would bend a solid bar but hitting pins could mess up the knurling at the least. Just a thought.

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Scott, we contested a double overhand deadlift off a rack set above knee level at the first Gripboard Grip Bash and I discovered it's very easy to rest the bar on your legs and then sort of do a partial squat with it, eliminating much of the grip factor. Trying to judge if someone is doing this and to what degree could get tricky. I was able to do about 100 pounds more using this technique. If you set the bar below knee level this really isn't that much of a problem.

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Scott, we contested a double overhand deadlift off a rack set above knee level at the first Gripboard Grip Bash and I discovered it's very easy to rest the bar on your legs and then sort of do a partial squat with it, eliminating much of the grip factor. Trying to judge if someone is doing this and to what degree could get tricky. I was able to do about 100 pounds more using this technique. If you set the bar below knee level this really isn't that much of a problem.

Ah, so it's pretty to hitch when the bar is above the knee. That's something to think about, thanks Eric. We'd like to get an idea of how many will be competing.....?

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