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What Kinda Sand


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I was wondering what kinda sand do people use for their sandbag training? My brother got 200 lbs of all purpose sand and there is sand coming out of the IM inner bags.

The tops are duct taped and tied off so we know it's not going from the top. Now is this always going to happen with the sand or is there a certain type of sand to use.



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Sandbag Construction Kit Article

This pdf is similar to Scotts but provides pictures and brandnames of the types of bags/baggies to buy. Very well done. I made a sandbag that was just like this. I made 4 - 25lb hefty bags and then made about 30 of the freezer baggie type bags so I could adjust the weight a little easier. Plus they slide around a little more. good luck...

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I like my sandbags loose and with a lot of movement.

I use old chain with small weght plates thrown in.

No inner bags needed.

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I like my sandbags loose and with a lot of movement.

I use old chain with small weght plates thrown in.

No inner bags needed.

Well then you're pretty hardcore.. I'm not willingly to take the chance of the weight come crashing down on my shoulder or hit me in the face..

Also what part of Georgia are you from?

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surely the type of sand makes no difference for bagging. putting it in smaller internal bags, makes good sense as its easy to adjust the size/weight of the big, external bag. small pea gravel also works, and is alot easier to clean-up should a bag break. rice is another cheap alternative, a 20kg bag costs pennies from china town. i have heard that some boxing gyms, fill heavy bags with rice. again its easier to clean-up than sand.

sand-bagging is cool. cleans, front squats and shoulder squats are my favorites.

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