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Grip Equipment Standard Dimensions?


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are there sizes of grip kit that are recognised as "standard"? My question was inspired by the desire to obtain a pinch grip block and my ignorance of the thickness I should ask my local engineering firm for. Should I base the thickness on two 45lb plates? Or should I replicate the Ironmind Blockbuster (3")? Or is there another recognised size for pinch grip blocks?

I have the same sort of question about V bars. What length should I go for? What diameter? Is there a standard weight for these? I have been inspired by some awesome lifts by some contributors here, and want to get in amongst them.

I am guessing that the BHSA will have a set of rules/laws on the size of kit for official events, but is there anything out there at the moment? Or could someone "in the know" post and pin a list of relevant sizes, diameters, etc. please? Or point me in the right direction? Cheers.


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are there sizes of grip kit that are recognised as "standard"? My question was inspired by the desire to obtain a pinch grip block and my ignorance of the thickness I should ask my local engineering firm for. Should I base the thickness on two 45lb plates? Or should I replicate the Ironmind Blockbuster (3")? Or is there another recognised size for pinch grip blocks?

There is no "standard" as such. What to buy - depends on your goals I'd say. If two 45s are your goal, buy something to match. Three 25s - same thing. Competition in your future - look at the Euro pinch options. Pretty much 44mm to 64 mm in size or the inch equivalent of those.

I have the same sort of question about V bars. What length should I go for? What diameter? Is there a standard weight for these? I have been inspired by some awesome lifts by some contributors here, and want to get in amongst them.

V-bars are 25mm x 24" for LGC and 1" x 24" FBBC - they are the standards.

I am guessing that the BHSA will have a set of rules/laws on the size of kit for official events, but is there anything out there at the moment? Or could someone "in the know" post and pin a list of relevant sizes, diameters, etc. please? Or point me in the right direction? Cheers.


I'll try to answer any more specific questions if I can.

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Hi Climber,

that's brilliant thank you, just what I needed.

I am not sure what my goals are in pinching... glad you asked that because it's making me think now! Two 45s would be nice but they are rare around here. Looks like I might go for the extremes of the Euro pinch dimensions you gave, at least to begin with. Talking of 45s makes me wonder on the accepted/official dimensions of their hubs too now. Would you be able to help there?

One small question on the V bar info — I recognise FBBC but not LGC, could you expand on that please? Not that it makes that much difference looking at the dimensions, however!

Once again, many thanks. There's so much variety in grip kit (thank goodness) I was a bit unsure where to begin.



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Hi Climber,

that's brilliant thank you, just what I needed.

I am not sure what my goals are in pinching... glad you asked that because it's making me think now! Two 45s would be nice but they are rare around here. Looks like I might go for the extremes of the Euro pinch dimensions you gave, at least to begin with. Talking of 45s makes me wonder on the accepted/official dimensions of their hubs too now. Would you be able to help there?

There are no official dimensions on hubs - the old York plates were the original and are no longer made. People are hub lifting all kinds of plates now. IronMinds hub lift doesn't seem to match any particular plate either.

One small question on the V bar info — I recognise FBBC but not LGC, could you expand on that please? Not that it makes that much difference looking at the dimensions, however!

Loddekopinge Grip Challenge, Sweden. I believe but am not sure that the LGC v-bar name came from here. Others will know better than I on this.

Once again, many thanks. There's so much variety in grip kit (thank goodness) I was a bit unsure where to begin.



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Hi Climber,

that's brilliant thank you, just what I needed.

I am not sure what my goals are in pinching... glad you asked that because it's making me think now! Two 45s would be nice but they are rare around here. Looks like I might go for the extremes of the Euro pinch dimensions you gave, at least to begin with. Talking of 45s makes me wonder on the accepted/official dimensions of their hubs too now. Would you be able to help there?

One small question on the V bar info — I recognise FBBC but not LGC, could you expand on that please? Not that it makes that much difference looking at the dimensions, however!

Once again, many thanks. There's so much variety in grip kit (thank goodness) I was a bit unsure where to begin.



First a little search, then a little post... the Euro pinch is adjustable for example

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One more, thanks Climber.

First a little search, then a little post... the Euro pinch is adjustable for example

Steve, hope you didn't think I was just being lazy and asking rather than searching about for info. Why I asked is because I had had a look and found all sorts of different sized kit being used and wanted to know from the "ironhorse's" mouths what the accepted standards are.

I've had a dig around since Climber's first post and found the euro pinch set up here: Two Hand Pinch (Euro Set) but it doesn't tell me the diameter of the disc, which I am guessing is important given the requirement to lift to the bar.

The thread here: Aussie strength gives the thicknesses of the plates, which is good but again doesn't give the diameter.

Sorry if I'm a pain!


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