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Shortest Grade 5 Ever Bent Du?


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Today I got on video a 3.75" G5 (from FBBC) DU to 57 degrees in 16 seconds. Worked on one a bit yesterday too and got a good kink in it. Did my best DU bending ever today, not even counting this shorty G5. Old Red Nail (Scott Harris knows which one I'm talking about), New 7" Bastard, and a 5" Grade 8. All were to a tad over 40 degrees within the 30 second time limit. Also did some other good DU bends.

I started a diet today to lose a bunch of fat. My strength will go down, so I wanted to see what I could do right now. I'm fat in the video but felt very strong today. I'm also training for the 2008 GGC and it will be a reverse bending event. Dropping my DU focus for a while but I think I'll eventually come back to it and cert on some big bends. I'll do some light (5" G5) DU bends maybe once every few weeks just to keep that strength level. Also kinked a Hexabastard to 5 or 10 degrees today DU. Might have gotten it without all that other bending. There were a lot of warmups. I had targeted this 3.75" G5 for a week or more because I thought it would be a truly magnificent DU bend. Wish I was at Booyah's level with the harder stuff, but I have a knack for short G5 DU bending and I ran with it. Now I'm going to try to bring my reverse up to a respectable level for next year's contest.

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Edit: I am not able to upload it to YouTube. Invalid file format. Thought I'd be able to with my new broadband. I also used Windows Movie Maker.

This is a lot to ask, but would anyone be willing to let me send them the video via e-mail and then edit it for me and load it if possible to YouTube? That would be great. I would like my fellow benders to be able to see this. It's not a DU Bastard or anything special like that, but it's special in its own way I think. Maybe it'll spark a few more to start training DU again.


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Very incredible Ben!!!

I already think 5" is too short to handle but 3.75" is really insane!!! :rock

Edited by White Scorpion
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3.75" is a fantastic bend.

Well done matey.

Email me the details of the 5" G8 bolt and I'll put that up on the site, and when I can view the Bastard bar I can put that up as well.



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Wow that's just crazy! Great job Ben on all those bends.


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Thats short! Well done.

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Just call him "Shorty" :blink

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Wow, Fantastic bending Ben!!! :rock

Can't wait to see em'.

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Man, 3.75" of anything double underhand is crazy. Doing that with a grade 5 bolt is just insane.

I don't have time to do video conversion right now, but if you want to email me the video, I can throw it online for a file download.

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Thanks guys! I'm trying to send the video now. Broadband is great but I lost some ability to send files from my webcam that I'm trying to correct right now.

David, I appreciate the offer of adding the 5" Grade 8, but since I didn't get it on video I think I'll just pass on that since there's no witness. Late next year if I focus on it again it'll come back to me. Plus a heck of a lot more I think. The Bastard I didn't get on tape. I'm not even disappointed though. Kind of feeling zen-like with some of these bends. They're what I've wanted for a while (although I've done a Red and Bastard before) and now that they're in the bag I'm feeling good.

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Thanks guys! I'm trying to send the video now. Broadband is great but I lost some ability to send files from my webcam that I'm trying to correct right now.

David, I appreciate the offer of adding the 5" Grade 8, but since I didn't get it on video I think I'll just pass on that since there's no witness. Late next year if I focus on it again it'll come back to me. Plus a heck of a lot more I think. The Bastard I didn't get on tape. I'm not even disappointed though. Kind of feeling zen-like with some of these bends. They're what I've wanted for a while (although I've done a Red and Bastard before) and now that they're in the bag I'm feeling good.

Ben, just upload it to rapidshare.com (if under 50mb)

If you send me the link to it I can convert it (I should be able to) and put it online for you if still necessary.

- Mark

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A 3.75 grd 5 bolt DU is just plain SICK :rock Can't wait to see it!!!

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Thats ridiculous! :bow

Can't wait to see it.

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That's a great bend, Ben!

By the way, is 3.75" the total length, or is that the distance from the tip to the bottom of the head?

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That's a great bend, Ben!

By the way, is 3.75" the total length, or is that the distance from the tip to the bottom of the head?

Thanks again guys! I did manage to send that e-mail with the video in it.

I cut the head off the G5 on video, so it's total length is 3.75" and it was headless. Believe me there's a ton of pressure on those bolt heads when you go that short. I felt like it was going to come through those wraps. I broke the head off of a few Easy 60D Nails when I cut them to 3.5" and bent then earlier.

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I uploaded the video for you. Just check out my channel on youtube. It is still processing so give it a few minutes, I guess, and it should be ready.Here's the embed code.<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="

</param> <embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
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