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Worlds Strongest Man


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I was just thinking it would be cool to see the guys that compete in the "worlds strongest man" comps try and close big grippers.

I'm not sure if they've all tried them or just Magnus? It'd be great to see guys like Marius and Phil Phiester try them out. I remember Manfreb Hoeberl crushing coke cans on the show years ago. I think he would ha got a #3 first time.

Do you guys think any of them would get the #3.5 or #4? I know that gripper strengh is very specific but these guys handle so much weight in the hands they must have awsome grips.

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I read somewhere that Svend Karlsen tried a #3 and got 1/2" from closing it.

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I was just thinking it would be cool to see the guys that compete in the "worlds strongest man" comps try and close big grippers.

I'm not sure if they've all tried them or just Magnus? It'd be great to see guys like Marius and Phil Phiester try them out. I remember Manfreb Hoeberl crushing coke cans on the show years ago. I think he would ha got a #3 first time.

Do you guys think any of them would get the #3.5 or #4? I know that gripper strengh is very specific but these guys handle so much weight in the hands they must have awsome grips.

Manfred Hoeberl is a CoC.

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I read Terry Hollands say he tried grippers and within a couple of weeks got the #3 but found them "about as exciting as tying your shoelaces"

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I read Terry Hollands say he tried grippers and within a couple of weeks got the #3 but found them "about as exciting as tying your shoelaces"

i'd probably be bored of them if i closed a #3 within a few weeks! i'd be like 'hey, what's the big deal!'

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i reckon the best two grip guys in strongmen (an possibly the world) are phil pfister an mark felix, both of which couldn't use normal grippers, there hands are simply too big, coc grippers are not meant for hands that size, the HG400 an HG500 would most likely be ok though, hopefully ill see mark at another contest somewhen an see what he can do with em

im now a competitve strongman, an to me strongman an grip are basically the same thing, they go 'hand in hand' - a better grip = a better strongman > phil pfister an mark felix are right at the top of the world as far as BOTH strongman and hand/forearm strength goes

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Does anyone know if Marius has tried grippers? That guy's a beast!

It would be interesting to see how big an effect steroids or hgh use(whatever it was he was caught with) has on grip strength... Or, as I'd expect, how little an effect on grip strength it has. He'd probably fair as well as Karlsen.

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...But it is kinda strange seeing pro strongmen not be able to fully close the #3 even for the first time they touch it, if you consider all the hard work they do with farmer walk's , the holds and all the super heavy and awkward objects that carry around toss - pull - push - move and lift during the events and their training.....of course despite the fact that some of them cannot fully close the #3 i believe that they have the strongest hands (from shoulder to the pniky finger ) on the planet...I would not like to have my hand squeezed by Marius , or Magnus (he closed a #4 for God's shake)...... :whacked:whacked

Edited by Blackheart
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...But it is kinda strange seeing pro strongmen not be able to fully close the #3 even for the first time they touch it, if you consider all the hard work they do with farmer walk's , the holds and all the super heavy and awkward objects that carry around toss - pull - push - move and lift during the events and their training.....of course despite the fact that some of them cannot fully close the #3 i believe that they have the strongest hands (from shoulder to the pniky finger ) on the planet...I would not like to have my hand squeezed by Marius , or Magnus (he closed a #4 for God's shake)...... :whacked:whacked

I think that's because grippers need to be specifically trained for!

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Odd Haugen has one of the best grips in Strongman. He was in a grip contest with around 10 of us from this board in Los Angeles in November 2006. He does not do "gripper work".

We had around a dozen different levels of grippers in the contest, with around 3 between a 2 and a 3. He easily closed a #2, and I don't remember if he failed at closing a SuperMaster, or if he did not try it, but a No Set 2 close was what his score was based on.

I hear stories all the time about this Strongman who did this, or this pro athlete who did that, and I think that's what most of them are, stories.

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Grip strength takes many forms and Strongmen probably have the best supporting grips around due to the events they train for - this may or may not carry over to things like pinch, grippers etc. Now they are going to be a lot stronger than the average guy on the street but not up to a specialist level more than likely. That's not to say that if they took a serious interest, they wouldn't make very good progress on them. These are some of the strongest men on earth overall - a dedicated effort should yield some serious results but who knows. I always find it interesting how peoples strengths can vary so much from one thing to another. Specialization comes at a price usually - becoming evenly strong all across the board is very difficult if not impossible.

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my friend today the first time hes ever touched a number 3 got it to like 1/4 inch from close from a no set, i tihnk its jut leverage and with a set he'd close it no problem. But of course the people who have great natural stregnth are never interested in pursuing grippers

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my friend today the first time hes ever touched a number 3 got it to like 1/4 inch from close from a no set, i tihnk its jut leverage and with a set he'd close it no problem. But of course the people who have great natural stregnth are never interested in pursuing grippers

WOW!!! Your friend is strong. What does he do for a living? You normaly find people with a naturaly strong grip do jobs that require the hands.

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I'd say strongmen have strongger grips than the average guy on the street, but most of our events are geared to support vs. crush. Brian Schoonveld can close a #3 either hand pretty much any time NS. Seen it plenty of times. the Gillinghams have all closed #3's, Karl, Brad, Wade & even their dad. Most guys don't train it because we don't need it. I train grip (very irregularly) and with a little regular training, I can get my old single stamp #3 to 1/8 or less. Some of the guys hands are so thick that grippers are hard for them.

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Does anyone know if Marius has tried grippers? That guy's a beast!

At the GNC Show of Strength in 2004...I worked the NASS booth with Jessie Marunde and Jessie had his #1,#2,#3, and his #4 grippers laying on the table for strongman and spectators to try. Marius, and Dymek(sp?) both tried the #2 and #3. They got the #2 but not even close on the #3. Jessie picked up the #3 and destroyed it ofcourse and Marius just shook his head and walked off and smiled at Jessie. Fun times hanging out with these guys.

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I believe building a high level of supporting grip strength on various thicknesses forms a good foundation where to build on with more specific exercises, such as grippers. I think there certainly is a good carryover, but the last final bit on closing a gripper is what needs to be trained more if closing hard grippers is a desirable goal. In such events as WSM however, I don't think it makes that much of a difference whether you can close the #4 or get it down to 1/4" of closing.

Edited by Teemu I
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I believe if they dont use gripper on a regular baisis they probably wont close a coc3 in the first time .. but this doesnt mean their hands are not very powerfull! i think the Ironmind and other companies should try to contact WSM guys , and bring grippers to the events and why not give the guys a prize money for coc3 or coc4 close?

Once Jedd Jonhson or other guy at Diesel crew wrote that grip events are just in a primitive phase.. wich means in a short period of time we will see toons of guys closing coc3 if the concept of gripper become MORE popular..

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I think a lot of strongmen could close a #3 the first time they tried it, if they really gave a crap to learn how to put it in the hand, etc. Hell I gave my uncle a #3 to try one time and he no setted it to around a quarter inch. He's a lineman for a power company in Texas and doesn't train his grip specifically at all although he is pretty strong in the gym.

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What would be a more fair test of crushing strength for WSM guys would be a hand dyno. Grippers require training the hand in a way that isn't natural for most people and strength through an unatural range of motion - near full extension to near full flexion. How many activities in sport or life for that matter require strength in this range of motion? How many activities in sport or life require dynamic flexion of the hand through a full ROM? Very few - most activities require static hand strength and that is why a 325 pound WSM competitor will do much better with a Rolling Thunder handle than a torsion spring gripper.


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