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Bending, Weight Loss, And Layoffs


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I just thought I'd share the results of losing lots of weight and doing minimal bending as it relates to my strength. A couple of months ago I decided I wanted to diet down from 220 to 185. I've since decided to maintain my current weight of 192 and start competing in powerlifting again. I've doing only one or two submaximal bends every week or two. The only other grip I've trained is thick bar dumbbell deadlifts. To my surprise I was able to finish off an Edgin today, although it was a long hard fight. At the peak of my bending strength I was able to do the Edgin cut to 6.5", although that took somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes. A lot of the weight I've lost is fat from the midsection, but I've definitely lost some muscle, too. My squat has dropped 80 pounds and my benchpress about 30 pounds. So it appears that my bending has been able to maintain a relatively high percentage of its original strength level. Not a scientific study here or anything, but I just found it interesting.

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Would this make you the lightest Edgin bender?

Pat weighs less, I believe.

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Very interesting Eric. Thanks for that update. I'm going down in weight too. Hope to be around your weight in 3 or 4 months. Course I won't be bending DO. But I'll do the occasional DU to see where I'm at.

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I have lost weight from 270 to 240. DO has definitely improved for me because my flexibility is better now that my shoulders/arms aren't so big.

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You know I've noticed that I don't lose a great deal of bending strength and sometimes even gain some with long layoffs. Go figure.

Great job and congrats.


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I think the thick bar work kept my crush for bending and general grip strength in good shape. The bench pressing has certainly helped, as well. But I did notice feeling a little flimsy in the wrists at about the 100 to 80 degree range today. And my technique certainly felt off. That's part of the reason for the excess amount of time it took. I had to fumble a bit to find the groove in the various portions of the bend. So for me, several bends per week are definitely needed to keep the groove greased.

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How heavy were you at the Show of Hands 2 ?

That's back when I was still "big". I was about 215 - 220.

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I have lost 12pds lately. Going through a seperation/divorce stuff with the ex wife. I lost it from stress. When I am stressed, I don't eat. I have not lifted in a week and over the past month, maybe 1 per week. My strength seems to be maintaining, which is a good thing, but size, not so much. Sux, since I was almost 180pds. I am five feet, 4 inches, so now i am 169pds and everyone tells me I look good? I am like, your nuts. I don't want to be leaner or whatever, I want to be bigger :))) :blink

I have to get back into bending, since I miss it so much. I just have not done it, since I have been so stressed. Some might say, since I am stressed, I should be bending more, since to get the aggresion out of me. True, but when doing not doing everything right, such as sleeping, eatings, etc, one does not feel as strong, physcially and mentally to do things. I have to try some out this week..

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