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Complete N00bie Needs A Training Routine


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Hi, i am completely new to grip training, my Ivanko super gripper arrived today.

Can anyone please suggest a routine using just this piece of kit.


P.S. Am I supposed to repeatedly open and close it or close and hold? If hold, how long for?

Edited by underspray
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Step 1, don't just specialise in grippers, even if that's all you're interested in, you won't close the #4 without utilising other aspects of grip.

Step 2, read the FAQ section, particularly this bit http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=12608

Step 3, use the ISG on the heaviest setting you can.

Happy gripping.

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You could have found that yourself. Read. Read. Read. Then ask, but remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, as long as you've researched it first.

Step 1 is VERY important. I trained almost only with grippers for my first 6 months. I really, really repent that.
HA! I did it for 4 years! You'd think, at my age, and with my experience, I'd've known better!

There's a reason David Horne's so respected, he gave me about a years worth of advice in a 1 hour lunch!

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