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5.5 X 5/16" Fbbc.


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So I found a bunch of old FBBC stock I had left over. There 5.5" and I never came close to bending one when I first got them. I think back and I remember this stock being very hard. I was barely able to finish a 6" piece. This was probibly around early 2004 to 2005 somewhere. Anyway, I recently got a new shipment from FBBC and to my surprise I was able to take down a 5.5"er fairly easy. So, I figured I would go for one of these old peices and see just how much stronger I have really gotten. Well I think the video speaks for itself, but as the video shows, the old stuff is way way harder then the new stock. I barely warped it. Again, it goes to show how much CRS can vary. This would lend a hand to the recent ideas of new IM reds being harder then a Bastard, which is probibly true at this point.

I figured I would share this with everyone, because I found it to be very interesting. I mean no offense to anyone nor is my intention to take away from any persons feats when I say this, but I personally I feel that bends done with the old stock are much more impressive then with the current FBBC stock. That goes for myself as well. I mean, look at the 2005 top 50 list and see where I Huge bastard gets you, and look at it for 2006-07. Thats a 12 spot difference.

This now makes me want to try some SHiny stock to see where I feel it falls in comparison to the new and old CRS from FBBC.

Well, thats that. I hope everyones bending is going well! Love the pain!


Edited by Anuwbius
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My friend maximus sent me a bastard long time ago (probably it's the older bastard) that is very very hard compared to the new bastards. My best on the new bastard is 12 seconds to 1 inch. But my best with the old bastard is a small kink. By the way, nice job on the Grand!

Edited by Alawadhi
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I wonder about the 1/4 inch square stock now. Would it be even easier than it was before or is it now as hard or harder than the 5/16 round? If anything is consistant though it would probably be the shiny stuff. Anybody tried any now 1/4 inch square that's also bent the older stock?


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I wonder about the 1/4 inch square stock now. Would it be even easier than it was before or is it now as hard or harder than the 5/16 round? If anything is consistant though it would probably be the shiny stuff. Anybody tried any now 1/4 inch square that's also bent the older stock?


Yes. They calibrate within 5 pounds of each other. Bending the two feels about identical.

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So can we now assume that the 1/4 square feels about as tough as a bastard bar? The newer bastards I mean that calibrated at 385 lbs.


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Eric I am curios as to the calibration of the 1/4" Square Strainless lengths from 7" down to 4.5". I couldn't find it in the search funtion so I am not sure if it has been calibrated?

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a bastard bar is way harder than a 1/4 square.

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So can we now assume that the 1/4 square feels about as tough as a bastard bar? The newer bastards I mean that calibrated at 385 lbs.


The bastard is way harder than the sq. Even if they are at the same poundage level. But I am not sure maybe at the 2 inch the sq is harder on the crushdown. Let my elbows heal then I will try it. And comparing the new sq to the old ones I say the new one are harder than the old ones. My friend maximus sent me some 1/4 sq and they feel easy comparing to the new ones.

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Nice observation Anuwbius and BTW Nice bend on that new Grand Bastard :rock I would love to see you bend a Shiny. Your bending videos really got me going a while back. Thanks for the inspirations!!! Keep the Vids coming :rock

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Nice Work on the Grand Bastard Ethan thats a great bend regardless of the stock you can only do whats infront of you buddy :D Its another piece of steel youve conquered.

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Well, it's changed again, the pretty shiny stuff we had for a while is gone & we're back to the darker stuff. I might send a few along to Eric & see what he thinks.

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I finally got some FBBC stainless steel stuff so yesterday I decided to give some of it a shot.

FBBC stainless steel 1/4" Square back to back bends, man this stainless stuff loves to get mean in the final crush down but so do I! ----:tongue




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Eric I am curios as to the calibration of the 1/4" Square Strainless lengths from 7" down to 4.5". I couldn't find it in the search funtion so I am not sure if it has been calibrated?

I seem to remember it calibrating almost identical to the other FBBC square, but it was a little tougher on the crush.

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nice bends there Gator. 2 easy =D

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I seem to remember it calibrating almost identical to the other FBBC square, but it was a little tougher on the crush.


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Oh man John that shiny stuff was great. Looked awesome when bent. Oh well. I bet the new stuff will be harder. I've got some 5/16 CRS that Eric calibrated at 445 lbs and it's pretty dark. Have you ever checked on 11/32 steel? That might make a good step for alot of people. I know Eric calibrated that size at 550 lbs for someone else.



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Oh man John that shiny stuff was great. Looked awesome when bent. Oh well. I bet the new stuff will be harder. I've got some 5/16 CRS that Eric calibrated at 445 lbs and it's pretty dark. Have you ever checked on 11/32 steel? That might make a good step for alot of people. I know Eric calibrated that size at 550 lbs for someone else.



Tim didn't you know I was the steel whore. I had him calibrate some 11/32 for me. the 7x11/32 came out at 550# and the 6.5 at I think 625 or 640 cant remember which. there is a post about it somewhere. its good stuff. I got some 11/32 stainless coming I just picked up too.

- Aaron

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